In This Issue
The FIN newsletter is published periodically by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Email us with story ideas, questions, and comments. 

Editor for this issue:
Jason Edwards, RecFIN

FIN staff

Bob Ryznar, FIN Program Manager


Michael Fey, AKFIN

Yan Jiang, PacFIN

Jean Lee, AKFIN

Niels Leuthold, AKFIN/PacFIN

Brad Stenberg, PacFIN

Jenny Suter, PacFIN

Other contributors for this issue

Camille Kohler, neXus Data Solutions

Rick Pannell, Resource Data, Inc.

Jordan Watson, NOAA AFSC

A fisheries data project of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97202

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Understanding our Fishing Communities Through Data
Camille Kohler
The AKFIN and PacFIN programs have collaborated extensively with NOAA social scientists to build data products that support the analysis of fishing communities. PacFIN recently worked with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) and Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) to develop and implement the West Coast Fishing Communities Socio-Economic Data Model, a set of datamart tables and reporting tools that provide online access to data needed to evaluate the vulnerability of a community.
Partner Perspective: Joining Environmental Data with AKFIN/PacFIN
Jordan Watson
The AKFIN and PacFIN programs have recently worked with the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center to create an integrated dataset joining sea surface temperature observations with fish ticket records and fishery observer datasets. These data linkages facilitate ongoing and future research of commercial fleet and species interactions. Further expansion of this project will incorporate even more fisheries-dependent data elements with environmental variables to improve the availability of this data to NOAA Fisheries and other scientists and managers along the Pacific Coast.
New PacFIN/RecFIN QueryBuilder Application
Jason Edwards
The PSMFC Fishery Information Networks (FIN) continually aim to improve the accessibility and comprehensibility of West Coast fisheries data to our end users. To this end, PacFIN and RecFIN have recently developed QueryBuilder, an online interface that allows users to create customized data reports from the PacFIN and RecFIN databases.
Pacific Coast Plan Identifies Ways to Improve Regional Recreational Fishing Data Collection Efforts
NOAA Fisheries
This Regional Implementation Plan will inform the Marine Recreational Information Program's work to support fisheries science and management on the Pacific coast.
2020 Spring RecFIN Technical Committee Meeting
Jason Edwards
The RecFIN Technical Committee will hold its Spring meeting in Portland, OR on April 22nd and 23rd. This meeting provides RecFIN the opportunity to meet face to face with its partner agencies to discuss recent and ongoing RecFIN projects and future directions for the program.
A fisheries data project of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97202