Message from  the Director
Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft, 

Tuesday marked a small but significant shift in our workflow here at school as numerous staff members opted to work remotely with their teams on distance learning plans and procedures. The TCGIS Tech Team featuring Jesse Whitney, Rebecca Bilbro, Esther Neu and Michael White led both face-to-face and virtual trainings with staff on Google Classroom, Zoom, Screencastify and Quicktime. Brainstorming, problem solving and practicing were the collaborative order of the day, everyone showing a clear commitment to making this work.

In addition, I know that several teachers have begun to reach out informally to their classes, something which will continue in the coming days as we seek to keep kids connected to school. 

The TCGIS library was a popular destination today again and while many chromebooks were picked up for grades 5 & 6, many still remain. 

Tomorrow, most staff will stay home and work remotely. A skeletal crew will be at school as we work to make social distancing the norm for as many of us as possible. Families coming to get materials from lockers or to pick up chromebooks will be able to do so tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. 

Less to report today as we get used to a 'new normal'. 

Many have taken the time to send messages of gratitude and encouragement to us here at school and it's been tremendously gratifying to experience how this adversity is bringing out the best in so many members of our community. I am lucky to be part of it with you. 

Best wishes from all of us at school to all of you for this challenging time. 


Ted Anderson