The Back Room
Over the summer we’ve done a great deal of work on the website behind the scenes. Here are some items you can either check out now or in the coming weeks:
- We’ve increased the lead time for music suggestions, so this issue contains titles for October 2021.
- All title suggestions are now active links. Rather than attempting to glean the content by title-only, clicking the [orange] title will reveal the selection’s main page. Here you can see and hear samples of the music and read the complete text. Simply close the page (don’t use your back button) to return to the newsletter.
- For those who use anthem settings, there’s an innovative new feature soon to become active. Watch your email for an announcement of a new "Sample" category which will provide a perusal copy of the score and choral parts. This, like other features on the site, will operate on an honour system, permitting anyone to have access to a sample version of the anthem.
- A great new addition to the site will be the inclusion of a dynamic listing of six weeks of music suggestions, accessible directly from the home page. This listing will be updated weekly to make it possible to quickly focus on just the coming weeks.
- In addition to some new titles Ron has created over the summer, we’ve been working on a number of new arrangements for music by Gordon Light and Pat Mayberry which will also begin appearing in September and October.
There are so many unknowns about what the future holds for worship, choirs and other group activities, it would be fairly easy to say, "why bother?". We’re not going there. We are committed to continue creating and arranging new music as well as working to improve the Musiklus website so that it becomes even more of a unique resource than it already is.
YOU CAN HELP… If you find the site useful, please let others know. The most frequent response we receive from folks visiting the site for the first time is some version of "WOW! Why didn’t I know about this?!".