The safety and well-being of Engage staff, and the clients and employees we serve, is always top of mind at Engage PEO. We know our clients and employees are concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic and Engage is committed to guide them through this time of heightened uncertainty.
What We Are Doing for Our Clients and Staff
Promoting Health and Safety
- Engage is continuously monitoring updates from global, federal, state and local authorities to keep our clients and teams informed and provide guidance based on the latest public health directives. We also are working closely with our partners who advise on safety, risk, and legislative compliance matters and crisis management.
- We have advised Engage staff to stay home if they are sick, provided telecommuting options for those who need it, reinforced proper hygiene etiquette in our offices, and enhanced cleaning processes in Engage facilities.
- International and national travel guidelines and protocols have been put in place, including the temporary suspension of non-essential business travel. Virtual and telephonic meetings have been encouraged over in-person meetings, and social distancing practices are in place.
Business Continuity
Engage is fully prepared to provide continued service to our clients across the country in any contingency situation. Our Business Continuity Plan is verified and tested annually and will be implemented immediately as required.
- As part of the Plan, our client service priorities are to ensure the timely processing and delivery of client payrolls and other essential services.
- If any office closures are required or recommended to protect the health of our employees and our communities, Engage services will not be affected. This includes client and employee access to our technology systems, call routing capabilities, and access to our client service and human resources consultant teams. Engage day-to-day operations consist of multiple sites, redundant systems, and remote teams that can be deployed and adapt accordingly to respond to client requests and changing business needs.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact your Engage client service or sales partner.