Houmas House Historic Estate and Gardens
November 2019
From the Kitchens at Houmas House  
The Queen's Soup
Prep Time: 1 Hour
Yields: 6 Servings
This soup was created to honor the Queen of Mardi Gras at the extravagant carnival balls, served at the Degas House in New Orleans. We have resurrected this historic recipe for our Carriage House Restaurant. 
Ingredients for stock:
1 gallon chicken stock
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp chopped thyme
1 tbsp chopped sage
1 onion, quartered
1 carrot, sliced
3 stalks of celery, sliced
4 garlic cloves, smashed
10 whole peppercorns
In a large cast iron Dutch oven, combine stock, bay leaves, thyme, sage, onion, carrot, celery, garlic and peppercorns. Bring mixture to a rolling boil, reduce to simmer and cook 30 minutes. Strain stock, discard vegetables and retain liquid.
Ingredients for soup:
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
½ cup wild rice
½ cup white rice
¼ cup butter
¼ cup flour
½ cup diced carrots
½ cup diced yellow bell peppers
1 tbsp chopped thyme
1 tbsp chopped sage
¼ cup chopped chives
1 cup heavy whipping cream
Salt and black pepper to taste 
Return approximately 3½ quarts of liquid to the pot and bring to a low boil. Poach chicken breasts in hot stock for 10-15 minutes or until thoroughly cooked. Remove, allow to cool, dice into ¼-inch cubes and set aside. Stir wild rice into the simmering stock and cook 30 minutes. Add white rice and cook 15 additional minutes or until rice is tender. The rice will act as a thickening agent for the soup. In a separate sauce pan, melt butter over medium-high heat. Whisk in flour, stirring constantly until a white roux is achieved. Add carrots, yellow bell peppers, thyme, sage and chives. Cook 3-5 minutes then add this roux mixture to stock, stirring constantly. Stir in heavy whipping cream and bring to a low boil. Season with salt and pepper. Mix in diced chicken and cook 2 additional minutes. Use additional stock or water to retain soup-like consistency. Adjust seasonings if necessary.
Thankful to Share Our History With You
I like to imagine what the first owners of Houmas House would think of 'The Sugar Palace' today. Would they be amazed by the size of the Live Oak trees today? Or would they be puzzled by how the Mississippi River has changed its course and taken over what was once sugarcane fields? They would be envious of the neatly paved roads that make traveling to and from New Orleans so easy. I wish they could see how we honor their legacy and hard work today. Maybe they would be comforted in seeing some of their original furnishings and china still in the mansion and on display. We are so thankful to have these stories, documents, artifacts and this history to share with our guests daily. Without this, we couldn't completely tell the story of Houmas House. So, thank you for visiting and helping us share our story with your pictures, reviews and posts across all social channels. We hope to have another two centuries to share with the world.

Much Love,
Princess Maggie
Houmas House Gift Shop Now Online!

You've asked for this and now it's finally here- our gift shop is available online! Starting with a few of our most popular items, we will continue to add more products throughout the year. This is the perfect way to share your memories of Houmas House with friends and family. Orders are shipped in the US only.
Houmas House Garconniere sugar packet holder
Thanksgiving at Houmas House
Don't miss the tradition of enjoying family, friends and food at Houmas House. We are open on Thanksgiving Day and offer a special buffet from 11am-3pm. Reservations are required and are limited. Reserve a table by calling our gift shop at 225-473-9380.

Ralph's Market Wine Gala
November 6, 2019
6:00-8:30 pm
$49.99 per ticket

The Annual Wine Gala hosted by Ralph's Market is just around the corner. This year over 65 wines, champagnes and rose' will be available for tastings. And the event ticket includes food and live music. Every guest is entered to win a European vacation. Availability is limited to only 300 guests so don't wait and purchase your ticket online.
*In the event of rain, the gala will be moved indoors.

Open Daily
Gift Shop: 9am- 8pm daily
Cafe Burnside: 11am- 2pm
Latil's Landing Restaurant: Wed - Sat 6pm- 9pm
The Carriage House Restaurant:
Breakfast- 8 am-10am
Dinner- 4:30pm-8pm

Houmas House Estate and Gardens
40136 Hwy 942, Darrow, LA 70725