Volume 50
Issue 29
July 16, 2020
3rd Grade Bibles
It is the tradition at VHUMC to give a Bible to our third graders each year. If you are a member at VHUMC, or feel that VHUMC is your church home, we want to make sure that we have your child listed to receive a Bible.

We would also like to personalize each Bible by adding your child's name engraved on the outside cover, but we will only be able to do that if you provide us with the information we need by August 7. Please take a moment now to click on the link to let us know what name you would like printed on your child's Bible.

Our current plan is to present the Bibles on September 20, but we will keep you updated as we do our best to make responsible decisions. We are also working on a plan about how we will conduct the "How to Use Your Bible" workshop, which we usually have on the same day. We will keep you updated on all of these plans. Please contact Jamie Meeks ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

A Snapshot of Your Group
It is no surprise that we miss meeting together with everyone. But one way that has continued to hold us together is small outdoor meetings as well as circling up together on a video call. Many Sunday school classes and small groups have continued to meet in some form or fashion, and we want to see a snapshot of these wonderful moments! The next time your group meets, we would love for you to snag a photo or screen shot of the entire group. We want to share these moments on our social media accounts to help show everyone that the church continues to be a central driving force in the community, even though we are not gathering in our normal worship spaces. Email the photos to Timmy Collins ([email protected]) and let us know what group or class is in the picture.
VHUMC YouTube Library
Did you know that VHUMC has an extensive library of our latest videos and study series available on YouTube? This collection of videos is easy to navigate and includes our live stream worship as well as many of our Bible studies for you to use in your small groups. Check out the library online by visiting the link!

Another Successful Blood Drive
Many thanks to all of those who generously donated blood during our recent American Red Cross Blood Drive. Through your efforts, we were able to collect 69 pints, providing critically needed blood just before the July 4th holiday weekend. Our next scheduled blood drive will be September 2 from 12-6 pm in the Lighthouse. This upcoming drive will also fall during a critical time as the American Red Cross prepares for the supply demands of the Labor Day weekend.
Virtual Grand Camp
Vestavia Hills UMC is taking our Grand Camp online - and it is free! With so many great resources, we wanted to offer you this great experience with your grandchildren from the safety of your home. This camp will cover three days and two nights - perfect for a weekend getaway to the grandparent's house! And, you can schedule your camp when it works best for you. You will also be given several videos to watch including instructions for three crafts. Sign up today so that you can start your online camp soon!

Please click on the link to register for free and you will receive instructions on how to access the videos and resources for the camp. For more information please contact Jim Frazier ([email protected] / 769-0126).

Pop-Up Worship
Join us for outdoor worship this coming Sunday! This weekend we will host another outdoor worship service so that we can continue to safely follow guidelines while still gathering for worship. The service will be Sunday at 8:30 am, in the Dick Kelly / Lighthouse Park / parking lot area.

There are many factors outside of our control that will determine if we can hold the worship event (weather, restrictions by the Governor, restrictions by the Jefferson County Health Officer, etc.), so our plan is to continue to send an email on Saturday to update everyone on the status of this in-person worship service. So, dress casually, bring a chair, and join us this weekend as we worship outside!
Walk to End Alzheimer's
From our Senior Pastor, Bill Brunson:

Many of you know that several years ago my mother, Polly, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. The disease first changed her approach to living, then took her memories, then her life. She went from living independently, to living with us, to living in a memory care unit, and finally a skilled care unit.

When she was first diagnosed, my daughter, Andrea, started Polly's Pack and began raising money to end Alzheimer's. This year, Walk to End Alzheimer's, will take place at various locations. Our team will meet at VHUMC at 2:00 pm on November 15 to walk together - which will be the one-year anniversary of the loss of my mother.

I want to invite you, your family, your Sunday School class, your small group, etc. to join Polly's Pack and help end Alzheimer's. When you sign up you can indicate if you will be able to participate in the walk or if you will be supporting the team. You will also have a place to indicate who you will honor through your walk or support. Almost all of us know someone who has had their life touched by the awful disease of Alzheimer's or Dementia.

Please consider joining our team, and donating to end Alzheimer's soon!

New Boomer and Beyond Bible Study
Our Boomer & Beyond Bible Study meets online at 6:00 pm every Thursday night. We are enjoying a new study by Adam Hamilton called "UNAFRAID: Living with courage and hope in uncertain times." If you are interested in participating, please contact Jim Frazier ([email protected] / 769-0126).
What is Alpha?
Alpha small groups provide a safe place to ask questions and discuss the deeper meaning of faith, life, and God. If you are interested in learning more about this new Bible study series that is starting in the fall, please fill out the form using the link below. This is not a commitment. It simply lets us know you're interested so we can have a conversation on how to best meet your needs and questions. You can watch the teaser clip (https://player.vimeo.com/video/405360229), view videos and topics (https://www.alpha.org/preview/alpha-film-series/), or feel free to contact Suzanne ([email protected]) or Kelly ([email protected]) if you would like more information.

Fall Disciple: Luke and Acts
Join many others across VHUMC as we dig deeper into the Bible through the Fall Disciple series: Luke and Acts. The first few weeks will be finishing out the curriculum from spring classes we were not able to finish. Then we will launch into an exciting study of Luke and Acts. Please use the link below to indicate the day and time that works best for you.

Travel to the Holy Land 2021
Interested in traveling with your family to the Holy Land next year during Spring Break? Join Jeremiah and our senior minister, Bill Brunson, for this Biblical journey as you walk where Jesus walked and taught and see the Bible come to life! For more information contact Jeremiah Stone ([email protected]) or Jim Frazier ([email protected]).

Christmas in July
Let's think of others this July. We are not sure how December will look right now, but we are still planning for our annual Student Mission Breakfast. So, we need to plan for lots of great toys and gifts for the attendees and their families.

If you are out and would like to participate in Christmas in July, then grab a toy, game, doll, coloring books, reading books, trucks, or any other toys that you think would brighten a child's Christmas holiday. We ask that you keep the toys at your house and then later on we will ask for donations to be delivered on specific days to the church to a specific location.
Flip Flops and What Not
Guess what time it is? It is flip flop season and you can find them online, at the Dollar store, Walmart, etc. So, flip flop season means it is Christmas Shoebox Ministry time. The UMCOR Warehouse in Decatur is planning to move forward with this ministry for 2020, and VHUMC is too. This is such a great mission opportunity to spread Christ's love through our giving and sharing to bring so much joy to children we will never meet. The box costs $5 each. Half of the money helps to get the shoe box to the missionary, and the other half helps the missionary pay the cost of getting the shoe box to the neediest children.

So gather yourself, your family, or small group and decide how many you would like to pack. Please email the Rachael Hayes ([email protected]) to reserve your boxes and get the suggested items list and coloring books today. Items will be available to pick up starting July 6 with a designated pick up spot at the church. All completed shoe boxes will need to be delivered to the church September 22 and 23.

If you have never seen how these boxes are delivered, please watch this video from the UMCOR Warehouse. It will definitely put a smile on your face.

Upper Room - July/Aug Online
Please click this link to access the July/August issue of the Upper Room devotional guide online. Since many readers are currently reticent or unable to pick up their copy of the devotional guide because of the virus or closed church office, we hope this will accommodate everyone. We do have hard copies though, so if you want one, please call the church office at 205-822-9631.

Vestavia Hills Farmers Market
Our farmers market is open every Wednesday as an essential service that is providing critical food access for our community. We encourage you to stay heathy and shop safely while supporting local farmers and food makers in our community. The market is open from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm every Wednesday through August 26 and will be located right off of Highway 31 in Scouts Square. The farmers market is an outreach ministry of the church, and monies obtained from the fees (paid by the farmers) are used to buy fruit and vegetables to distribute through our VHUMC Food Pantry.

Grade Level Prayer
Father, we thank you for all our 9th graders. You have been faithful in leading them through their first year of high school. As they continue to grow, we pray that they would grow in their faith to be your witnesses. For those who are not yet in your family, we pray for their salvation this year. Bring all 9th graders' eyes and hearts to fix on you, working to give you glory in and outside of school. Remind them of the importance of your Gospel and yourself. Please help them to trust in your faithfulness, goodness, and love.
Prayer 2020: This Week in Prayer
The purpose of Prayer 2020 is to grow prayer in the church, both individually and collectively. And the purpose of growing prayer is to know God: His perfect, redeeming love for us, and His will and purposes for us.

So, how are we doing? Have we moved closer to God? Do we seek Him first in everything we do as a church and as individuals? Are we growing more like Jesus? Do we know the Lord and who we are in Him?

The word of the Lord as recorded by Jeremiah:

"This is what the LORD says: 'Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the LORD." (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

It's not too late. Spend time with the Father. Read His word. Talk with Him. Ask Him to show you His face. There is nothing more important that you could do today.
COA Fall and Summer Opportunities
Registration for fall classes is open! We are constantly evaluating how to facilitate our classes safely. While we do not have concrete answers concerning whether lessons will occur in-person or online, we are certain that your arts instruction will continue and be of the highest possible quality.

Here are the remaining Summer camps with spots still open:
  • Weekly Acting Intermission (online): 5 Wednesdays in July, ages 8-12
  • In-Person Outdoor Drum Circle: July 14, 21, & 28, ages 7-13
  • Guitar Camp (online): July 20-24, all levels welcome, ages 7-16 with rotating classes
Private lessons are always available! Contact your teacher or [email protected] to arrange.

Ongoing Outreach
Food Pantry
Food Pantry served 171 families at our drive-thru last Wednesday. That is about 600 individuals fed. If you would like to help with this ministry, please make checks to VHUMC (marked for food pantry) and drop in the slot at the office door of the church. If you prefer to shop for us, we always need peanut butter, dried beans, or breakfast items. Thank you for your continued support of our food pantry.

Oak Mountain Ministry
Oak Mountain Mission is again distributing food. They are still not accepting clothing or other items. You might consider donating those items to Vapor Thrift Store or the Salvation Army.

STAIR of Birmingham Needs You
STAIR students will need you this fall! Students in our community are struggling with literacy and need your help. Would you be willing to work one-on-one with a Birmingham student or by assisting in recruiting new tutors? You will be helping 1st and 2nd graders reach their fullest potential. We hope that our face-to-face tutoring will pick back up in the Fall, but we also have plans to adapt through virtual tutoring if necessary. Follow STAIR on Facebook by visiting https://www.facebook.com/stairbirmingham.
General Fund Fiscal Year 2020

Donations this past week

July 2019 - May 2020
Other Income
Total Income 


(+) Better or (-) worse for the church than our target
Care and Support
Congratulations, hospitalizations, and sympathies

Prayer Requests
Please be in prayer for the following persons: