July 2020 Vol. 1
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
For your business mind
SPANISH-LANGUAGE VIDEO ADDRESSES VIRUS SPREAD AND PREVENTION with English captions. The short video uses a model of Covid-19 to explain virus transmission and prevention. Perfect for Spanish-speaking team members, the information is also an easy tool to share with English-speaking employees. This video is a tool you can use with your entire team to help take a proactive approach to staying healthy. Click here to watch the video. 
TAKING TIME FOR MID-YEAR CHECK-INS WITH YOUR TEAM will deliver benefits, especially during a year as challenging as 2020. A mid-year check provides an opportunity for ongoing conversations about goals and performance while reducing stress around the annual performance review. Suggestions for adding value to these check-ins include:
  • Make employees part of the process
  • Expect joint ownership and preparation
  • Ask more and talk less
  • Discuss more than the work itself
  • Look ahead
  • Refocus on the big picture
Read the full article with more details on each suggestion here
The Dairy Signal
CRITICAL INSIGHTS FOR DECISION MAKING.  Don’t miss The Dairy Signal for insights from leading experts across dairy and agricultural industries, government and universities. Designed by fellow dairy farmers from the PDPW Board of Directors, the Dairy Signal is focused on bringing insights and resources for dairy farmers and industry professionals to manage during these challenging times. Free educational sessions are held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with recorded versions available for free on the PDPW website. Click here to find archived recordings of sessions including:

This week:
Tuesday, July 14
Find out how meat processing plants have fared through the coronavirus pandemic, how they are adapting going forward, and what precautions have been taken for both food and worker safety.
  • Curt Larson, President and CEO of Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association
  • Steve Van Lannen, President and Chief Operating Officer of American Foods Group

Wednesday, July 15
There’s been some changes with the National Dairy FARM Program. Get the scoop on what these additions are and how they will impact your farm. 
  • Emily Yeiser Stepp, Vice President of The National Dairy FARM Program, National Milk Producers Federation

Thursday, July 16
How does the Beef Checkoff impact dairy farmers? Learn how beef and byproducts find their way into the export market while also taking a look at the structure of the beef checkoff program nationally.
  • Tammy Vaassen, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Beef Council

Presenters and topics covered recently include:
Hear what is happening around the country in cheese sale efforts and what strategies are being taken to promote Wisconsin dairy products.
  • Rick Findlay, Vice President of Food Service and International for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
  • Mike Edge, Marketing Director – Eastern Division for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin

Zero in on manageable areas in your business that will help navigate risk going forward, including feed and labor.
  • Dr. David Kohl, Co-owner of Homestead Creamery in Wirtz, Va., and Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

Learn the most practical and cost-effective ways to maximize cow comfort year-round, but specifically during the hottest days of the season.
  • Dr. Nigel Cook, DVM, Professor in Food Animal Production Medicine at UW-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine; Chair of the Department of Medical Sciences
  • Dr. Jennifer Van Os, PhD, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Animal Welfare at UW-Madison

Determine what type of cover crops are ideal for your operation by zeroing in on your goals and how they will impact your business.
  • Matt Ruark, Associate Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Learn how livestock become “upcyclers” by utilizing marginal land around the world to produce some of the most nutritious food.
  • Dr. Frank Mitloehner, Ph.D., Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist, Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis

Get the latest update on how the dairy, crop, ethanol and meat markets are responding domestically and globally, plus the most recent insights into the export markets.
  • Dan Basse, Economists and President of AgResource Company

If you have suggestions for future programs, email
For your dairy
ZINC SUPPLEMENTATION TO TREAT NEWBORN CALF DIARRHEA was the focus of a research study published in the Journal of Dairy Science. The study evaluated the effects of low-dose zinc supplements on growth, incidence of diarrhea and immune function in calves in the first 14 days after birth. Researchers saw differing effects, and recommended that calves receive 104 mg of zinc oxide during the first three days of life and 457mg of zinc methionine from 4 to 14 days. They concluded that zinc supplementation may be an alternative to antibacterial agents for treating newborn calf diarrhea. Learn more here .
REDUCE HEAT STRESS TO LIMIT INCREASED SOMATIC CELL COUNTS during summer and fall months. The primary concern for producers during warmer temperatures is the potential impact on milk production, but a Penn State Extension article focuses on the potential increase of environmental mastitis during summer months. Steps to reduce heat stressors include:
  • Keep bedded areas clean and dry to reduce bacteria growth and encourage cows to lay in stalls
  • Manage fans and sprinklers to reduce wet stall beds, overly wet cows and prevent build-up of manure
  • Implement fly control protocols to reduce the stress and disease from biting flies
  • Provide an abundance of fresh clean water
Click here to read the full article.
ADDING MOLASSES-BASED LIQUID FEED to a high-straw dry cow diet may improve intake and consistency in nutrients, according to research published in the Journal of Dairy Science. The study included 40 cows with half receiving a high-straw dry cow TMR supplemented with molasses-based liquid feed starting at dry-off. At calving, all cows received the same lactating TMR. Cows that received the liquid feed diet had increased dry matter intake with shorter intervals between meals during the dry period. Researchers stated that the diet may contribute to better rumen health across the transition period. Learn more here .
Book review
BOOK REVIEW: THE INFINITE GAME.  Author Simon Sinek shares a framework for leadership that is based on developing an “infinite mindset.” While sports and board games are “finite” with clear rules, goals and defined winners and losers, business is a game without a finish line. To succeed in business, leaders should embrace an infinite mindset focused on building stronger, more innovative organizations that are measured by creating value over the long term and delivering innovative products and experiences for customers, employees and shareholders. Click here to learn more. 
PDPW Podcast
The PDPW Podcast welcomes two new speakers, Michael Hoffman and Shelly O'Leary.

In a recent episode, Michael Hoffman, reminds us all to Love Louder by being intentional with our service to others. Through positive actions, we all can make an impact in the lives of those around us.

Shelly O'Leary shares a personal story in her PDPW Podcast debut episode, The Gift of Death . After a defining life moment, Shelly's perspective changed forever. From her experience, she was able to determine what matters in her life and helps listeners to define what is important to them.

To listen to these episodes, visit , Spotify and iTunes .
“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.”
~ Angela Duckworth
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