Welcome to the July 29th edition of CanChild Today! We are excited to share our latest event, products, and publications by some of our members!
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Post-traumatic stress in parents!
Join Luke's Legacy Family Research Rounds to talk about post-traumatic stress in parents of children with neurodevelopmental conditions, featuring Dr. Elisa Kaltenbach and Ms. Donna Thomson from the Life Beyond Trauma team.
Dr. Elisa Kaltenbach is a Trauma Therapist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the IWK Health Centre (Halifax). She is also the co-principal investigator of the Life Beyond Trauma Program, a research project dedicated to developing an online intervention for parents who have experienced trauma in the care of their neurodiverse children.
Ms. Donna Thomson is a parent, writer, activist, as well as co-developer and co-instructor of the Family Engagement in Research Course at CanChild, McMaster University.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 | 7:00 to 8:00 pm ET | Online via Zoom or Facebook Live
Are you proud to be a research partner? Share it with the world!
Share your pride in being a research partner by using one of our Facebook profile photo frames! Join other parents, families, and children and youth with disabilities who make a difference and impact research with their stories.
Get certification for using the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)!
The GMFM Criterion Test is an online tool used to evaluate a clinician’s knowledge and ability to score the GMFM. It involves answering 10 multiple choice questions and scoring 20 video clips of children performing a variety of GMFM items. Those who complete the test and achieve a score of 80% or more in both sections will receive a certification for using the measure.
This one-hour video provides an overview of the development and administration of the GMFM tools. It includes information on GMFM-88, GMFM-66, Item Set and Basal and Ceiling methods, scoring, item maps, motor growth curves, interpreting scores, and use of GMFM for children with Down Syndrome. The second part of the video includes descriptions and video clips of children performing selected GMFM items from each dimension.
Recent Publications by CanChild Members!
Self-esteem mediates mental health outcomes in young people with epilepsy
Epilepsy in young people often co-occurs with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. However, variables and pathways to support mental health in childhood epilepsy are still unexplored. This study showed that self-esteem mediated the mental health impact of peer support and clinical seizure burden in young people with epilepsy. Moreover, evidence suggests that interventions focusing on self-esteem can mitigate the negative effects of low peer support or resistant epilepsy on self-reported mental health outcomes. Future research should evaluate the contributors of self-esteem and empirically test whether interventions lead to a decreased report of mental health symptoms. Authors: Cahill PT, Ferro MA, Campbell WN, Ronen GM. Epilepsia. 2021 Jul 18. doi: 10.1111/epi.17006.
Structural validity and internal consistency of Picture My Participation: A measure for children with disability
Picture My Participation (PMP) is a self-reported instrument designed to capture the attendance and involvement of children and youth with intellectual disabilities in everyday situations, particularly in low- and middle-income settings. The items in PMP were selected by reviewing CanChild’s Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY), among other existing participation measures. This study identified possible subcomponents in the attendance scale and examined the internal consistency of scores to explore the structural validity of PMP. Children with varying levels of intellectual disability across different cultural settings were able to complete the PMP and report their participation attendance, suggesting that PMP can be a useful tool to understand and target participation outcomes. Authors: Arvidsson P, Dada S, Granlund M, Imms C, Shi LJ, Kang LJ, Hwang AW, Huus K. Afr J Disabil. 2021 May 28;10:763. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v10i0.763.
Information and Empowerment of Families of Children With Cerebral Palsy in Brazil: The Knowledge Translation Role of Nossa Casa Institute
This paper describes the knowledge translation actions of Nossa Casa Institute in Brazil, a non-profit organization aiming to promote cerebral palsy (CP) awareness and empower families by providing reliable information. The researchers shared their experience in planning and conducting an online workshop to foster principles of family-centred service. They also developed activities including social media posts and live interactions, multidisciplinary conferences, educational courses, and research project contributions. The activities are grounded on evidence-based information using plain, accessible, and friendly language. The researchers used the action cycle from the Knowledge to Action Framework to describe the activities proposed in the workshop development and implementation and to plan future actions. Authors: Airoldi MJ, Vieira BS, Teplicky R, Chalfun D, Bonfim RGAS, Mancini MC, Rosenbaum P, Brandão MB. Front. Rehabilit. Sci. 2:709983. 2021 June 28. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2021.709983.
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