Woodlawn logo 2010
From the Black House desk...
October 1, 2021
Our trees are about to show off their natural beauty as we, and they, prepare for winter.

The ongoing maintenance needs of the property are coming under scrutiny as I prepare my first budget. With a beginner's notion of Woodlawn's operational demands, primarily the mansion and the trails, we will be writing to our friends and supporters for that lifeblood support of an annual gift. Our letters will not be going out until November but I do hope you will help keep Woodlawn special with your support.

I have come to deeply appreciate the campus; the trails are peaceful, the grounds offer ample space to relax and watch the wildlife (two bald eagles flew low across the front lawn yesterday and rested in our trees). I love seeing people come up for meetings, to enjoy a picnic, take a stroll, and step outside the hustle of daily life.

We expect to welcome back students next year for our educational programs, and when the Community Barn is completed in 2023, we anticipate hosting all manner of workshops, events, gatherings, and fun. The Campaign for Woodlawn is so close to the finish line and will offer so much to Ellsworth - please consider making a donation that helps us meet the goal and start construction in the spring. Our committee is out talking with supporters - together we can create something even more special.

Nixon Black offered his home as a gift to be enjoyed by all and the Trustees are working hard to keep it as he loved it, to care for it as the caretaking duo Axel and Irma Eliason did for so many years, and to ensure that the programs offered here remain both relevant and exciting for new generations. Partnerships with local organizations are increasing and I am more excited now than when I started in June. Thank you for your care and interest.

~ Kathy Young
Saturday Oct 23

Family Field Day!
10 am - 2 pm

Come and play games (with prizes!), walk the story trail, press some apples, and get your face painted! There will be a food truck and lots of fun with something for everyone. Please join us but leave your dog at home! Thank you.

While this is a free event, rsvp to so we can plan on the numbers. Rain date: Saturday, Oct 30

The new story trail is in place for October

We chose this story for Wordsapalooza, our event in the #Autumn Gold schedule, as a fun nod to the history of the Chamber's chowder events. We are sorry that the weekend was rained out and look forward to next year.

Come up to Woodlawn this month and enjoy the funny and historic story about a Maine lawmaker who fought to defend what he considered the one true chowder. Winning recipe included!

In collaboration with Ellsworth Public Library
Have you got your library card? If not, do so soon!
The latest in 1905 heating systems...

Have you been contemplating a new heat pump or furnace before winter? From evidence found in the ephemera collection, it seems that George Nixon Black, Jr. was looking at various heating options for the Black House Mansion in 1905. 

Both units were manufactured by the Walker & Pratt Mfg. Co. located in Watertown, Massachusetts and marketed at their showroom at 31-35 Union Street, Boston, an area of Boston very familiar to Nixon.

While neither brochure is imprinted with a date, a pencil inscription “May 1905” written by Nixon is found inside the furnace brochure. 

It is believed that he settled on the coal-fired system. By 1912, when Nixon turned 70, Woodlawn was modernized to include fully plumbed pantry, kitchen, and bathrooms.

Although guests were still only offered a candle to read by at night, they were able to enjoy some modern conveniences that they were accustomed to back at their year-round homes. 

However, the real beneficiaries of the upgrades were Woodlawn’s year-round live-in caretakers and staff!
Calling a Tractor Angel
There is a used tractor available for sale (we have very little time to grab this!) and our caretaking crew have their eye on it....imagine what they could do BUT I told them, it is not in the budget. They groaned.
If there is someone willing to help with the $14,000 purchase price, we would be grateful and will name it in your honor!
Volunteers wanted!

We would love to be adopted by a Scout (Boys & Girls) Troop, 4-H Club, Art Class or sport team. There are some larger projects that an aspiring Eagle or Gold Scout could consider. Are you a high school student (or know one?) who needs to earn their volunteer credit?

Projects that could use some elbow grease:
  • paint the shipping containers in our field - make them disappear or transform them into something gorgeous (now!)
  • bog bridging: replace and extend where necessary and nail down some chicken wire so they are not slippery (soon!)
  • fall clean up in the gardens (November - watch for more info)
  • put the museum to sleep for the winter (December)
Need some wood?

Help us clear out this old staging:
if you have a need for repurposed wood or plywood sheets, this is a great opportunity.

Make a donation and take some away!

Call 667-8671 to let us know when to expect you!
Prefer M-F; someone is here early in the mornings.

Feel free to drive up and take a look.
Your support of Woodlawn maintains a unique historic home, trails, and programs for the Ellsworth community.

Please support us: Click here

Thank you!
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here