ZOOM BUSINESS HOURS WITH DAVE – 12:30 pm – 2 pm Wednesdays (May 20 & 27) -  INFO HERE Stop by for 5-10 minutes if you can. An opportunity to get to know Dave better, ask a question or just chat for a few minutes about business in Colerain Township.

FRIDAY, May 29, 11 am – Networking Event – Life in Colerain During COVID-19 – We will resume our Friday sessions with a presentation by various local marketing experts who will answer questions and provide insight into marketing related trends and challenges during this time of quarantine. Please be sure to find additional information including the ZOOM login/call-in information, which is on the right side of the registration page. Reminder that there will be no meeting this Friday, May 22.

WEDNESDAY, June 3, 4:45pm at Pebble Creek Golf Club - Chamber of Commerce Golf League. We will begin weekly play on June 3. If you have not yet signed up or would like to do so, please reach out to Dave Moravec at 309-838-1947 or president@colerainchamber.org . For more information visit Chamber Golf Details

FRIDAY June 5, 11 am – Networking Event – Life in Colerain During COVID-19 – Topic TBD

TUESDAY, June 9 , Noon – Women’s Networking Luncheon – We have decided to continue to host this event in a virtual environment rather than have an in-person networking event with social distancing. Sylvia Dwertman from Visiting Angels hosts this event on the second Tuesday each month, and our hope is that we will return to an in-person event soon. This is a chance for the women of our community to gather and share ideas and network. For more information here: REGISTRATION and ZOOM INSTRUCTIONS

June 10, 8:30 am – Sales Summit Meeting – The Sales Summit concept brings together sales professionals from the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplaces to look at sales from a human-to-human perspective (H2H). Sales is a profession and should be looked at this way. Our first meeting had us participating with a group from Illinois. We may be able to meet in person in June; if not we’ll connect via ZOOM with an agenda to follow. Contact Dave Moravec or visit our Registration Page