RSVP Required to Attend In-Person Worship

In-person services of worship at Salem are scheduled to resume on Sunday, August 2 nd , at 10:30 a.m. In order to comply with the physical distancing practices put forth by the county as well as the guidelines for a safe return to in-person worship put forth by our insurance company we have established the process that we will implement for those who are interested in returning in-person worship.

Seating in our sanctuary will be limited in order to provide for social and physical distancing. We are asking that persons interested in attending in-person worship RSVP online at: or by calling the church office at 892-7456 by noon on Wednesday prior to worship that you plan to attend (in the case of the August 2 nd worship service, for example, that would be July 29 th ). When you RSVP we will need to know:

  • How many from your household will attend
  • Who will be attending (first and last names)
  • A cell phone number (or license plate number if you do not have a cell phone) to help us seat people on Sunday morning.
  • On Communion Sundays, we will need to know if you or anyone in your party is in need of gluten free Communion elements. (As the elements will have been placed in your pew ahead of your arrival)

Knowing the information listed above, we can configure the sanctuary seating to make most efficient use of the space we have and allow for physical distancing. It will also help us to be provide responsible contact tracing of those present should an outbreak or exposure occur within our service of worship. Physical mobility is a concern; please contact the church office directly so that special accommodations can be made.
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Salem United Church of Christ
217 Salem Drive, Plymouth, WI 53073
Phone: (920) 892-7456, Fax: (920) 892-4238
Rev. James Hoppert - Pastor, or (920) 838-0405
Marsha Meyer - Dir. of Youth & Family Ministries,
Anna Cortez - Office Manager,