Avondale E-Worship
"Thwarting God"

Isaiah 53: 1 - 6
53  Who has believed what we have heard?
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

For he grew up before him like a young plant,
and like a root out of dry ground;
he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

He was despised and rejected by others;
a man of suffering[ a ] and acquainted with infirmity;
and as one from whom others hide their faces[ b ]
he was despised, and we held him of no account.

Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases;
yet we accounted him stricken,
struck down by God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions,
crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the punishment that made us whole,
and by his bruises we are healed.

All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have all turned to our own way,
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
Spiritual Reflection

A Moment for Children
Parents, read over the lesson below and use it to stir conversation as a family!
If I gave you these choices which would you choose?
Beach trip or camping trip?
Ice cream or Popsicles?
Playing outside or watching a movie?
Panthers or Hornets?
Sandals or tennis shoes?

I love having choices when making a decision! When we have choices we can sit back and think about the best option. Everyday we are faced with many decisions and with each decision we have choices. Some are pretty easy, like what you want for lunch and some can be harder like, deciding whether or not to tell the truth or to help someone in need.

The Power to Choose!
God gives us the power to choose! God is always with us and wants what is best for us but allows us to make our own decisions and to choose the path we want to take! Think about a time you have been faced with a hard decision, have you ever heard the little voice in your heart urging you to make the right choice? I like to believe that is the Holy Spirit guiding us and reminding us to choose what is good and true and kind.
(Take a moment and share about a time you had a difficult time making the right decision.)

Every now and then we all choose a wrong path and can get a little lost but what we need to remember is that God is always with us! Jesus died on the cross for all of our mistakes and His love and forgiveness goes to infinity and beyond! If we seek God in what we do and in the decisions we make, He will guide us and when we take the wrong path, He will lead us back.

Today is Mother's Day! Speaking of good choices, I think a good choice would be to celebrate Mom! Thank her for all that she does for you, spend time together taking a walk or going for a bike ride, help out around the house or with cooking dinner and tell her how much you love her!

Dear God, Thank you for guiding me. Please help me to remember to always choose what is good and true and kind. Amen.
Member Care Corner
"Show You Care - Task of the week"

Reading the beautiful litany today, written for all mother's by Cheryl Judd-Magee, we learn that a mother comes in many forms and is someone who nurtures, heals, loves and guides! We give thanks to our Mothers and to the many people who have been a 'mother' to us. Today, reach out to a woman of the church who has nurtured, loved and guided you, letting them know how thankful you are!
If you know of any member concerns or needs, please email Jim or call the church office and leave a message.

Online Directory Password: 1944A
Mission Corner

How is Avondale responding during this time of need?

The Bethlehem Center continues to use space at Avondale to host children whose parents are working in essential jobs, ensuring that the children can continue to learn while school is being conducted online. The program has had approximately 8 children in recent weeks. Each week, Avondale's ABC team has put together non-perishable meal bags for each child's family for the weekend to ensure the children and their families are receiving nutritious meals. In this time when it is difficult for so many to feed themselves, Avondale is able to help those with whom we are engaged in mission year-round thanks to your faithful giving!  
Special Offering

We invite you to participate in contributing to this wonderful ministry!

All gifts received will be used to purchase weekly meal supplies. Use the link below to give using a credit or debit card. You may also mail a check to the church office with "ABC" noted on the memo. Thank you for your support and generosity!
Your Avondale Pledge

For those of you who contribute to your pledge through the offering plate on Sunday, there are many opportunities to fulfill your commitment including, mailing a check, PayPal or a one-time or reoccurring bank draft . Drafts can be setup or changed at anytime. Please contact Jacqueline for more information.
Self Care and Prayer
The Labyrinth is a sacred place set aside for you to reflect, pray, and worship God. The rhythm of walking empties the mind, relaxes the body and refreshes the spirit. 

The Labyrinth can be walked in four stages, allowing you to walk with your body and rest your mind.

Remember: Before walking the labyrinth take time in gratitude to be thankful for your life. Bless the people in your life. If there is a specific event or situation troubling you (like the coronavirus) bring it to mind and form a healing question if possible (such as why am I anxious about …).

Release: Walking into the labyrinth quiet the mind, let go of the chatter and release any tension. Open your heart to feel whatever it might feel. Become aware of your breathing making sure you are taking slow deep breaths. Relax and move at your own pace. 

Receive: While standing or sitting in the center, use this space as a place of reflection. Pause and stay as long as you like. Open yourself to God. Listen to God’s small, inner voice. Use this time to pray and be honest with God about the things you need to say. 

Return: While walking out of the labyrinth, take the same path you followed to go in. Walking out experience the sense of well-being, healing, energy, and peace.

Prayers You Might Choose to Offer

"I place myself in your presence O God."

"Thank you God for ______. I praise your name because you _______."

"Lord search me and know me for you have created me. Give me the strength to serve you and to _____."

While exiting, offer words of praise and thanksgiving!