Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of the parents and families who attended the Back to School nights this week. I hope you learned a lot of valuable information about your student's classrooms. If you ever have questions about something going on in class, please reach out to the classroom teacher. Email is the best way to reach our teachers, especially during the school day.
Also, thank you for keeping any symptomatic kids at home. We’ve had quite a few absences this week, but that tells me families are working hard to keep illnesses from spreading. According to the guidance we received from Tri-County health, if your student is out with symptoms for more than 48 hours, your student should have a COVID test before returning to school. The flowchart we have been asked to follow is linked HERE.
We are currently waiting for the district to communicate with us about the process for applying for a waiver from district policy JLCC. I will keep the community updated as we learn more and the process moves forward.
We currently have three positive COVID cases in the school. We had a kindergarten case last week. We have since had a sixth grader and first grader test positive. We notify impacted classes as soon as we are aware of a case. We do not believe that the first grade case led to exposures at school, but we have contacted that class just to be transparent.
On a separate note, we currently have several open positions:
- Part-Time ELL teacher - This is a licensed position if any of you are qualified or know someone who may be interested.
- Lunch Helper - This position is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. each school day. We need help in both lunch rooms consistently.
- Full-Time Instructional Aide- This position is from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily.
If you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions, please reach out to jobs@bfacademy.org or directly to me.
We’ve had a great week, and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Simpson
Introduction to Second Step
by Tracy Pierce, Program Coordinator
Welcome back to school and welcome back to Second Step! We are excited to be in our third year of school-wide implementation of the program at BFA and are looking forward to increasing our community awareness and involvement. With that being said, we will be sharing Second Step information and resources each week in our newsletter.
What is Second Step?
Second Step, a Social-emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum, is designed to help children thrive and be more successful in school—ultimately setting them up to be thoughtful and productive adults. It includes techniques that help children to:
- Gain confidence
- Set goals
- Make better decisions
- Collaborate with others in work and play
- Navigate the world more effectively
“Social-emotional learning isn’t just a feel-good activity. It’s not psychotherapy or an attempt to parent kids. Nor is it a substitute for core academic subjects such as math, science, or literacy. Instead, SEL concepts provide an extra dimension to education, focusing on improving cooperation, communication, and decision-making. In a world where emotional intelligence is critical for lifelong happiness, successful careers, and healthier relationships, SEL gives students a framework for developing these skills.”
Second Step Resources and Information:
Please Remember your Driver's License
Please remember your driver's license the first time you come to the school to pick up your student early, volunteer or attend a meeting. For safety reasons, every person who enters the school needs to have their Driver's License scanned each school year. Please keep in mind, this is also a requirement for any friends or relatives who would like to enter the school. Thanks for helping us keep our kids safe!
Absences can be reported via the form on the BFA app or by emailing attendance@bfacademy.org. All absences and tardies must be reported by 8:30 a.m. The name of the person reporting the absence/tardy, the student’s name, the teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence/tardy should be reported. Absences and tardies must be reported via the app or attendance email, even if the teacher was notified directly. The absence policy can be found on the policy webpage under ‘Students.’
It's especially important again this year that we're able to track reasons students are absent due to illness. When reporting your student's absence, please provide details regarding the reason for the absence, including the student's symptoms or diagnosis. For example, you can indicate: cough, sore throat, fever, strep throat, or exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID.
Direct links to report an absence are available through the website Quicklinks or via the BFA app.
The Community Events Committee (CEC) sends a huge thank you to everyone for making the first annual Back To School Food Truck Social such a success! Families and staff enjoyed games, delicious food, music, and connecting with new and current families alike! We can’t wait to carry on this new tradition at BFA.
BooHoo Yahoo for kindergarten parents was another highlight from the first week of school. Big thanks to Tracy Meyer and Devon Preeo from Starbucks on Santa Fe and Town Center for the generous donation of fresh coffee for our kindie parents. Tears and cheers, along with donuts and coffee made for a successful day.
If you would like more information about the CEC or have suggestions/feedback, please email the chair, Becky Mayka at cec@bfacademy.org.
Please remember that when the Before/After School Enrichment (BASE) program is in session (M-F, around 4-6 p.m.), you cannot be on the back playgrounds or the turf field with your children. This is per the State of Colorado Child Care Licensing Rules and Regulations.
In order for your children to attend the before/after care programs offered at school, you must be registered in the BASE program. Please email base@bfacademy.org for more information about getting registered.
Unless you have a preschool student and the appropriate preschool parking tag, please DO NOT park in the preschool parking lot in the morning to drop your student off. Instead, use the regular carpool line.
In addition, parents of K-8 students should not park in the preschool lot throughout the school day, as students use the space to play. If you park in the preschool lot during the school day, you will be asked to move your car.
Nutrition Services Updates
There is a menu change for tomorrow, Aug. 27. Instead of Mike's Cheesy Bread Bites, Nutrition Services will offer Southwest Cheesy Pull-Aparts. The other option tomorrow is Ham and Cheese Croissant.
And, as communicated earlier this week, the Nutrition Services warehouse is running low on water bottles for school lunch. Most students bring a water bottle to school every day, but it's especially important to do so the next few weeks.
Check Out Books with Overdrive
Ben Franklin Academy is committed to bringing unique learning opportunities to our students and we are pleased to continue a free reading service providing digital books through OverDrive.
Why OverDrive?
The OverDrive collection is an extension of Ben Franklin Academy's physical library; kids have online access to eBooks and audiobooks. It's a convenient way for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends or during school breaks with no worry about misplacing a book or running up fees - these digital titles automatically return at the end of the lending period!
OverDrive can help students of all ages read more and improve comprehension. Struggling or reluctant readers, learning-challenged, second language learners, and gifted readers can all benefit from this service. There are so many benefits of reading, and using OverDrive can help with:
- Enriching vocabulary and improving comprehension and pronunciation;
- Introducing students to books above their reading level;
- Teaching critical listening skills; and
- Helping busy kids find time to read.
How does it work?
To use OverDrive, students browse our secure custom website, borrow books with their Google Single Sign on and enjoy anytime, anywhere on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or eReader.
Once you click on the Website, use the following information to login:
- Username: Students last name beginning with a capital letter, then first initial and middle initial
- Password: Dcsd (capital D) followed by student ID number
- Example: Username: Smithbk, Password: Dcsd123456
Attend first PTO Meeting on Sept. 8
Join the PTO at their monthly meetings to find out more about what’s going on at BFA and get connected with other parents. Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. Their first meeting will be on Wednesday, Sept. 8, in the Sanders Science Lab.
All BFA community members are welcome to attend; in fact, attendance at meetings counts toward your family’s volunteer hours. We look forward to seeing you there!
Want to learn more about the BFA PTO? Visit their webpage.
Get Involved! Join SAC Meeting via Zoom
Would you like to be involved in reviewing policies that drive the direction of BFA? Then, please attend the upcoming School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting as they review the following: SAC ByLaws, Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy, and Student Attendance Policy. The SAC is meeting at 4:30 p.m. today, Aug 26, via Zoom. The details of the Zoom meeting are available on the BFA calendar. If you would like information about serving on the SAC or participating in the Zoom meeting, please contact Woody Haynes at SAC@bfacademy.org.
Time to Get New/Updated Spirit Wear!
The PTO's store for spirit wear and spirit items will open next Wednesday, Sept. 1, and will remain open through Oct. 9. You can shop for all your BFA gear including logo-ed t-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, masks and gaiters in youth and adult sizes, desktop calendars, and more! Make sure your kids have sweatshirts for chilly classrooms and fleece jackets or vests for recess. Find all your items at MySchoolBucks.
Orders will be delivered and sent home through your child's classroom. Masks and gaiters are not returnable. Questions? Contact Jacqui Condon, PTO Spirit Wear chair.
Coach Kelly Whelan and Coach Nicole Harms are so excited to be coaching the BFA Cheer and Pom team this year and want to welcome any middle school student interested in cheer/poms! Please email Ms. Whelan kwhelan@bfacademy.org with questions.
Who: All 6-8th grade students
What: Cheer/Poms for the 2021-22 Basketball Season
When: Starts Monday, September 16 – Runs through mid-December
Practice: Mondays 3:30-5 p.m.
Boys Home Games: Usually Tuesdays or Thursdays
Cost: $120 (which includes poms); uniform details to follow
I scream. You scream. We all scream for ICE CREAM! Make plans to attend this fun PTO spirit night from 5-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 31, at Gelato & Co (1509 Park Central Drive, 80129) in Highlands Ranch for our first spirit night of the school year. Gelato & Co will donate 20 percent of all BFA sales that night, so be sure to let them know that you are with BFA to make your purchase count. Mark your calendar--you won't want to miss out!
Celebrating Something? Rent the Rock!
The PTO Spirit Rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. Parents, students, and staff may “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, wish a team good luck, thank a teacher, announce an event, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement. The rate to rent the Rock is $20 per day. All proceeds benefit Ben Franklin Academy.
Want to rent the Rock? Here’s how: First, reserve the date you want by visiting the ‘Rent the Rock’ SignUpGenius. Then, pay for your reservation through My School Bucks.
Have questions? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on the PTO webpage, or contact Subashri Sadasivan, Spirit Rock committee manager.
Many of us love living in Colorado because it gives us access to outdoor family activities. As a helpful reminder for our busy parents, it's the time of year when some organizations are offering free or discounted skiing passes:
Kids in grades K-5 can go here for more information:
If you have a student in grades 4, 5 or 6, look here for discounts.
If you are a King Soopers or Amazon shopper, you can help earn money for BFA by signing up for King Soopers Community Rewards and Amazon Smile. Here's how!
To sign up for King Soopers Community Rewards:
Sign in to your digital account at King Soopers Community Rewards. If you haven't already set up an account, set up your account and link your King Soopers card or phone number to your account.
Click on Community Rewards, Enroll Now and search for Ben Franklin Parent Teacher Organization or enter our code XN773. Click Save.
- Next time you check out at King Sooper or City Market, scan your card (or enter your alternate ID), and BFA will get money back from your purchase.
This program adds up quickly--from January to March 2021, BFA earned $2,328 back!
To sign up for Amazon Smile:
Go to: smile.amazon.com, and click Get Started
- Enter ‘Ben Franklin Academy Parent-Teacher Organization’ in the search box, and select BFA PTO as the organization that you want to support
Once you have signed up for Amazon Smile online, you can enable Amazon Smile through the Amazon app, by selecting Gifting and Charity from the menu in the lower right-hand corner, then Amazon Smile.
You can find out more information about the AmazonSmile program including how to link your Amazon account to BFA, click here.
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org