Theo Braddy's Blog
Title: Don’t Believe the Hype!
Subject Areas: Re-opening School/Disparity/Racism

Everyone from the Trump Administration is misleading us in the news about the COVID 19 threat. You won’t wake up one morning and, poof, it will disappear. It is completely amazing to me how the number of cases and the number of deaths keep increasing while the administration keeps saying the U.S. is in great shape! I am not surprised by what they are saying, because I know for them the purpose is that a better economy equals a better chance for a Trump re-election.

But when I hear the administration telling America to open the schools back up this fall and that everything will be okay, I say, “Don’t Believe the Hype!”

Now, this is only one man’s opinion but parents, please think about a few things. Even in better times - and when I say better times, I mean pre-COVID 19 times, because I can’t truly say times were better - there was a complete disparity in certain school districts. We all know this to be true without me naming the school districts.

Not all school districts have the same school budgets. Not all school districts have the same higher-paid teachers. Not all school districts have the same building facilities or upkeep. Not all school districts have the same resources for their teachers. Not all school districts have highly-trained nurses. Not all school districts have access to necessary training, protocols, or security. And this is in the “better times.”

But now we face the “COVID 19 Times”. Do we think like Trump’s thinks — that poof, we will wake up and things will be magically changed? No, there will still be disparities, maybe even worse than before. Those school districts that always get the least will be the most vulnerable. And those who attend these schools, those with low incomes and people of color, will suffer from COVID 19 the most.

Even the so-called better school districts need to be concerned about opening the schools up again in the fall. Personally, I believe the well-to-do schools will be hit hard too. Young children and young teenagers will not practice social distancing well; let’s face it, most adults are not doing it well!

I know this blog might not be well received. I know parents want to get their kids back in school so they can restart their education and parents can get back to work and we can experience “normal” again but is it worth it?

Going back to school is not worth losing our kids' lives!

No one wants to admit that there are haves and have-nots all over the county but, believe me, when it comes to school districts, it is as clear as night and day. And, as always, Black America and people of color will suffer the most.

So, don’t believe the hype! America is not ready to open our schools. More funding and equity are needed along with a host of other reforms that will ensure fairness and protection.

Just one man's opinion!