an update produced locally by Bloomington Health Foundation
Thank you to our healthcare workers, social service providers, local leaders, and everyone on the front lines who continue to keep our community safe.

Now more than ever, together for a healthier tomorrow.
BHF is again doubling the impact of donations with another matching grant up to $25,000 for new individual contributions to the United Way of Monroe County’s COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. This second matching fund will target individual and community health-related needs.

Click the image above to read the full press release and click the button below to have BHF match your personal gift.
Tedd Green, Chair of the BHF Board of Directors, encourages our fellow Hoosiers to respond to the 2020 Census and explains the impact our responses have on national, state, and local health programs.
While the Governor of Indiana issued the Executive Roadmap for Reopening Indiana, the Monroe County Health Department is ordering the STATUS QUO  to be maintained in Monroe County until May 15. Local public health authorities are given statutory authority to direct and instruct their individual counties. 

Learn more by watching the City of Bloomington's video linked above.
Announced last week, Governor Holcomb shared the state's plan to gradually reopen businesses. Though Monroe County is still under stay at home orders through May 15, you can learn more about the Back on Track Indiana plan by clicking the image above.
Do you or someone you know need assistance navigating social services during the COVID-19 pandemic? Food access, childcare options, and more can be found by clicking the images above.
TOGETHER for a healthier TOMORROW
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