Ciao a tutti! Many thanks to those who have participated in our Business Excellence Awards Gala this year, as it was a great success and we cannot be thankful enough of your support. Now, we are moving forward to continually improve our organization and to field exciting, new events.
An important part of our organization is the engagement of our fellow members. We offer an opportunity for engagement by allowing our members to become a part of our chapter’s board. We are looking for enthusiastic business-minded individuals who want to be part of the CIBPA Hamilton-Halton chapter. You have the power to drive this organization to new heights and to reach the potential that our association is capable of. We are always eager to take on new executives to keep our organization fresh and relevant in the business community.
Our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) is our event designated to elect new board members. If you are interested (or know of someone who is interested), then we want to hear from you! Here are the details that you need to make a difference:

  • You are expected to be involved and put forth the time commitment required to continue the chapter’s high level of service for the members and business people, and to promote trade, commerce, and economic welfare of our Canadian-Italian business community.
  • Your time commitment includes monthly board meetings and to participate at various events throughout the year.
  • You must be a member in good standing (if you are not, then this is not an issue as we simply have to initiate or renew your membership… please contact us to do so).
  • You must be an instrument of our Chapter’s Mission, Vision and Values.
Click here  for our Chapter’s Statement to understand our greater purpose.

If interested, please state your intentions and apply for the position by forwarding your biography and CV directly to me (personal and confidential) via our [email protected] email, by Thursday November 21 st , 2019.
Once we have your application, your name will be put forward for approval by the current Board of Directors, and then you will be eligible as a candidate for election at our AGM (to be held in late November). Please note that your attendance at the AGM is mandatory to accept the position, and that nominations will not be accepted from the floor.
Save the Date for our Annual General Meeting (AGM)
and Holiday Gathering which will be held in late November 2019. Details for the event will be coming soon!
We look forward to hearing from you and we hope that you will be a part of continuing the success of our dynamic and growing Chapter!
Paolo Fidanza
President, CIBPA Hamilton-Halton