NAWIC Members and Friends of NAWIC:

Fall is coming! And in Tucson that is exciting news. But maybe not as exciting as NAWIC Chapter #122

First of all, NAWIC #122 Rocked the 16th Annual Shirley Dail Bowling Tournament!! I can’t say enough good about this Chapter and their efforts for this event. We all pulled together and filled the bowling alley completely, doubling the income from last year. Tracy Miller chaired the committee and poured her heart and soul into the event. She had Yvette Pederson as co-chair and everybody else chipped in where needed.

We also got the new Scholarship committee together and began work on streamlining and clarifying our scholarship program. Watch the website as well as handouts at meetings for updates.

Our SACCD Committee met and came up with plans for the first-ever upcoming NAWIC Safety Booth to be part of the November SACCD event. We will have some games for the kids giving them examples of how work can be adversely affected by exhaustion and lack of sufficient lighting.

The contract was signed for our Membership Meeting venue to cover the upcoming year. We will be meeting at Hotel Tucson for our regular membership meetings October 2019 thru September 2020.

Our August Membership Meeting was held at the Urban Grove. A beautiful location with tons of character. At that meeting, we had Randi Dorman as our guest speaker. In addition to her running for Mayor, she is a real estate developer and her husband is an architect. Together they are a part of the construction industry on a daily basis. Despite anyone’s political views, it is my opinion that having a woman in the Construction industry in the spotlight is a good thing for all women in construction.