Legislative Update
Springfield has been busy this past month with First Readings, Assignments and Hearings on a wide variety of House and Senate Bills. They were on a break from March 9 through the 13 but extended that through March 20 due to concerns over Coronavirus. It is uncertain how this impacts the March 27th Committee Deadlines. Of interest to IRA members are:
HB 2651/SB 3424 Recycling - Beverage Containers - creates deposit act
HB2831 Carpet (not fully published as of March 17)
HB3335/SB 3423 Carryout Bag Fee
(corrected HB# from previous publication)
HB4058 CMS-Recycling Program
HB4432 Exclusive Disposal Contracts
HB4704 Right to Garden Act
HB4715/SB 3087 IEPA - Compost Facility
HB4888 Pharmaceutical Take-Back
HB4902 Income Tax - Anaerobic Digesters
HB5169/SB3677 Polystyrene Foam Ban
HB5351 Balloons
HB5496 Mercury Thermostat Collection
SB1828 Needle and Hypodermic Needle Access
SB2909 Renters Right to Recycle
SB2920 Plastic Straw Ban
SB3663 Paint Collection and Recycling (not fully published as of March