Biscayne Beach Surface Parking Lot Update
August 27, 2021
Project Overview and Benefits
This project delivers vital improvements to the Biscayne Beach neighborhood, including the construction of a new surface parking lot with 28-spaces, a new drainage system, landscaping, an irrigation system, picket fencing, and a precast concrete wall. The project will also incorporate new lighting, conduits for security cameras, and resilient infrastructure that features a new raised seawall and pervious pavement.

What's Happening
The concrete piles and panels for the seawall are installed and the seawall construction will be complete within the next couple of weeks. The drainage system, the foundation for the lighting system, and security camera poles have been installed. The remaining work to complete the parking lot with the landscaping and irrigation is in progress.
The project is on schedule for completion by March 2022. Construction work hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the duration of the project. Please note, this schedule may change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.

What to Expect
  • Moderate levels of construction noise is expected during the day.
  • Construction of the seawall is being completed from the land side.
  • Permissible levels of noise and vibration may be generated during the construction of the seawall.
  • Construction equipment, machinery, and workers will be present in work zones.

Who to Contact
Dexter Peralta
To learn more about the city’s innovative initiatives, visit

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