News & Updates
February 2020
You'll learn about your progress and contribution to the MCeI, meet a specialist reviewer, and discover what's in store for next month.
Over 42,644 eConsults!
eConsults Processed by Specialty
Your Contribution
Taken together, RUHS, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC), and Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) have processed over 42,600 eConsults.

RUHS community clinics play a major role, having submitted 968 eConsults this month alone, and 14,880 eConsults since MCeI's genesis.
Your Month In Review
Bettering Patient Care
The bar graph shows the percent of eConsults resolved without sending patients to a specialist.

By coordinating with 35 specialist reviewers via eConsult, 100+ providers at 14 RUHS and 5 CHS clinic sites succeeded in resolving 89 cases without the need for an in-person visit this month. Your efforts are improving patients' access to appropriate care!
Which specialties did you submit to in February?
Over one-third of eConsults for endocrinology and over one-fourth of cases for neurosurgery, cardiology, and hepatology were resolved between providers on the eConsult platform. By coordinating with specialists sooner via eConsult, primary care providers are helping reduce delays for patients to obtain clinically necessary care.
New Options
As of this month, a new option is available: RUHS primary care providers and clinical staff may use Direct to Authorization for cases of Orthopedic Fracture. Clinical staff may listen to feedback from providers and let them know they can still dialog with orthopedic specialists if preferred.
Platform Changes
New changes to the eConsult platform went live February 6th.

MCeI workflow engineers are here to answer your questions and walk you through the platform's newfound features. Scroll down for their contact information.

You may review the New Features Quick Guide by clicking on "User Guides and Info" section located to the left side of the Inbox page.
Above: One of the ten platform updates outlined in Quick Guide
Connect With Us
Continuous Support
This month, MCeI workflow engineer Nida Javed met with referral coordinators at Mission Grove to resolve system maintenance and speed issues, as well as develop a workflow to address eConsult responses for RUHS primary care providers and specialist reviewers in the Epic EHR.
Here For You
Feel confident navigating the platform with the MCeI team which offers continuous support and refresher training to providers and clinical staff. To master new platform changes or simply brush up, schedule an appointment with our workflow engineers:
Nida Javed | | (909) 767-7616
Gerald Gagner | | (909) 767-7541
Mika'ele Cruz | | (909) 296-2860
Matthew Widney | | (909) 727-7494
Meet Your Specialist Reviewer
Dr. Bret Powers, Orthopedics
Meet Dr. Bret Powers. He is an orthopedic surgeon and is affiliated with Riverside University Health System (RUHS), Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), and Corona Regional Medical Center.

After graduating with his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, Dr. Powers completed a residency at the Summa Health Care System. He went on to attain his fellowship from Ohio State University Sports Medicine Center. Dr. Powers specializes in the field of Sports Medicine.

He has been in practice for over a decade, and is licensed to provide care in both Alaska and California. He has processed over 700 eConsults from RUHS primary care providers in the past year, with an average response time of under one day.
Upcoming Workgroup Calls
During our monthly 30-minute workgroup calls, primary care providers and clinical staff can tackle questions and provide feedback about eConsult with MCeI's dedicated workflow engineers.

Friday, March 20th at 12:00pm
Click to join the March call.

*Keep an eye out for email reminders.