Robust Indemnification and Environmental Guarantees Found Nowhere Else in the Market

ELT has successfully assumed nearly $2 billion USD in corporate environmental liabilities for clients - and has never defaulted on an obligation or given a site back to the seller/PRP. Additionally, over 90% of ELT’s assumed liabilities have achieved final environmental milestones or are in the last stages of regulatory closure. This experience is critical when choosing a partner for environmental liability management.

If you have an industrial property or environmental liability you would like considered by ELT, please contact us today for a confidential and no-cost value proposition.

Phone: 314-835-2813 / Email:
Webinar: Redevelopment Strategies for Underutilized Port Properties
Throughout the US, many ports properties and commercial marine terminals have outlived their useful life. Hosted by the American Association of Port Authorities, this presentation will explore reclamation options for underutilized or distressed US ports and identify strategies to reposition ports for optimal market utilization. Join us for this webinar presentation and open discussion to follow. Register Here »

Date: September 8, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

Presented by Stephen Collins, Executive Vice President
CDC has multiple industrial properties with port access currently available. Locations includes Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, NY Harbor, Ohio River, Illinois River, San Joaquin River (Bay Area), etc.

ELT Sells Brownfield Site in St. Petersburg, FL, Sells to Local Developer
In 2015, ELT acquired a 29-acre property with a retired 500,000 sq ft industrial facility which had been used to manufacture electronic components by a major defense contractor since the 1950s. Upon taking ownership, ELT demolished the buildings and re-positioned the real estate for redevelopment. The previous owner retained responsibility for on-going environmental monitoring, which will continue for the foreseeable future. The property has recently been sold to a local real estate developer proposing a multifamily and recreational development.

To learn more about CDC's portfolio of available properties, please visit or contact us directly.
Industrial Asset Recovery Group
Current Liquidation Projects
ELT's many ongoing brownfield redevelopment projects have resulted in a bevy of surplus machinery and equipment - now available for purchase. Industrial Asset Recovery Group manages this process and is pleased to present the following liquidation project.
Assets from the retired manufacturing facility located in Ft. Smith, AR.

Dates: Ongoing
Location: Virtual

To learn more about this project or our asset recovery services, please contact Stuart Millner at 314-835-2812 or
Contact Us
For more information about anything in this newsletter or to schedule a confidential discussion regarding your environmental liabilities or brownfield properties, please contact us. 

John Kowalik
Phone: (314) 835-2813