"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains."
Anne Frank

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things
in humble places."
Camille Pissarro
Enduring the Bad,
Revealing the Good
This small cactus being nurtured by Sister Joyce Burkhart is an example of how, even in nature, beauty can blossom in the harshest of conditions. While the pointy spines may prick your fingers, the colorful flowers that grow from within are to be treasured.

This is not unlike all that we are experiencing in our world right now, as all around us good deeds, simple acts of mercy and kindness, and a newfound sense of appreciation have sprung up from the prickly problems of the pandemic.

God has given us time to step back, slow down and readjust our collective focus to what is truly important in our lives our health, our relationships and our faith. Take some time on this summer Sunday to peek around the sharp spines of life and see the lush blessings that bloom within your world. Like cacti, we too can thrive in harsh conditions.
One-On-One with Our Sisters
As we endure the COVID-19 pandemic and other unrest in our country, our Sisters reflect on fond memories, reveal what brings them strength and solace, and offer wise words to share with our friends in faith.
What message would you share with those who feel especially lonely or isolated right now?
“This is a time to think about your life because before you did not have enough time for anything. We are busy working and doing other things. Now God is giving us this time to think about Him and thank Him for all the graces we received until now. I don’t think we will get this chance again so use it instead of complaining to God about the situation.
 Sister Gracy Kundukulam
Is there any special place you go or routine you follow that makes your prayer time more fulfilling? 
My body has programmed itself to awaken early before sun-up. My chair faces the east, and I begin my day waiting to see the sunrise, which is most days. I like preparing for the day's challenges with prayer and then enjoy that first cup of coffee to get the body really moving.
 Sister Irene Novak
Upcoming Online Programs
Join our St. Francis Center for Renewal (SFCR) through its Beyond Bricks & Mortar ministry to take part in spiritual programming from wherever you are. All you need is a computer, laptop or tablet and an internet connection. Register for these or our other virtual programs, and you will be sent via an email a link to join the program from the comfort of your own home using Zoom virtual meeting capabilities.
Healthy Food Choices
Eric Ruth, co-founder and CEO of the Kellyn Foundation, will discuss the link between medical and farm collaboration and what is being done to support this in our community. Eli Stogsdill, manager of our Monocacy Farm Project , will discuss healthy food choices and organic farm practices.  

When: 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 21
Registration: $20
More Info: Call 610-867-8890
Book Club for Couples
SFCR will host an eight-week book club — Falling in Love, Finding God: Marriage & the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius — for couples on Wednesdays beginning July 22. Each session will "meet" from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The series is open to those married many years, as well as newlyweds.

Facilitator: Jerome Herauf
Registration: $300 per couple
More Info: Call 610-867-8890
Children line up for famous Skyscraper ice cream cones at Isaly's, a beloved chain of small deli stores in Pennsylvania. Only a few remain open today.
Youthful Innovation & Ice Cream
When I was younger, we did not have any gadgets; we made our own. Using a wooden spool from thread, we cut the edges off and put a wooden match through the edges with a wad of wax. It was a tractor. Then we raced each other. As a family, in the evening we sat on the glider on the front porch and gabbed. But the best part was to get ice cream from Isaly’s, which was not too far away.
My Burden is Light
By Sister Karen Buco
"One of my favorite scripture passages is from Matthew 11: 28-30.
My reflection on it is this poem."

Come to me all who labor and are overburdened with care, responsibilities and fears.
Come to me and let go of your cares.
Give me you work with its worries, and I will wipe away your tears.

Come to me and you will find rest for your soul.
Just ask for the grace, and you will be made whole.

Come to me and learn from me to be gentle and humble of heart.
My yoke is easy, my burden is light when, with my help, you do your part.

Come to me and put all your trust in me.
I am your God, the one who will set you free.
School Sisters of St. Francis | 412-761-2855 | www.SchoolSistersOSF.org