"When fear knocks at your door,
send faith to answer. Allow the grace
of God to pierce into the moment."
Rev. Jojappa Adagatla, pastor of
St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Whitehall, Pa.
Above Photo: After not seeing each other for an extended period of time, Sisters Denise Olshausky and Mary Martha Zammatore joyfully reconnect at a 2017 event.
The Spirituality
of Connecting
A once-a-century event like a pandemic certainly shines a spotlight on how people interact physically with one another. But times of trouble also reveal our spiritual and emotional connections. Sister Jean Makovsky recommends this video featuring Brian McLaren of the Center for Action & Contemplation. The author shares his perspective on how the COVID-19 pandemic accentuates not the only the connections we can see, but even more so, those we can truly feel.
Note: The Sisters have no control
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One-On-One with Our Sisters
As we endure the COVID-19 pandemic and other unrest in our country, our Sisters reflect on fond memories, what brings them strength and solace, and wise words to share with our friends in faith.

Is there any special place you go or routine you follow that makes your prayer time more fulfilling?
My best time for prayer is in the early morning. I get a cup of coffee and sit in my room looking out at the sunrise or early morning sky and take time for prayer and meditation.
 Sister Frances Marie Duncan
With so many activities limited right now, families are spending more and more time at home together. What was a favorite activity you did with your family?
“Evenings were times of rest and peace at our home. My two older sisters played duets on the piano in the living room, dad read his weekly Slovak paper in his big easy chair, mom read the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph newspaper, while my kid brother and I sprawled on the living room floor playing board games. None of this was a planned activity. It’s what we seemed to do after a day’s work. There was no TV invented yet, so we just enjoyed family life.”
 Sister Norberta Kralosky
What scripture passages, reflections or songs do you find especially inspirational during times of trouble?
My favorite reflection is when Jesus asked Peter, 'Simon, do you love me?' three times. Then I hear Jesus ask me, ' Cecilia, do you love me?' When I am down and out, I love a church song called Dwelling Place . I also enjoy the tune to Love Me Tender , which I have on a music box. It soothes me.
 Sister Cecilia Jacko
Connect with Prayer
Join Sisters Barbara DeStefano and Anita Kuchera on the morning of July 30 to pray the Rosary in a virtual setting. All you need is an internet connection and your faith.
Bearing Fruit
The summer growing season is bearing fruit at our Monocacy Farm Project in Bethlehem, Pa., with the kick off of the Pick-Your-Own produce program this week.
A Time to Reconnect
Sunshine stirs memories of special summer days for Sister Nancy Celaschi . There were three special times a year when I was growing up: Christmas, Easter and Uncle Ugo's July visit, she recalls. Although my Dad's family and all six of us cousins got together every Sunday, it was only when my Mom's brother, Ugo, came from Jersey City with his wife and three kids that the eight De Gasperi kids were all together. It was a picnic every day literally. Barbecues, a day at Kennywood (amusement park in Pittsburgh), car rides (including crossing the river on the ferry), target shooting at my uncle's farm, sleepovers and, most importantly, cappelletti in brodo , the same homemade festive dinner we enjoyed at Christmas and Easter.  
A Smile Before You Go
A few weeks back, we shared with you a video of Maxwell and Finnegan, two tiny playmates of different races running to embrace one another on a New York City sidewalk. The inspirational youngsters have returned to the internet as connected as ever and as joyful promoters of peace and precaution.

Note: The Sisters have no control
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