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Hello Theatre Lovers and Fellow Distancers!

We are now at the two week mark of our social distancing for Theatre Collingwood and what an interesting two weeks it has been. Our Box Office is closed to the public and we are currently working from home. If you call and leave a message or if you email us we will be sure to get right back to you. News seems to change on a day to day basis so keeping up with everything can be a full time job! I hope you are well, and social distancing, and of course most of all I hope you are happy.
The update on Theatre Collingwood is:

  1. We are trying to get specific information from the government on the emergency benefits program so that we do not have to lay off our staff. We should know more details in a few days.
  2. Our business depends on ticket sales and donations and right now things are pretty slow.
  3. It would be fair to say that we do not expect to be able to provide any entertainment in May.
  4. Mark Crawford’s wonderful play The New Canadian Curling Club was coming to us from our friends at Theatre Orangeville in May. We are trying to figure out if that can be fit in later in the year and will let you know as soon as we know.
  5. Our gala will be moved to August.
I want to assure everyone who has a Season Subscription Package that we will still honour your subscription for five shows. More details will follow as we get them but it is our intention to offer you great entertainment as soon as we are able to congregate once again. Lord knows we will all be ready for some social bonding and some entertainment! For our sponsors, they will still get their full sponsorship benefits.

In the meantime, I’d love to know what you are doing with your time these days? Send me an email or post on our Facebook Page. If you have photos send those along too! I want to thank everyone who took the time to write to me after my last newsletter. It really makes my day and is appreciated.
Have you met PRINCE? He is our new office mascot! Prince’s mommy, Linda, works as our Box Office Assistant and when Linda is in the office so is Prince! Prince is a senior dog and he is very friendly. He definitely brightens our days!
Looking for things to do? Many artists are offering concerts from their homes. I have been really enjoying watching Big Girl & Friends on YouTube each night at 7pm.
Christopher Wilson interviews a different guest from the Toronto/Canadian musical theatre scene each night from their homes. This is also a fund raiser for The Actors Fund of Canada, which helps those in the Canadian theatre business when they are in a financial crisis.
YouTube has created a great site called #StayHome where you can learn a variety of things from your home. Topics include: Cook With Me, Workout With Me, Clean With Me, Craft With Me and Study With Me. You can find these at:

Many of you saw Louise Pitre when she performed for us last summer at First Presbyterian Church. Louise went from there to star in Piaf/Dietrich in Toronto. Recently she was in a show called The Times They Are A Changin’, with her husband Joe Matheson. Like all other shows it had to close so they have recorded a lovely version of Forever Young with their cast mates, each singing from their own home. Check out The Social Distancing Festival at:

I reached out to our Board Members and to our staff and asked them to share with you some of the things they are doing in their spare time while still social distancing. Below you will find some photographs that show just that! Although this is an unprecedented and scary time for the world, it seems to also be a time for family and friends to spend quality time together (sometimes virtually or by phone). Some of us are getting tasks done that we have put on the back burner. Thank you to everyone for social distancing. Please wash your hands often, stay home, and be well. Most of all, if you need a friend to talk to please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

During this time, if you are able, please consider a donation to Theatre Collingwood by clicking on this link . Any amount would be appreciated. We know this is a difficult time for everyone and if you cannot help us financially right now please know that we still really appreciate that you are sticking with us. I know that Theatre Collingwood will be back to entertain you in the near future.

Thank you so much. Stay well.


Erica Angus
Executive Director, Theatre Collingwood
Connor and Valerie out for a walk
Anne's playing Nintendo outside
Connor and Andrew are hanging out
Linda & Prince go for a walk
Marie and grandchildren exercise
Monica is practicing her pool
Our graphics designer, Michael gets a new haircut
Erica chats with her girlfriends on line