Weekly eNews
January 1, 2021
Congratulations. We made it! As the clock turned midnight last night, we turned the page on a year that will go down in history as the year in which almost everything changed. We were invited to live, learn, and love in new and exciting ways while exploring new rhythms and an understanding of God's grace and abundance. As you and your loved ones enter into a new year filled with hope, joy, and expectation CLICK HERE for a special New Years prayer posted on our website.
Lessons & Carols
This Sunday
January 3, 9:00 AM
You are in for a special treat this Sunday. Join us online for "Lessons & Carols" prepared by spoken and sung voices from St. Michael's. The lessons (or scripture readings) will follow the story of God's incarnate love from creation to Jesus' birth. The carols (or hymns) will highlight significant themes and messages from the lessons. A special thank you to all those who contributed their gifts, especially our Lessons & Carols Coordinator - Linda Page and Video Editor - Amalia Dobbins!
Virtual Coffee Hour
Join us on
January 3, 10:00 AM
"Christmas Wrap Up"
Coffee Hour is resuming this Sunday, January 3rd with a "Christmas Wrap Up?"
How was your Christmas? Was it different this year? What traditions made it feel like a normal Christmas? Was it a tough year or did you feel especially close to God? Join Rev. Judi for a special "Christmas Wrap Up" Virtual Coffee Hour. To join us CLICK HERE or visit the home page on the website for the quick link. We look forward to having you join us during this season of Advent for fellowship, conversation, and some spirit-filled moments.
Please also join us as we say goodbye to Pam Reinhard. Pam was responsible for Communications at St Michael's, including the bulletin, Archangel and sign ups. Pam is moving on to pursue other interests and we wish her well. She will join us this Sunday during the Coffee Hour so we can thank her for all her hard work over the past six years.
Epiphany Service
Wednesday, January 6
5:00 PM
"A service of light"
Join us for a special online service to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. Go to the website for the bulletin and to watch online.
What is Epiphany and what are we celebrating? On Epiphany we celebrate the manifestation of Christ to the peoples of the earth. The winter solstice was kept on Jan. 6 at some places during the first centuries of the Christian Era. In opposition to pagan festivals, Christians chose this day to celebrate the various manifestations, or "epiphanies," of Jesus' divinity. These showings of his divinity included his birth, the coming of the Magi, his baptism, and the Wedding at Cana where he miraculously changed water into wine. The day was called "The Feast of Lights." Baptisms were done, and a season of preparation was instituted. It was later called Advent. The solstice was kept on Dec. 25 by the fourth century. Jesus' birth was celebrated on this day in both eastern and western churches. The western church commemorated the coming of the Magi on Jan. 6, the Feast of the Epiphany.
Staff Announcement
We are delighted to welcome Elise Jenkins to the St. Michael's Staff. Elise will be filling in as an interim administrative support staff member and doing project management. In addition to helping with bulletins, website management, and church publications she will be helping tackle several outstanding projects that are vital to our common life and mission. You can welcome Elise and reach her at elise@stmikeschurch.com. Stayed tuned for more exciting staff announcements in the coming weeks!
Music Ministry Update
Upon learning of Rob Carefoot's retirement, Kristy Callihan and The Rev. Matt Holcombe began working immediately to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure we maintain and enhance the music program at St. Michael's. Next week you will receive a special Music Ministry Communication highlighting these plans and a survey regarding the music program at St. Michael's. Please be on the look out for this email and special announcement.
This week at a glance ... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, January 1
New Year's Day - Office Closed
Saturday, January 2
Sunday, January 3
*9:00 AM - Lessons & Carols
10:30 AM - NO Drive by Communion this Sunday
6:30 PM - Sacred Ground, Circle 1 (See Group Schedule)
Monday, January 4
Tuesday, January 5
6:00 PM - Sacred Ground, Circle 6 (See Group Schedule)
Wednesday, January 6
1:00 PM - Sacred Ground, Circle 5 (See Group Schedule)
4:30 PM - Sacred Ground, Circle 2 (See Group Schedule)
*5:00 PM - Virtual Epiphany Service
6:30 PM - Sacred Ground, Circle 3 (See Group Schedule)
Thursday, January 7
6:30 PM - Sacred Grounds - Circle 4 (See Group Schedule)
Friday, January 8
Saturday, January 9
*Opportunities for Worship
Lectio Divina
Monday, January 4, 10:30 AM
Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) is a structured, contemplative approach to engaging Scripture or other spiritual writings. This group meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month led by Margie Arms. Call Margie for questions and more information (719) 330-9114. CLICK HERE to attend the virtual meeting via Zoom.
Women Who Read
Tuesday, January 12, 6:30 PM
Our book for January is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Please e mail
micki.rice@yahoo.com, if you plan to attend and have a question about the book ready. Hope to see you all! Micki Rice
To join Women Who Read in Zoom:
Using an internet browser type in: www.zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 648253547 Passcode: 186588
Mark your calendar!
January 17 - Meet the Vestry Candidates
January 24 - Annual Meeting
On January 17 during the Virtual Coffee Hour we will have a meet and greet with our vestry candidates. Then on January 24, 2021 we will elect 3 new members to serve on our vestry during our annual meeting. CLICK HERE to read their bios and get to know them better. We now have a special "Annual Meeting" webpage on our website with important information about the Annual Meeting. CLICK HERE to be directed to the Annual Meeting webpage.
The vestry approved the 2021 Budget during their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 17. We are excited to share this information with you during the annual meeting on January 24. If you have any questions or if you would like to contribute financially in 2021 please reach out to a vestry member, treasurer@stmikeschurch.com, or one of our clergy. You can also submit a pledge electronically by clicking the button below.
Anniversaries This and Last Week:
December 30 Neil and Jocelyn Pettigrew
January 1 Regina Winters and Chris Graves
January 7 Jerry and Diane Verlinde
January 8 Matt and Cassie Sears
Birthdays This and Last Week:
December 27 Gary Darress
December 29 John Patrick
December 30 Bernard Combs
December 30 Barbara Pinckney
December 31 Bryan Call
December 31 Bridget Hause
December 31 Debbie Swanson
January 1 Sally Munroe
January 2 Jacob Calhoun
January 2 Rachael Verlinde
January 3 Jessica Bennett
January 4 Alice Marston
January 4 Jocelyn Pettigrew
January 6 Anjel Barrett
January 6 Katherine Darling
January 6 Dave Harriman
January 6 Peter McClurg
January 6 Laura Seidl
January 6 Brett Wandfluh
January 7 Jason Cumby
January 7 Ellen Phillips
January 8 Patrick Jenkins
January 9 Virginia Anderson
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road Colorado Springs, CO 80919