Thursday Update
April 30, 2020
Holy Longing

In our first lesson this Sunday, we’ll hear that “Those who had been baptized devoted themselves to the apostles; teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

Every time I encounter the phrase “the breaking of the bread,” I feel a knot in my stomach and a tightening in my chest. I feel grief rise. I miss the Eucharist. Theologically, I can think about many forms of Communion, including the community that gathers through Facebook on Sundays. But still, I miss those thin, not-so-tasty wafers that become for us the Bread of Heaven. This way of encountering Christ sacramentally, this way of encountering Spirit through matter, has been a sustaining encounter for most of my life. I long for that particular encounter.

And I long for other kinds of encounters, too. Perhaps, instead of resisting this longing, we can welcome it and transform it into a spiritual practice. We can practice Holy Longing during this strange season. Our Holy Longing can direct us to what is most essential in our lives.

There is a lot that I miss, but that I can fairly easily release. What is less easy to release is this kind of Holy Longing. What forms does your Holy Longing take? What is essential in your life? What sorts of encounters with Christ and each other sustain you?

May our lives be informed by and rooted in this Holy Longing that leads us to the abundant life Jesus longs for us to have (John 10:10).

Reverend Sonya
Transition Update
By Cathy Daust

I am happy to share with you that the Applicant Review Committee (ARC) received two applicants from the Bishop's office last week. They are now hard at work reviewing the information packets and will be conducting interviews mid-May. 

Please lift up Steve Katzakian, the whole ARC team and our chaplain, Sharon Morrison, in prayer that their work will be guided by the Holy Spirit. Pray that they feel the support of our whole congregation as they faithfully carry out the work of this important job for our congregation.
Facebook Safety & Privacy Precautions
It has been so nice to share prayer requests during our Facebook Live worship services. At the same time, we need to be aware that what is put on Facebook can be viewed by anyone and is "permanent" in the world of the web. Please consider carefully what you put in the prayer requests. We suggest that you only include a first name or initials, and not use specific health conditions, location, or your relationship to the person.
Giving Options
Mailing Address for Donations:
 Faith Episcopal Church
PO Box 966
Shingle Springs, CA 95682

Online giving is easy to set up and you won't have to remember to send a check!

Mask Makers Needed
In preparation for the time when we will worship together in person again, guidelines from Bishop Megan will include masks being worn during worship for all who attend in the short-term. To prepare for this we are looking for volunteers to make masks. Sue Davis is coordinating this effort and you can reach her at

Again, this is a preparation for WHEN that day comes. No date has been set.
Day by Day & Upper Room Booklets
The Day by Day and The Upper Room devotional guides for May/June are here. Normally you can pick them up in the rotunda. We have large and small print versions of the Upper Room and small print for the Day by Day.

If you would like us to mail you one, please contact Lynne Thomas at

You can also find these online at

Blessings and stay safe!
Lynne Thomas
Landscape Maintenance Helpers Needed
Our church property needs some loving care. Can you spare a few hours or half a day? Two areas need the most attention, weed eating and removal of dead plants. Take a look at the photo. The entrance to the church is a priority!

Contact Tim Daust at (707) 333-6570 if you have questions.
What have you been doing with your time at home? We want to include your creative work in our social media posts, website and newsletters. So, send us photos, videos, etc. with the creative things you have been doing such as quilting, sidewalk chalk art, music, gardening, baking, painting, poetry, song writing, whatever it is. For safety purposes, we will not include the names of children if there is a photo and we will use first names only to identify the creator of each submission.

Check out our Faith-at-Home space on the webpage!

Email your submission to:
Art by Emma

Poetry - by Darcy
Click to read
Irish Soda Bread by Christine
Other Information
A study for the Great 50 Days of Easter: The Gospel Of Matthew
Just in case you missed it, you can still join in a book study. I f you would like to participate in a study group, please contact Sarah Goodness at  and we will find you a group that you can meet with via video conferencing.
Online resources for people in recovery

Isolation is perilous for people in recovery. We learn that our sobriety depends upon keeping connected to sober people, being accountable to others, being of service to others.  The Rev. Anne McKeever, Diocesan Recovery Facilitator has compiled resources that are still available during the "shut-down".

There are no established office hours during this time when the church is closed due to COVID-19 precautions. If you have any questions, please email the church at

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please email prayer requests to .

Pastor Liz Armstrong and Rev. Sonya are both available by email and phone to support you, but cannot make in-person visits at this time.

Liz Armstrong
(916) 201-3319

Sonya Reichel

Please email and contact information changes to the office at .

The SHARE Food Closet is temporarily closed. Those in need can be directed to the El Dorado County Food Bank.