From the Rector
Pledge Campaign & Parish Survey Underway:
Please Make Your Pledge & Complete the Survey!
This past Sunday, we kicked off our Annual Pledge Campaign as we handed out pledge packets to members attending our 8:30 and 10:30 masses. Since then, we have mailed out pledge packets to anyone who had not yet received them. (If you have not received your pledge packet in the mail by the end of this week, please let us know.) The campaign will continue over the next five weeks before wrapping up on the Second Sunday of Advent, December 8th.

Our Annual Pledge Campaign Committee --  Doug Barrett  (Chair),  J.J. Andrighetti Roger Davis Kay Friddle Dan Hunt Bambi Martin , and  Riley Owens  -- is continuing to do a great job with leading us through this process.

During last year's Annual Pledge Campaign, we received 89 pledges from across the parish. Given the growth in the parish over the past year, we have high hopes that we could surpass 100 pledges this year! We have also set a financial goal of reaching $260,000 in dollars pledged for 2020. I hope that you will join with us in helping us get to those goals.

This year, we have also made it possible for you to submit your pledge online -- if you prefer that to using the printed pledge card. If you would like to do so, you can do so via the link below:
In addition to the Annual Pledge Campaign, we also kicked off the parish survey that will run for the same time period and is being used to help guide the work of the Saint Andrew's Mission/Vision/Values Task Force (made up of Riley Owens Tommy Watson Chuck Evans Patty Slay Scott Chastain Erin Culbertson Jamie Hinds , and yours truly). If you haven't already had an opportunity to complete the survey, you can do so via the following link:
In the days ahead, I encourage you to consider prayerfully the amount of financial support you can pledge to the mission and ministry of Saint Andrew's in 2020 and also take the time to thoughtfully respond to the parish survey as we seek to plan for our common future in service to God in this place.

These are exciting times at Saint Andrew's, and, as we wrap up a year in which we have continued to lay a great foundation for the future, I am joyfully anticipating the ministry that we have before us in 2020. 

What a blessing we have to be able to offer our gifts and our insight in service to the good work that we have before us!

Grace and Peace,
Fr. Gary+
Worship Schedule
Wednesday, November 6, Feast of Richard Hooker, priest
6:30 PM Low Mass with Unction and Healing Prayers
Sunday, November 10,
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
8:30 AM Low Mass
(Rite II)
9:30 AM Sunday School for Children and Adults
10:30 AM High Mass with Incense (Rite I)
November 13
Feast of Margaret Queen of Scotland (observed)
6:30 PM Low Mass with Unction and Healing Prayers
Prayer Requests
The following people have been commended
to the prayers of the parish:
Ann, Audrey, Bambi, Barbara, Bill, Bob, Chuck, Corinne, Eddie, Edward, Ena, Ginger, Hamilton, Hannah, Jean, JoAnn, Jodi, Leigh Ann, Margaret Lee, Mary, Nancy, Nell, Sharon, Weesie, Willlie, Winnie
To add someone to the Daughters of the King prayer list, please e-mail . There is also wooden box in the Narthex where you can fill out prayer cards. The Daughters will add your names to their prayers. 
Sunday School for Children and Adults
This Sunday at 9:30 AM
For our Children's Class, we will continue with the Hearts Alive lectionary-based curriculum. In addition, for infants and toddlers, we have the Nursery open during the Sunday School hour (in addition to the 10:30 AM Mass). In order to keep these ministries going, however, we need additional volunteers to help with teaching Children's Sunday School and to assist our nursery coordinator, Amanda, in the Nursery . If you are able to do help with Sunday School, please e-mail Father Gary. If you can help in the nursery, please sign up here.

For our  Adult Class, Father Gary will continue with our  lectionary-based Old Testament study. This week, we will continue our study of the Book of Jeremiah and, in particular, this week's Old Testament lesson,  Haggai 1:15b-2:9.
Second Sunday Harvest
This Sunday, November 10
At Both Masses
As is our custom on the Second Sunday of each month, we are collecting food and personal hygiene products as well as financial donations designated to United Ministries. 
Saint Andrew's ECW Christmas Project:
Greenville's Gift
Our ECW has voted to sponsor Greenville's Gift as its Christmas outreach project. This organization collects items for needy newborns in Greenville and distributes them. Requested items are blankets, bibs, burp cloths, infant hats, socks, onesies 0-12 months, pajamas 0-12months, outfits 00-12months, coats, jackets or sweaters. This project goes year round so now is a perfect time to shop sales. Items may be placed in the collection box located in the narthex.
Backpack and Blanket Drive 
Saint Andrew’s Mission and Outreach is sponsoring a backpack and blanket drive to assist United Housing Connections with their annual Point-In-Time (PIT) Count in January. The PIT Count helps to identify those who are experiencing homelessness in Greenville and the Upstate. Each person identified is given a backpack which includes items to aid them against the harsh winter weather. 800 backpacks and blankets are needed to fill this need. Information about homelessness and boxes for donations are provided in the parish hall. If you would prefer to write a check for your donation, it can be placed in the offering plate. Make your check out to "United Housing Connections" and in the memo line, add “2020 PIT Donation”.

For more information contact Cindy Henry , Sara Conrad, or Rusty Infinger .
Esty Pipe Organ 100th Anniversary Recital | Saint Paul UMC
Sunday, November 10 | 3:00 PM
Our neighbors at Saint Paul United Methodist Church will be hosting a 100th Anniversary Recital of their Esty Pipe Organ this Sunday, November 10, at 3:00 PM. All are welcome!
Lay Liturgical Ministers Training | Saturday, November 16 9:30 AM, 10 AM, & 10:30 AM
On Saturday, November 16, in the Church, we will have training sessions for individuals who serve or are interested in serving as lay liturgical ministers in our worship. At 9:30 AM, we will review the 6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Healing Mass. Then, at 10 AM, we will review the 8:30 AM Sunday Low Mass. Finally, at 10:30 AM, we will review the 10:30 AM Sunday Sung High Mass. Folks who serve or are interested in serving as Verger, Server, Thurifer, Torchbearer, Lectors, or Intercessors should plan to attend. Contact Weylin Brown if you have specific questions.
Feast of Saint Andrew | Sunday, November 17
Parish Annual Meeting with Potluck Lunch
After the 10:30 AM Mass
As has been the custom at Saint Andrew's, we will celebrate the Feast of Saint Andrew, our patronal saint, on the same Sunday that we hold our Parish Annual Meeting, where we will review the accomplishments of the past year, plan for the upcoming year, and elect new vestry members and diocesan convention delegates. Continuing a more recent tradition, we will also be having a potluck lunch at this year's Annual Meeting.
Nominees for Vestry & Diocesan Delegate & Alternate
In preparation for our Parish Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee (our three outgoing vestry members – Scott Chastain, Sara Conrad, and Jean Knox) is pleased to announce that we already have the following full slate of nominees for consideration at the Annual Meeting:

  • 3 Full Term Vestry Openings (3 Years): Erin Culbertson, Ethan Cashwell, and Cheryl Banks
  • 1 Partial Term Vestry Opening (1 Year): Joseph Austin
  • 1 Diocesan Convention Delegate (4 Years): Ellen Mays
  • 1 Diocesan Convention Alternate (3 Years): Dick Stanley 

Thank you to all of the nominees for being willing to offer their names in service to Saint Andrew’s and the wider church for these roles.
Christ the King Sunday | November 24
Bishop’s Visitation with Baptisms & Confirmations
Our diocesan bishop, the Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo, will be visiting Saint Andrew's on Christ the King Sunday, and we plan to have a Baptism & Confirmation Service at the 10:30 AM Mass with opportunities for baptism, confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation.  For those interested in confirmation, reception or reaffirmation, the following paragraph provides a brief overview.
In this diocese, Confirmation , which the prayer book defines as “a mature public affirmation” of an individual’s “faith and commitment” to vows made at their baptism followed by the laying on of hands by the bishop, is available, after appropriate instruction, to baptized Christians (generally 16-years-old or older) who have not been previously confirmed.  Reception is an opportunity for those have been previously confirmed in another Christian tradition to make a public affirmation of their faith and be fully received into the fellowship of the Episcopal Church by a bishop. Finally, there is also an an opportunity for individuals who have been previously confirmed or received to make a public Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows followed by the laying on of hands by the bishop.  

Confirmation/Reception Classes Now Underway!

Anyone who is interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church or to reaffirm their baptismal vows during the Bishop’s visit, please speak with or  e-mail Father Gary . This week, we have started the classes, and participants will need to attend three sessions as outlined below (with the option of attending each session on either a Wednesday or Sunday).

  • Session 1 – Introduction: What is Confirmation? - Choose ONE - Wednesday, 11/6 at 5 pm OR Sunday, 11/10, at 12:30 PM
  • Session 2 – The Episcopal Church & the Essentials of the Faith - Choose ONE - Wednesday, 11/13 at 5 pm OR Sunday, 11/17, at 1:30 PM
  • Session 3 – Preparing for the Rite of Confirmation - Choose ONE - Wednesday, 11/20 at 5 pm OR Saturday, 11/23, at 2:00 PM 

Please note that, since the second offering of the first session will occur this Sunday, it is not too late to start . (If you have a conflict with this schedule but are interested, please contact Father Gary.)
Ordination of Michael Cannon (son of Fr. Charles Cannon)
to the Priesthood
We are delighted to be able to share the news that the Rev. Deacon Michael Cannon, the youngest son of our former rector, Fr. Charles Cannon, will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, November 23, at 11:00 AM, at Saint John's Episcopal Church in Tampa, Florida . Please have Michael in your prayers as he prepares to made a priest in God's Church.
Upcoming Safe Church Training Opportunities
Safe Church training is important for anyone volunteering in children's ministries, or doing any lay ministry, such as lay eucharistic visitors, involving potentially one-on-one ministry within the parish. We encourage all parishioners, especially those in positions of leadership - such as vestry members and other ministry area leaders, to get Safe Church certified.

There are Safe Church training sessions being offered at the following locations on the following dates--and we are glad to be able to announce that we now have a class scheduled to take place at Saint Andrew's in January:

Please make sure to let our parish office know if you sign up for one of the classes at a location other than Saint Andrew's. More info on Safe Church Training here.
Sunday Altar Flower and Presence Candle Dedications
Every Sunday, we have the opportunity to offer a special dedication of the altar flowers or presence candle in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. The cost to the church for altar flowers is now $100 per Sunday, so we are suggesting that donations for dedicating altar flowers be in the range of $50 to $100 to help us cover those costs. The suggested donation for a presence candle dedication is $10.

If you would like to sign up for a Sunday, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin in the Parish Hall or click on the button below. You may place a check in the offering plate with "Altar Flowers" or "Presence Candle" noted in the memo.
Service Opportunities
Nursery During 9:30 AM Sunday School and 10:30 AM Mass Every Sunday
Staff member Amanda Abreu oversees our Sunday morning nursery during the 9:30 AM Sunday School hour and the 10:30 AM Mass. Each week, we need at least one parish volunteer to serve with Amanda as our second nursery caregiver. If you have gifts for working with infants and young children--and have “Safe Church” training, we could use your help!
Join the choir! Wednesday evening rehearsals at 7:30 PM
This is a reminder to any interested Saint Andrew's Church friends or members that our regular Wednesday evening choir rehearsals are held in the Parish Hall after the 6:30 PM Mass. If you know of any prospective new choir members, bring them along with you! If you need transportation to rehearsal and or church, or if you have questions, please e-mail our organist/choirmaster John Gilbert.
Sunday Coffee Hour Refreshments
We are blessed to be a growing parish, and one of the ways that we offer hospitality to our many visitors is through our coffee hour after the 10:30 AM mass every Sunday. Please consider signing up for a Sunday on one of the sign up sheets hanging on the parish bulletin board. 
Feed Thy Neighbor on Saturday Mornings
Feed Thy Neighbor is a cooperative effort of the Episcopal community in Greenville. Parish volunteers from Saint Andrew’s, Saint Peter’s, Saint James and Christ Church feed the homeless each Saturday from 7:30 to 8:30 AM in the Saint Andrew's Parish House. The Third Saturday of the month is Saint Andrew's particular responsibility. Come and join us! Set-up and cook team start at 6:30 am. Clean up team start at 8:00 am. Individuals interested in this ministry opportunity, please contact the office at 235-5884.