Stay Informed!
May 2020 Newsletter
Be Prepared.  
In a relatively short time, COVID-19 is impacting North Dakota on a large scale. North Dakota Compass tracks, among others, data useful to understand the population in your area and the potential risk to the current COVID-19 pandemic. According to CDC, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions (e.g., chronic lung disease, serious heart conditions, immune deficiencies, severe obesity, diabetes, kidney or liver disease) may be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. In addition, socioeconomic and environmental factors (e.g., lack of medical insurance, poverty, lack of access to transportation or nutritious food) impact the likelihood of becoming ill and the capacity of recovering from an illness.

To help inform planning and executing interventions and services in North Dakota's communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, we compiled a list of useful data resources that will be continually updated. The list contains:
  • Links to reliable websites that provide latest COVID-19 developments, 
  • Data on ND Compass and other websites with information about the population at risk, 
  • Links to resources showing the impact of COVID-19 on North Dakota's communities.

Find Solutions.
Grocery stores in rural areas struggle in North Dakota and across the nation due to a variety of demographic and economic reasons. Declining populations in rural areas, competition from large chain stores, and meeting distributors' minimum buying requirements present substantial challenges to rural grocery stores. The loss of a local grocery store affects the community's ability to attract new people and businesses to the area and limits the access to healthy food. Under the new circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes even more important to protect vulnerable populations' access to affordable healthy food and support the health of residents.

This month's article is a summary of a report regarding a pilot project in rural North Dakota that explores potential collaborations in the purchase and distribution of wholesale food products to rural grocersThe report was prepared by Lori Capouch, North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives and Neil Doty, N.C Doty and Associates, LLC.  Awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by rural grocers is a critical first step to identifying and implementing effective solutions to ensure safe and affordable access to healthy food in North Dakota's rural communities.

Consider Differences.
In North Dakota, about one in ten people are considered to live below the poverty level (10.7 percent , 2018 data). North Dakota's poverty rate is lower than the United States' poverty rate of 13.1 percent and ranks North Dakota 11th (from lowest to highest rate) among the 50 states.
By county, poverty rates in North Dakota range from 6.5 percent in Williams County to 32.9 percent in Sioux County, with eight counties having a poverty rate above the national average.

Under the current conditions, when most communities are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very important to consider areas with people in poverty since they are more likely to work in jobs with a high risk to exposure, live in insecure housing, lack health insurance, and live in areas with less access to health care. 

Challenge Your Knowledge.
Older adults (age 65 and older) are listed among population of high risk during the recent pandemic. Fifteen percent of North Dakota's population is 65 years and older. There are 22 cities with 2,500 and more residents In North Dakota. Among them, the percentage of older adults varies from 4.9 percent to 28.8 percent.

Which city has the highest percentage of older adults?

a. Valley City
c. Rugby

Keep Up-To-Date.
During this unprecedented time, North Dakota Compass continues to provide reliable and consistent information for North Dakota's community, policy, organization, non-profit, and business leaders who are planning for the future in an environment of continuous change.
Explore the charts and profiles updated in April 2020. Check often for new updates!

  • State of North Dakota
  • Planning Regions
  • Native American Reservation Areas
  • Counties
  • Metropolitan Areas
  • Micropolitan Areas

Thanks to Those Who Help Us Keep You Informed.
North Dakota Compass is fortunate to have organizations that believe in, support, and invest in its mission to measure progress and inspire action.

Many thanks to North Dakota Compass' funders and members for helping us keep North Dakota informed on the latest demographic and socio-economic data and trends. 
You Can Also Help.
The 2020 Census is underway and the most important and safe thing you can do is respond online, by phone, or by mail. It has never been easier to respond to the 2020 Census. Once you have responded, please encourage your family and friends to do the same. 

An accurate and complete census helps businesses, community leaders and elected officials make informed decisions every day.

North Dakota Compass | 701.231.5916 | |
PO Box 6050, Dept. 2362, Fargo, ND, 58108-6050
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