Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,
A loving Jai Baba to all from your family at Meher Center.
Meher Baba has said:
My message since ages and from eternity without beginning has been of love. God alone is real, and to know Him we must love Him. God resides in us all equally and He wants silent love within. We can love Him also by loving our fellow beings, and if we love God honestly, all our doubts, worries and anxieties of ages vanish.*
As a final reminder, we are excited to be hosting the Virtual Youth Sahavas next week from 7/31 to 8/2. It is not too late for interested participants to
register for the event
For those who have already registered, you should have received an email confirmation including the details of the event earlier today. If you did not receive the confirmation email please complete the registration form again and email Allie at
We've had a few glitches with our registration, so please call Buz Connor at 843-267-2227 if you continue to have trouble registering.
The Youth Sahavas staff are excited to provide this opportunity to come together in Baba's love, just like the last thirty summers but with more air conditioning.
I also want to remind everyone again that we are now live streaming from the Lagoon Cabin, Baba’s Bedroom, and Long Lake. Please check our website for scheduled times.
In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff
*Lord Meher Online,
pg. 3254