March 2020
God, Ahead of the Chaos!
“When I shut up Heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land,”
2 Chronicles 7:13-14

This has been a trying time for all of us. At times like this we turn to the Lord for answers. The coronavirus is like nothing we have seen in our lifetime! 

I ended the month of February with a broken wrist. Cindy from our home office and I went on an outing for a few days in Kenya with our two missionaries, Laura and Elizabeth, that work with our ministry. While walking one morning with Cindy, I tripped and fell. My head was going first so I hurriedly put my hand down to break the fall. I knew right away something was broken. 

We scrambled to find ice. Because we were not near a city or hospital we were taken to a doctor in a nearby resort and he stabilized my wrist the best he could. We returned the 11 hour drive to Uganda and eventually were able to get x-rays. A doctor set the bone with very minimal pain management.
Wow, I cried from the pain and wondered when they would be finished!  We found a different doctor for the follow up visit that offered better pain management to complete the setting once the swelling had subsided. Though the pain was better the full room of support people managed to pinch my other hand in the equipment and left me bruised and sore on that hand too. I began to pray a lot and wondered what I should do. Further x-rays showed other damage that would require surgery.

With the advice of many people and much prayer I made the decision to come back to America to have this done. We’ve seen the hand of God all along the way, beginning with the clear confirmation for the need for surgery which. We found a free “miles” ticket within a week. I flew through Europe one day before significant restrictions began.  We found a wonderful hand surgeon who rushed me into surgery before it was too long from the injury to help and before non-life saving surgery was banned, the very next day. God is good! Please pray for continued and complete healing for my arm while I’m living in my own little quarantine and that I can get home as soon as possible. Realistically, both because of the need for physical therapy and current travel restrictions it will likely be a few months before I can go.

This experience has been a real eye opener to me on what the people of third world countries go through. I remember when a few of my children had broken their arms, I had no idea of how much they must have suffered. Though there are some good doctors, there is a real lack of facilities and support people for them to depend on. Most people do not have the resources to obtain the treatment that is available. As I write this, Uganda has not “reported” cases of the virus, but the country is already shutting down from the world and internally as the limited resources of the whole country will not be able to manage an outbreak. The one recent hope is that a common Malaria drug which they have much of is looking promising to treat the disease. Pray, they won’t find it necessary to use and that God protects the country.

Just like in the U.S., our little village of Kamonkoli and the ministry are being effected by these worldwide precautions. All of our boarding and university kids have been sent home to the village and we have closed our Genesis Primary School. Not only do our sponsored kids depend on their schooling for academics, but for consistent nutrition. We are working to continue to offer this support in other ways that still honor the spirit of the restrictions and keep everyone safe.  Since we can’t have church or AWANA and do not have the options of live streaming, we will also need to be creative in continuing to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus.  We are grateful for a God that can work within all circumstances and limits to bring people to himself.

Last year we lacked rain and have recently suffered in much of Africa and in northern Uganda with desert locusts coming in and eating all crops. Now this coronavirus. The Lord is speaking to all of us. We need to humble ourselves, look to Him and repent. This has been a message for a long time to all Christians. I have found myself through all of this drawing near to my God, our God, the one and only God, who loves us and cares for us. Life was beginning to become habits but we have a lot of work to do in the Spirit. Let us fix our eyes on Him, and Him only.

Trying on new uniforms with “Aunt” Christine,
our sponsorship coordinator.

Thank you to all of you who have so faithfully supported us for so many years. We know that current world circumstances have brought new challenges to all of us and we are keeping all of you in our prayers as we know you are doing for us as well. We trust that our Provider will continue to care for all of us during this time and know that many of you are helping to meet needs in the areas that you live. We pray that you are able to remain faithful with your generous support of this ministry as we want to provide for our staff and continue in ministry in spite of the limits that lie ahead. 

We are grateful for God’s intervention and provision with Katherine’s injury. Though she has insurance, her deductible is somewhat large. We ask that if you are able, to consider a gift to help show our love to Katherine by helping with this expense and keep our general funds for ministry needs. 

With the current limitations around the world, Uganda has sent boarding and university students home for at least 30 days. Because we have already paid school fees there is not a lot of extra funding to help us meet the feeding needs of these kids and their families during this time. Please consider a donation to our "Donate a Plate" program to help us out during this time.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa