May 11, 2020
FCC Pledge Extension Deadline is Today
FCC Chairman  Pai  announced the extension of the Keep Americans Connected Pledge through June 30, 2020. Individual ACA Connects members who took the pledge, and elect not to extend it beyond May 12, have until today to provide notice; absent such notice, the FCC will deem operators who previously took the pledge as extending it until the end of June.  Please  notify ACA Connects of your election decision  no later than close of business today , and ACA Connects will notify the FCC on your behalf.
Helpful Information on PPP Loan Forgiveness

If you received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan from the SBA, you’ll want to take the steps needed to maximize the forgiveness of the loan. We’ve assembled a collection of articles and links to help you gain insight into the forgiveness terms and the required paper trail. We also recommend that you consult a CPA or attorney before you begin allocating funds from the loan. ACCESS THE ARTICLES
Communications Industry Briefing:
Federal Initiatives & Actions

Join us for a briefing on initiatives and actions by government entities including the White House, Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, the FCC and FEMA. Note: This is an off-the-record briefing and intended for communications industry participants only.

Featured Speaker
Grant Schneider, Federal Chief Information Security Officer, Office of Management and Budget, The White House
May 11, 3:00 PM ET
Strategizing the Return of Your Workforce

This free webinar hosted by C2HR will provide insight into how your organization can prepare for the transition back to work and upcoming transformation of the enterprise in light of lessons learned from the pandemic crisis. 
May 12, 2:00 PM ET
Rethinking Workspace Design & Logistics

When it’s time to transition employees from WFH back to the workplace, there is a lot to consider—from social distancing and space allocations to rethinking the breakroom. C2HR has assembled a group of experts to share strategies that will ensure the wellness, productivity and sense of connection among your employees in a post-pandemic workplace. 
May 14, 1:00 PM ET
Understanding Retransmission Consent—Keys to Negotiation

This webinar will review the new registration rules, discuss significant provisions of retrans agreements, note pitfalls to avoid and discuss strategies for handling retransmission consent both internally and externally. The webinar will also feature time for questions. This webinar is for ACA Connects operator members only.
Featured Speakers
Bruce Beard, Partner, Cinnamon Mueller, Counsel to ACA Connects
Scott Friedman, Partner, Cinnamon Mueller, Counsel to ACA Connects
John Higginbotham, EVP Member Services & Finance/Chief of Staff, ACA Connects
Matt Polka, President & CEO, ACA Connects
May 18, 2:00 PM ET
Vernon Communications Cooperative Source of Serenity to Community

During this time of social distancing, many people have found solace in the little things. Vernon Communications Cooperative in Westby, Wisconsin, provides a daily Facebook Live video feed of the sun setting over Sidie Hollow Park accompanied by soothing music. The sunset from May 7 (pictured below) was particularly beautiful!

To share an exceptional story about your company’s impact in the community during COVID-19 , please contact Ted Hearn , ACA Connects VP of Communications.