August 27th, 2021
Exhibiting God Works!
Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16

The English language is something in our region of God’s world that we can easily take for granted. Speaking English, as well as learning the formalities and grammatical customs is a...

Saturday, October 9th, 10:00-3:00pm

As the Lord’s Acre committee starts their planning for LA2021, your help is needed in making it a wonderful day! You can start now by donating any of the following items:
  • Bottled water
  • Canned soft drinks
  • Individual packages of chips

These items can be placed in the marked bin in the Narthex.
School Prayer Ministry

The new school year is here! Let's support our local school with prayer. Sign up to pray for a school each week for one month, either in person or by proxy. To pray for the month of September, stop by the Connection Center to sign up for your school.
Wednesday, September 8th, 5:30pm

Starting September 8th, dinner will be at 5:30 with programming from 6:00-7:00pm. There is something for everyone! The first week the menu will be chicken enchiladas with black beans.
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30am, Chapel

This study will look at Mark Feldmeir’s book, A House Divided. He explores how a “politics of compassion” can help us identify our common values on some of today’s divisive issues (ie: climate change, racism, immigration), inspire us to explore solutions and heal our divisions. The book ($15) is available at Amazon, Cokesbury, or Chalice Press. This 6-week class will be led by Trudy Smith. Email Trudy Smith for more information about this study group.
Pastor's Morning Bible Study
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Chapel

Everyone is invited to Pastor Joel's Bible study. We will begin with studying Luke. BYOB (bring your own Bible).
Java & Jesus
Thursdays, 10-11:30am, Gathering Room

Java & Jesus is a gathering for "busy moms" - and grammas! - who are interested in fellowship and an encouraging Word. We will begin meeting on August 19 with a video series. No outside reading required. Nursery childcare is provided! Please
email Trudy Smith if you have questions, or if you plan to attend with kiddos, so
we have plenty of nursery workers.
Mondays, 7:30am, Chapel
Pastor Joel will be sharing a short devotional with this group. Burritos and coffee will be served. This is an opportunity to meet new people and decompress. The goal is for those not retired, to get back on the road by 8:15, at the latest. A donation of $5 is asked to cover the cost.
We have several church members who are no longer able to drive to church. Would you be willing to help a senior church member get to and from worship on Sunday morning? Please sign up at the Connection Center or contact Trudy Smith for more information.
If you would like to help feed our neighbors, we are currently short of the following items:

  • Canned Corn, Peas or Mixed Vegetables
  • Tuna Helper
  • Plastic squeeze bottles of jelly

Please be sure to check the expiration dates. Donations can be placed in the marked bin in the Narthex. Thank you for your faithfulness in feeding our hungry friends.
In your times of prayer throughout the week, please remember the people named below.
Concerns: Amy Kehrt; Shannon Reynold's mother Anita Sparks; Bill Burt; Lilly Hefner; Sandy Greenough's cousin Bob Testa; Tracey Boyes SIL Laura McMillan; Steve Leifeste; Robin Boomer’s nephew Wayne Taylor; Susan Wolf’s BIL Don Jacobson; Fred Van Valkenburg’s brother David; Lynnda Burroughs; Deana McMullen’s mother Joyce Bush

Special members who are unable to worship with us: Jim and Pat Glenn; Geneyne Clark; Mattie Graham; Stella Lee; Bobbie Wooten; jody Young; LouAnn Doss; Sandra Dean; Beverly Choat; Ken fisher

Sympathies: James Dorrell and family on the death of his brother Jeff Dorrell

Long-term prayer concerns: Carrie Hester; Robby Reed; Mary Mock’s sister Doris Russell; Stella Lee’s daughter Sherroll Shirley; Susan Morey; DeeAnn Day’s mother Lou Ann Pate; Gavin Trietsch; Jeremy Hartle; Steve and Paula Moore; Our Country and All Military Personnel
9am - Contemporary HUB Service (in-person)
11am - Sanctuary Service (in-person)
11am - Online Worship Facebook, Website, YouTube
6pm - Students @ The Quad

6pm - Children's JAM (Jesus and Me) - Chapel
6pm - Area 56 - Chapel
6pm - Students@ The Quad
6pm - Pastor's Bible Study