Celebrating Life,
Empowering People,
Caring for One Another,
Helping to Build a Better World

September 2021

Sunday Services are
in-person at 10:30 am

Past services are archived on the

September 5th
SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Julie Brock and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Judy Withee
MUSIC: Sally Jones, Roger Corman

Honoring Labor

The Buddist 8-fold path asks us to engage in"right livelihood," which asks us integrate our work into our whole selves, and make our work part of living our precepts (ethics). Meaningful ethical work feels like something most of us would want to engage in. People who don't engage in meaningful ethical work are often highlighted as problematic parts of society. But does everyone have access to meaningful ethical work? Can we expect people to spend most of their lives doing work that is unsafe, demeaning, and/or menial? Let's talk about labor and its impact on our lives, as we celebrate Labor Day together.
September 12th
SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Julie Brock and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Aphrodite Bellochio
MUSIC: John Ray, Roger Corman


Come join the UUCSR community for our annual Ingathering ceremony. This Sunday will be multi-generational and we will perform our traditional water communion ritual. No need to bring water - water will be provided.
September 19th
SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Julie Brock and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Richard Senghas
MUSIC: Roger Corman


We harvest what we plant. Each year during harvest time, we dig up that which we planted the year before. Those of us who don't harvest grain or vegetables still have things come up in our lives that are the result of the seeds we've planted - be those seeds intentions, relationships, or projects. What could be possible if we were as intentional about our planting as those who sow seeds? What could next year's harvest look like if we think about what will nourish us this time next year, and actively seek it?
September 26th
SERVICE LEADERS: Rev. Bonnie Dlott and Era Capone
with Worship Associate Linda Lampson
MUSIC: Roger Corman

Our Wildest Dreams

If someone had met our guest preacher today back when she was in college and told her that one day she would enter the professional ministry, she would have laughed out loud, as she was busily preparing for a career in the biosciences. Now, some four decades later, and twenty years into the ministry, she wonders what made her so determined to follow that particular path, even when other, possibly better choices were available. What keeps us from embracing different possibilities and outcomes, and how can our faith help us think about this?

Sunday Service Information
Health Advisory Team Update - As the COVID pandemic continues to play out, HAT meets weekly to review the latest public health guidance and recommend safety measures for Sunday services. At present, the county's indoor mask mandate remains in force. For the Congregation, that applies to anyone age 2 and up. Only those presenting on the chancel will lower their masks and utilize a face shield for the duration of their presentations. Congregational singing will be done while masked. While it is the hope to soon bring back coffee and cookie service, and group and committee tables, at this time they are being held back to avoid close contact. HAT strongly recommends that unvaccinated congregants, and those with health concerns, participate in Sunday services via Zoom rather than in-person. The Health Advisory Team is represented by Veronica Jordan, Susan Thollaug, and Gretchen Vap advising Reverend Julie, Era Capone, and Kate Taylor.
Flower Committee - With the reopening, the UUCSR Flower Committee is pleased to offer a beautiful floral display for our chancel and the front table. The committee is looking for new members with creativity, and a love of our church and flowers. What a combination! Make friends and connect with the church community. No flower arranging experience needed. Training by veteran members will be provided. Flowers are not required either! The committee has members who share their gardens and we have a small budget to reimburse flower purchases. We have simplified the schedule and the number of arrangements. Come a little early on Sunday and make something beautiful once or twice a month. It a wonderful way to support our UU congregation and beautify our service in a a very rewarding way. For more information, email Mary Keefe at [email protected] or call 517-281-5700.
Share-the-Basket Collection - We are back to sharing the collection with organizations selected by Advocates for Justice for their important work in their communities. Along with in-person services comes the need for volunteers to count the collected funds following Sunday services. The procedures have recently been clarified and revised, and now all that is needed is a handful of Sunday regulars that will share in this role. Two non-related counters are needed each Sunday. Please contact Kate Taylor if you'd like to learn more or are ready to volunteer: [email protected].
Kitchen Committee - Had you served on the Kitchen Committee before the COVID shut-down? Even though we're not yet ready for coffee and cookie service, let's regroup and begin to look ahead. Please reach out to Kate Taylor if you were the chair or a member of the most recent Kitchen Committee: [email protected].
Ushers and Greeters - Jami Kerr is seeking friendly faces to serve as ushers and greeters for Sunday services. Because COVID remains a significant concern, it is requested that only vaccinated people serve in this role for the time being. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. To volunteer, please contact Jami at [email protected].
(Be sure to click "view entire message" if prompted by your email service!)
  • Words from the Minister
  • President's Message
  • Board of Trustees Update
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Religious Education / Family Ministry
  • Director's Notes
  • Sustaining Pledge Message
  • From the Diversity Project
  • Share the Basket/Advocates for Social Justice
  • Musical Notes
  • Social Groups & Events
  • Committees & Working Groups
  • Soul Matters

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to stay abreast of the latest news and events

Words from the Minister

Wow! My first ever newsletter article. It’s official, I’m here! It has been wonderful getting to know so many of you already. I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful welcome basket Larisa Ashley dropped off for me. There was fresh baked bread and home grown veggies, handwritten cards, and of course, a bottle of Sonoma county wine! My family and I are enjoying getting to know all of you, and I thought it might be helpful if, in this article, I let you know how to get a hold of me!

I am in the office Tuesdays through Thursdays, and the best way to get a hold of me is to choose a time on my calendar by following this link: https://calendly.com/revjeb. Friday is my writing day, and I don’t take meetings or go to events on my writing day. Saturday is for events, meetings, and appointments as scheduled. Sunday is my favorite day, when I get to see as many of you as possible. Monday is my Sabbath day, when I won’t respond to email or text unless it is a real emergency.  I can serve you all so much better if make sure I have a little time each week to tend my spirit and see my family.

I can also be gotten a hold of at [email protected]. This was Rev. Chris’s old email, and you’ll have to change his name to mine in the contacts. I’ve noticed this congregation really likes long emails with lots of pondering. I am dyslexic, which means longer communication through text isn’t my favorite. I also find it is easy to “talk” past one another and difficult to have good conversation over email.  I like email for quick questions or clarifications. For longer conversations, I prefer to speak in person, on Zoom, or even on the phone. You can schedule Zoom and phone chats at https://calendly.com/revjeb as well!
I look forward to getting to know you all better, and doing the work of building beloved community. 

In Faith,
Rev. Julie 

President's Message
Moving at the Speed of “Church”
(I know, I know…don’t get freaked out by the term “church”. It just sounds better than “Moving at the Speed of “Congregation”.)
There is a phrase that runs around religious institutions – “Church Time.” I have come to find that it really does exist. Church Time is very slow, very deliberative, and very inclusive. And a very good thing. Just think of the Room Naming Policy. I thought it would take 4 months. It took 3 years – but we ended up with a really good policy.
If you look at our community and our congregation as a physical body, you could say that we have suffered a very serious injury. No matter where you are about what happened with Rev. Chris or how it was handled, you’re hurting. I know I am.
Any physical injury one gets isn’t all fixed and healed in a few days or a few weeks; it takes time. And it isn’t usually completely healed for a very long time. Years ago, I badly sprained my ankle. To my shock, it took a FULL YEAR for it to fully heal. And the “injury” each of us has suffered is much more serious than a sprained ankle. 
In this last month, I’ve noticed that we are more reactive than I normally find us to be. We’re more easily riled up, more anxious, more “this has to be handled NOW!!!!!” And we can make the person who disagrees with us the “other.” 
I know this is part of the process. But I ask for us to be more aware of how we’re being and responding. Let’s all take a deep breath (or 3), and s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. Bring thoughtfulness to the issue. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Open your heart and mind to another possible interpretation. This is easy to say, but hard to do in the moment. I know; I’ve been struggling with it myself. But it is important.
I am NOT asking anyone to sweep anything under the rug and “just move on.” That would be a sure pathway to disaster. But let’s also bring our better, more UU selves to the circumstances. This injury runs deep, and I think we will find has many aspects to it. Healing it will take time, and thoughtfulness, and deliberation, and inclusion. Healing it will happen in Church Time. 
Your leadership – your Interim Minister, your Board, COSM, your Lay Chaplains – are all committed to doing their part in the healing process. We are all doing the looking and planning now to make sure the opportunities we offer are the right ones, and address all the aspects of the healing we need. 
Let yourself grieve. Let yourself be angry. Let yourself feel hurt and sad and betrayed, and whatever you feel. But also let yourself be a Unitarian Universalist, and a UUCSR’er. We are some of the most compassionate, understanding, loving people I know. Let’s strive to live inside our covenant with each other, and to let things move at the speed of Church, and truly heal us all.
In love, in sorrow, in hope and in partnership,

Board of Trustees Update
It has become clear in the past few weeks that UUCSR has an urgent need to have clear structures of accountability and authority, and we need to develop clear policies and procedures. This will take some time (and is exactly what this interim time is designed for), and things may – probably will – be somewhat clunky and slower than usual as we develop these structures. But in the long run, things will run much more smoothly and effectively – and with much less “wear and tear” on our volunteers and staff. This will all be done according to our Bylaws, and under the policy guidance approved by the Board and the Congregation.
The Board voted to formally approve the members of the Finance Committee (FinCom): Mike McGirr, Michael Randolph, Kirsten Olney and Joe Como. In addition, ex officio members are Jane DeYoung, Kate Taylor, and Rev. Julie.
The Board has identified a need for a Personnel committee. Kate Taylor, who has a background in HR, will be a key member, and other people who have an interest in and/or expertise in the area of Human Resources must be identified, and approved by the Board. If you have an interest, please contact me or Kate!
The Board voted to create a policy for determining how upcoming Sunday services will be conducted. The Health Advisory Team (HAT) will meet weekly to confer about any policy changes needed to stay abreast of the pandemic, and will recommend a course of action for the upcoming Sunday service/s. Based on HAT’s recommendations, Rev. Julie, Era, and Kate will determine how the service/s will be conducted, and Kate will inform the entire congregation via a Constant Contact email message. HAT’s members are Gretchen Vap, Susan Thollaug, and Veronica Jordan. Ex officio members are Rev. Julie, Era Capone, Kate Taylor, and Joe Como (representing the Board). 
The Board voted to update the Glaser Center Committee to confer authority onto the Congregational Director to negotiate and sign rental agreements. 

The next monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees will take place on Thursday, September 16th starting at 6:30 pm.
In partnership,
Natalie Brundred

Treasurer's Monthly Ledger
Dear Fellow UUs—
We have now closed our books for July, thanks to the great work of our new bookkeeper, Judy Ponts and Kirsten Olney, who provided training for Judy on our UUCSR systems.

The fiscal year ending on June 30th left us close to meeting our budget. We had a major shortfall in pledge income in June, bringing in only $26,000 compared to our 4-year average of $41,000. We also paid personnel costs in June which we anticipated paying in July, which put our expenses over budget. 
           TOTAL REVENUE was $494,187 compared with budget $510,600
           TOTAL EXPENSE was $497,668 compared with budget $541,080
           NET INCOME for FY 21 was (3,481) compared with budget ($30,480).*
*This does not include Glaser Center Operations, which ended with a loss of ($6,000).
At the end of July, our Pledge Revenue was again well below budget: $31,458 compared with $46,448 budgeted. Donations and gifts were also down: $1340 compared with $3960 budgeted. Our investment revenue was above budget by about $700, and Glaser Center revenue was almost $500 above budget.
Expenses were below budget, largely because of personnel costs that were incurred in FY 21 but budgeted in FY 22.
TOTAL REVENUE was $34,926 compared with budget $51,595.
TOTAL EXPENSES were $29,992 compared with budget $54,435
NET INCOME for July was $4,934.06
The coming year will be a big challenge for all of us. The Sustaining Pledge Team needs all members to make sure that their pledge information is current; our campaign to have everyone raise their pledges by 10% is ongoing. 
As always, I am happy to review the financial data with any member of the congregation!  
In Fellowship,
Jane DeYoung

Religious Education / Family Ministry
Hello everyone!

September is here, and so is a brand new year of RE! This month, we are returning to our typical RE groupings, with Nursery, PreK-1st, 2nd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th groups all currently planned to start back up on the 19th. In addition to Sunday gatherings, there are plenty of other activities for families, all of which can be found in the RE Newsletter.

To help bring RE back, we need volunteers! We are looking for folks who can help out in the preschool and elementary RE programs, and who are fully vaccinated, familiar with COVID safety protocols, and can clear a livescan fingerprinting screening. If you want to help foster the spiritual growth of our congregation's kids, all while having lots of fun, we want you to join us in RE!

To get started, please contact me at [email protected] or by phone at (707)-494-8799. Any and all help is greatly appreciated during this time of transition, and I truly cannot wait to hear from you.

In love and gratitude,
Era Capone
Director of Religious Education
Sunday, September 5th - No RE on this day

Sunday, September 12th - Ingathering - This Sunday, the kids of RE are invited to join us in the sanctuary for a fully multigenerational service! We'll be celebrating ingathering with songs, readings, water communion, and more! No RE will be taking place on this day, as service this day will be one for all ages.

Sunday, September 19th - Say Something - The RE kids will be making themselves heard this Sunday! After hearing the story Say Something by Peter H. Reynolds, the children will explore all the ways they can speak up. From poetry to protest signs, from art to action, RE kids will get the chance this Sunday to say something.

Sunday, September 26th - Wildest Dreams - What are your wildest dreams? The kids of RE will be answering this question as the embrace possibility and explore what it means to be a dreamer. After hearing the story Dreamers by Yuyi Morales, the kids will take a look at why following your dreams isn't always easy, and what it means to be intentional in following your dreams.

Director's Notes

Here we are together, navigating a global pandemic, putting effort into rebuilding our spiritual community, while also encountering personal - and interpersonal - challenges and upheaval. We are in the thick of it, but we are still in the struggle together. In difficult times like these, I like to quote a bit of Winston Churchill: "If you're going through hell, keep going!"

I write of this individual and collective struggle to acknowledge What Is in this moment. It isn't going to last forever, but we are certainly in a moment of uncertainty and discomfort. It might be helpful to remember that uncertainty and discomfort are par for the course in times of change, even when the change is for the better. So, in those ways, we're right on track!

To that topic of uncomfortable change, I want to recommit to you that I believe fully in the wisdom and strength of this particular community - so much so that I am undaunted in the charge you have given my position to collaborate in bringing transparent systems and organization to our endeavors. There is a lot of work to do - yes - and I see that so many of you are reckoning with that and embracing the possibilities that await on the other side of the effort.

I want to acknowledge the heart and soul that many of you have given to keep UUCSR going during the pandemic. I see that deep dedication and devotion that motivates you. Everyone has limits in what they have to give, and the pandemic has pushed so many to that edge. I want to assure you that the administrative staff, along with the Minister and Board of Trustees, are bringing fresh insight and energy to the effort of revitalizing UUCSR, and providing support and respite for those who have reached the limit of time and energy that can be given in this moment.

As a parting thought, I want to express my confidence in the process of change that this congregation is navigating. Every indication that I have seen points to creating an organization that is transparent, open, and accountable to its membership. It is an organization that is inclusive and navigable to all of its members. This is what we are steering toward, in service to the Seven Principles.

Warmest regards,
Kate Taylor
(707) 568-5381 x 106
Network Upgrades - At the end of August and beginning of September Clear Telecommunications and Wooden Spoon Technologies are installing WiFi access points in the Main Office and RE Wing, as well as simplifying the network and replacing firewalls and switches in order to increase security, reliability, and efficiency. Not only will your Zoom connection be more stable at the Glaser Center, you should also be able to access WiFi from the Courtyard!
Keeping the Calendar Current - If you are, or have recently been, the chair of a group or committee, please check the Events Calendar here (I find the monthly view easiest for seeing regularly scheduled events) and report any additions or deletions to me by phone or email. Thank you!
Newsletter Submissions - Please email your newsletter submissions to me at [email protected]. The submission deadline is the 20th of each month, with an anticipated publication date of the 25th of each month.
Coffee Corner Remodel - The Ops Team is nearly ready to engage the contractor and carpentry services required to remodel of the coffee corner of the Social Hall. The revised timeline for the work is September and October. The Ops Team will coordinate with the Saturday Breakfast crews on transitional logistics for continuity of service. Thank you for your patience as these improvements are made!

Sustaining Pledge Message
Perhaps you think you're already "pledging" because you're giving regularly. But making an actual pledge - a promise to make a contribution - for the new fiscal year is enormously helpful. Your pledge helps us know more accurately how much income the congregation will receive and to plan our activities accordingly.

Thank you for support of our beloved community.

The Sustaining Pledge Team ([email protected])

for instructions for making a
2021-2022 pledge online

Autumn Equinox: A Time to Harvest and Gain Balance
On September 22 at 12:21am PDT is the Autumn Equinox. An equinox occurs when the position of the sun is exactly over the equator. When this happens, the hours of daylight and the hours of darkness are about equal almost everywhere on Earth. After the Autumn Equinox, for us the days gradually become shorter, and the nights longer. Every six months, once in March and again in September, an equinox splits Earth’s day almost in half, giving us about 12 hours daylight and 12 hours of night.
Our ancient ancestors noted this celestial occurrence with a celebration. Its roots as a harvest festival go back to ancient times. Modern Pagans call this festival Mabon, and it always falls on the Autumn Equinox.
If you recall, the congregation celebrated the First Harvest Festival or Lammas on August 1. That celebrated the time of the season when the grain harvest was done.
Mabon is the Second Harvest Festival when mid summer fruits and vegetables are harvested such as squash, pumpkins, apples, and grapes for wine-making.
Early societies understood the importance of feasting with your neighbors to create a village. Without each other they could not survive, so they feasted and celebrated to create community and give thanks.
Celts and pagans used this day to give thanks to nature, or Mother Earth, for a good harvest and to pray that the crop would last through the winter. This time of year was when farmers knew how well their autumn crops did and how well fed their animals had become. This determined whether you and your family would have enough food for the winter.
At its core, Mabon is about gratitude for what has been reaped this year, with an eye to the hardships of winter. It recognizes a mental and physical adjustment needed for the darker, longer nights and harder conditions ahead.
If, as those who came before us, you would like to take some time to welcome the fall season in your own life here are 4 ideas:
1. Gratitude
Celebrate the Autumn Equinox by harvesting your inner fruits, and finding gratitude for the seeds you have both sown and reaped. Give thanks to the waning sunlight that brought us our harvest. And take a moment to pay respect to the impending dark.
2. Restore Home Balance
As day and night are in balance at the Equinox, Mabon is a great time to restore balance in your home. It is a good time to clean up, finish projects, and clear out physical and emotional clutter. Get rid of what you no longer need so home feels calm, relaxing and peaceful. Get cozy, give thanks for security.
3. Restore Inner Balance
Get outside and connect with what matters to you. Contemplate the deep spiritual meaning of the season. Light and dark are now in balance before the night takes over. Make inner preparation for the growing darkness until the sun returns at the winter solstice and brings a time of enlightenment. Slow down. Find inner balance.
4. Bring the Harvest into Your Life
Decorate your home to welcome the season. Put fall decor on your porch or in your house. Attend a harvest festival, a pumpkin patch, or visit a local farm or farmer’s market to feel and see the season. Eat a fall harvest meal from local seasonal foods. Share with others.
Mabon honors the Autumn Equinox with rituals about balance between light and dark, and by giving thanks for a blessed harvest. It is a time to give thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth, both literally and spiritually. It is a season about cleaning up our lives and getting organized as we prepare to transition into fall. Blessed Mabon means “Count your blessings”
Blessed Mabon to you. May your inner and outer harvest be bountiful.
Blessed Be.
Loretta Smith

From the Diversity Project
Moving Beyond Bias is a free workshop being held via Zoom on September 11th and 12th. Participants are welcome to attend just the first day, or both days. The second day is meant to be a companion with the first day, picking up where the first day leaves off.
Share the Basket / Advocates for Social Justice
Building beloved community through our generosity is alive and well at UUCSR, and in the months ahead you’ll hear from several new organizations you’ve recommended to us recently.

Here’s the schedule for Shares with outside organizations through mid-November:

September 12th: Santa Rosa Community Health
September 26th: Graton Day Labor Center
October 10th: TBD
October 24th: Acts of Kindness
October 31st: Raices, TX
November 14th: Santa Rosa Community Health

Thank you for your support of our greater community!

Your A4SJ Share the Offering Team – Elaine Wellin, Judy Elliott, Lynn Riepenhoff, Serge Zimberoff

Musical Notes
“I’ll play it first and tell you what it’s called later."
--Miles Davis

Meanwhile, we have formed a search committee to find and hire a new Choir Director, but at the same time are revisiting the Music Coordinators' role as well. Perhaps there's a path forward for a "Music Director" who would not only lead the choir, but also help with coordinating the music for all Sunday services.

We are improvising... and we'll tell you what it's called later!

If you'd like to become a participant in the music ministry at UUCSR - including singing in the choir, or coordinating other special music - or have any questions or suggestions, email us at [email protected]

As always, stay safe and keep singing!
Randy Jones

Social Groups & Events
Remembering Karen Lillard - All are welcome to come and honor the life of Karen Lillard on Saturday, September 4th starting at 11:30 am in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow.

Braver Angels "Depolarizing Within" Workshop - Brought to you by the Adult Education Committee, this workshop is designed to foster skills to help you lessen the effects of polarization when you encounter it in political conversations. Learn strategies to disagree with those on the other side of the political isle while maintaining relationship. The workshop will be held on Saturday, October 30th, from 10 am to 1 pm via Zoom. Keep you eye out for an email from Adult Ed with the Zoom link.

CUUPS - Pagan and pagan-supportive members of the Congregation are invited to attend our monthly meetings, currently held via Zoom on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6 to 7 pm. For a link to the Zoom meeting, send an email request to [email protected].

Evening Book Group - The Book Group will meet in the Youth Room at the Glaser Center on Thursday, September 9th from 4-6 p.m.  The book for September is The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd. In October we will read East of the Mountains by David Guterson. Newcomers and visitors are welcome. Contact Linda Lampson for more information.

Older and Bolder Women's Group - This group for women of the Congregation who have already reached their 80th birthday continues in the Green Room the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 10 am to noon. We meet for coffee at 10 am and begin our discussion group at 10:30 sharp. The group facilitators are Shirley White and Clare Whitfield.

Saturday Breakfast - Plans to return to serving a hot breakfast have been put off for the time being due to the uptick in COVID-19 cases. However, we will continue to offer bagged breakfasts every Saturday from 6 to 8 am.

Saturday Work Day - We will skip the first weekend of September due to the Labor Day holiday. Instead, come join us the Saturday before, on August 28th, for gardening, building maintenance, and community building.

Committees & Working Groups
Art Committee - Our purpose is to be inclusive of all the arts from people of all ages, and to reach out to our congregants and beyond. We aim to have four art shows a year with receptions on opening day, as appropriate. We meet on the 4th Friday of the month at 2 pm in the Green Room at the Glaser Center. Our committee currently consists of Clare Whitfield, Stephanie Reed, Chlele Gummer, Helga Lemke, and Sarita Hazen; we welcome another member or two. You need not be an artist, just a lover of art to be on the committee. Contact Chlele Gummer for more information: [email protected].

Membership Committee - If you are able and willing to help greet people as they come in the door for Sunday services once a month or so, please contact Margaret Bregger Coston or Jan Hess. Additionally, if you are interested in being part of the Membership Team, contact Dee Ray. We will be gearing up in the fall for Getting to Know UU classes and New Member gatherings.

Caring Connections Committee - Caring Connections provides short-term help to UUCSR members in difficult situations, such as the death of a loved one or recovery from illness or surgery. Services we provide include essential shopping, delivering a few meals, providing a ride to pharmacies, medical appointments and Sunday services, a home or hospital visit, or a friendly phone call. Caregivers: let one of our volunteers stay with your loved one while you take a couple of hours to run some errands or simply take some time for yourself. Gretchen Vap, our Outreach Coordinator, is a retired nurse practitioner, and is available for consult.

We are currently seeking volunteers to help with:

  • Providing rides to Sunday services
  • Providing rides to medical appointments and pharmacies
  • Shopping for essential items
  • Cooking and delivering meals
  • Making phone calls
  • Providing respite care

For more information, contact outgoing committee chair Mac Freeman. (Rob Carlisle will be replacing Mac in the future.)

COSM - We are COSM, the Committee on Shared Ministry. The current committee consists of Maria Praetzellis (chair), Susan Bartholome, Frances Corman, Kitty Wells, David Reitzell and our Minister. We are charged with ensuring the health of the congregation by encouraging communication within the congregation, providing conflict resolution when needed, as well as supporting the minister.

This committee also participates in the yearly evaluation of the minister that we complete and submit to the Board of Trustees each February. We are here for both the minister and YOU, the congregation. So, talk with us! All communications with COSM are confidential. Feel welcome to call any of the COSM members. Our individual numbers are in the directory.
Soul Matters
Want to connect more with other people and enjoy an opportunity for spiritual growth? We will be starting new Soul Matter groups in September and October. 
We will have signups after the first two services (5th and 12th) in September and opportunities to sign up through email. Watch for emails listing the available times and locations (Zoom and in person) for the groups. 
Not familiar with Soul Matters? It's about exploration, connection, support, and transformation,  Each month all of us receive an email with a *Soul Matters packet* filled with rich resources to help us explore a particular theme. September will be Embracing Possibilities; October: Cultivating Relationships, November: Holding History. Inside the packet are poems, inspirational quotes, questions for reflection, and links to videos and films. It also contains spiritual exercises to deepen our experience and help us embody our UU principles in a deep and meaningful way.

In addition to exploring the riches in the packet on your own, you can do it with the support of a small group. Once or twice a month, we get together in our small groups and share what we’re discovering: what we’re learning about ourselves, what new perspectives or insights we’ve gained, or where we feel challenged to grow. We listen to each other and we listen to our own lives, because when we are listened to by trusted companions it helps us hear our own voices.

Soul Matters invites us to dance with life in a new way. Through spiritual practices and questions focused on our daily living, we engage the world not as an obstacle course to get through, but as a host of holy voices calling us to greater loving and living.

For more information or to sign up for a group, please email Katie Trieller at [email protected] or Jan Ogren at [email protected].
547 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (707) 568-5381