Take A Journey Through Iceland For $14.95!
(View Trailer Below)
Join Rabbi Lubin on a fifty-two minute video adventure.
Your whole family will enjoy exploring the wonders of Iceland where you will see...
The Strokkur Geyser
Erupting Volcanoes
Beautiful Waterfalls
Animals of Iceland
The Northern Lights
Ice Caves
Diamond Beach
Glacier Lagoon
The Vatnajökull Glacier
and more!
About Our School Science Programs
The Wonders of Creation
Fundamentals of Life Science
Anatomy and Physiology
The Wonders of Creation is suitable for grades 3-5 and contains 20 chapters with each chapter describing an important concept in science and nature. The other two textbooks, Fundamentals of Life Science and Anatomy and Physiology are suitable for grades 6-8 (Anatomy and Physiology can also be used for 9th grade) and together contain a full description of the key topics in Biology, were reviewed and are recommended by medical professionals, are NYSTL approved, contain integrated STEM labs, and have full teacher resources to accompany the courses.
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz Shlita
Rabbi Aharon Feldman Shlita
Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita
Rabbi Shimon Galai Shlita
Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein Shlita
Dr. Joseph Safdieh M.D.

Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Mirrer Yeshiva, Bais Faiga (Lakewood), Darchei Torah (Far Rockaway), Yeshiva K'tana of Passaic, The Cheder (Brooklyn), Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah (Brooklyn), Torah Academy for Girls (Far Rockaway), Yeshiva Torah Temmimim, Bais Brocha D'Karlin (Brooklyn), Yeshiva Derech HaTorah (Clevland), Yeshiva Toras Emes (Miami), Yeshiva Toras Emes (Lakewood), Bais Malka Belz (Monsey), Ateret Torah Boys, Ateret Torah Girls, Yeshiva Toras Emes Kaminetz (Brooklyn), Cheder Chabad (Monsey), Yeshivat Ohr Hachayim (Lakewood), Bais Yaakov of South Fallsburg, Bnos Yisrael (Brooklyn),  Yeshivat Mekor Haim, Torah Institute (Baltimore), Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas, Torah Day School of Phoenix, Ichud Mosdos HaChinuch, Mizrahi Torah Academy (Sunrise, Florida), Ateres Bnos (Monsey), Beth Rivkah (Brooklyn), Bais Chaya Mushka (LA), Torah D'Chasidei Ger, Bobov (London), Bobov (Toronto), Keter Torah (West Long Branch), Mesivtat Darchei Noam (Lakewood), Beth Yaakov of the Jersey Shore (West Long Branch), Tiferes Shlomo Boys (London), Masoras Avos (Lakewood), Mesivta Tiferes Jerusalem (New York, NY), Yerushalayim Torah Academy (Jerusalem, Israel), Yeshivat Shaare Torah Boys, Yeshivat Shaare Torah Girls, Yeshiva Torat Emet (Houston), Tiferes Doniel (Switzerland), Yeshivas Orach Chayim (Brooklyn), Yeshiva Shaare Tzion Boys (Piscataway), Yeshiva of Brooklyn, Yeshivat Lev Torah, Maimonides Hebrew Day School (Albany, NY), Yeshivat Tiferes Moshe (Kew Gardens), Yeshiva Derech Eretz (Brooklyn), Shalom Torah Academy (Morganivlle), Maimonides Hebrew Day School (Portland, Oregon), Yeshiva Lev Eliyahu, Yeshiva Beth Yehudah (Southfield, Michigan), Cheder Chabad of Philidelphia, Gan Yisroel (Brooklyn), Nesivos Bais Yaakov (Brooklyn), Yeshiva Ohr Yehduah (Lakewood), Lubavich Educational Center (Miami), Yeshiva K'tana of Queens, Mevakshei Hashem (Brooklyn), B'nos Ester Malka (Lakewood), Bais Reuven Kaminetz (Lakewood), Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah (Toronto), Yeshiva Tiferes Torah (Lakewood), Yeshiva K'tana of Waterbury,

We have been using your Life Science book this year in our sixth grade and found that it has even exceeded our high expectations. The high-level content , stunning charts and illustrations, and most beautiful clips have made the girls fascinated with the subject matter. And, perhaps best of all, is how woven throughout each lesson is recognition of Niflaos Haboreh . We are looking forward to your next book on human biology which , from the sample I have seen, will be as brilliant as your first. The need for these books is enormous and we are grateful you have and are working so hard to fill this void and adding so much to our students hashkafos.  
Mrs.R. Elbaum-Bais Brocho D'stolin-Karlin- Brooklyn,N.Y.

"We have been super impressed by the quality of the curriculum. The materials were easily laid out for students and teachers to understand. Rabbi Yaakov Lubin is extremely patient and dedicated to his work. The students loved the hands on lab experiences and the supplemental materials were so helpful for our teacher. All the prep was done for you and we didn't have to alter any content or lessons to meet our Yeshiva's standards. Most importantly the low cost of the materials in full color has made science really eye catching for our students." 
Mrs. Brittney Friedman General Studies Principal, Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas

My good friend, Rabbi Yaakov Lubin, is an ingenious and passionate educator, servicing our Jewish schools. His science books are written with great appreciation for the wondrous “natural” miracles of Hashem. I am always eager to share his masterpieces containing his wealth of knowledge with my students at YOB.
Rabbi Maimon Elbaz, Principal of Yeshiva of Brooklyn

Fundamentals of Life Science is by far the best text book our students use. The high academic level and engaging format turned science into our students favorite subject. I was confident handing my students this science textbook knowing that there was nothing in it that would compromise the hashkafot of our holy Torah. If anything, this science textbook instilled in our students an appreciation not only to science but also how amazing Hashem is. Rabbi Lubin, Kol Hakavod to this amazing book and we are looking forward to future volumes in this series.
Rabbi Eli Sultan, General Studies Principal of Yeshivat Mekor Haim Brooklyn

We have been so impressed with Rabbi Yaakov Lubin's science program. He has created a challenging, invigorating, "Kosher" science program that has given our students a new perspective on science, Torah and Hashem. Our middle school students are excited to walk into the science classroom and are eager to learn new concepts and ideas, all through a Jewish lens. Thank you for giving this opportunity to our students and thank you for your professionalism!
Mrs. Chaya Tabor, General Studies Principal of Torah Day School of Phoenix

For more information about bringing our science programs to your school contact Rabbi Yaakov Lubin at: