July 15, 2020
Global Survey:
One Health Networks and Workforce Response to COVID-19
Dear Colleague,
A global survey, One Health Networks and Workforce Response to COVID-19, is now launched! You are invited to take the following two actions:

1) Complete the survey based on your experience.

2) Forward this email and survey link to colleagues and other interested persons in your networks.

Responses are encouraged whether or not you work in One Health or are part of a One Health Network. The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is 10 minutes. It will remain open until 5:00 PM EDT Friday, August 14, 2020.

The objective of this collaborative study is to describe the contributions of the diverse workforce to the COVID-19 pandemic and the connection of One Health networks (OHNs) to workforce response activities. The results will expand the understanding of the value of a One Health approach and the role of OHNs. Results will be utilized to develop targeted interventions to improve workforce capacity for public health response to the COVID-19 and future pandemics. 

Participation is voluntary. By submitting your answers, you consent to the use of this data for the research purposes indicated.

For more information, please see the Participant Information Sheet (https://tinyurl.com/yd6b2zl9)

This is a project of the One Health Commission (OHC, https://www.onehealthcommission.org/ ) and the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP, https://onehealthejp.eu/ ), in partnership with the World Health Organization's Global Outbreak and Response Network (WHO-GOARN, https://extranet.who.int/goarn/ ).

Thank you for your assistance in this global effort. If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. Cheryl Stroud, One Health Commission cstroud@onehealthcommission.org
Dr. Pikka Jokelainen, One Health European Joint Project PIJO@ssi.dk
Dr. Victor del Rio Vilas, WHO-Global Outreach and Response Network delriov@who.int
This message is shared by the One Health Commission .
One Health Commission | Phone: +1.984.500.893| www.onehealthcommission.org