A Recovery Community That Is STRONG!
This newsletter will be released once a month to recap recovery news and resources. You will also experience a word from Commissioner Doreen Williams, personal recovery stories and information on how to support the Rockdale County Stepping Up Initiative in our ongoing efforts to reduce the number of people in the criminal justice system with mental health and substance use challenges.
Commissioner Doreen Williams provides a monthly recap for the Rockdale County recovery community and their partners, allies and stakeholders. In this months recap she reviews SAMSHA's definition of recovery and their 4 concepts around recovery.

Calling all bikers!!! Are you ready for our 1st Annual "Ride 4 Recovery" Motorcycle Awareness Rally? Register today to "Ride 4 Recovery" along with our local supporting bike clubs, Street Burnaz M/C and New Life Motorcycle Ministry! Kickstands up at 11AM for an 1-hour police escorted charity ride that is round trip and ends with food, games and prizes!
This community event is presented by Grit & Grace - A Recovery Community Organization in collaboration with the Rockdale County Accountability Courts. It has been designed to promote community awareness and the societal benefits of recovery, as well as pay tribute to those we have lost to the fight of mental health and substance use challenges.
Our local NAMI Rockdale Newton chapter is getting ready for the annual NAMIWalks Campaign! NAMIWalks promotes awareness of mental health, raises funds for NAMI’s free, top-rated programs, and builds community by letting people know they are not alone. We encourage you all to join our NAMIWalks team or make a donation.
September 24, 2021
6pm - 9pm
Mark your calendars!!! In honor of National Recovery Month, our local Grit & Grace RCO and the Rockdale Stepping Up Initiative, will be hosting a red carpet event that will be held at Costley Mill Park and will consist of Peer Achievement Awards, Community Partner Acknowledgements, Live Performances and Testimonials. Event stage will be LIVE streamed to Facebook. All participants will have an option to participate in raffle giveaways.
We are looking to get everyone involved on our recovery month events. Please if you are interested in volunteering at the events or have a talent and would like to perform, use the link below to contact us! Remember that we are stronger together!
As we continue to intentionally grow in our recovery we invite you to our daily Recovery Oriented zoom meetings in hopes that our recovery community will also grow in numbers. We know that it is our duty to carry the recovery message to those that still suffer. If you or a loved one needs the support of a recovery community, we meet every weekday at 11am and 6pm and again on Saturdays at 6pm. Please follow our Grit & Grace RCO pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our new YouTube and Podcast Channels to show your support and stay connected.
We would like to extend the invitation to have you or someone you know on the Grit & Grace - Recovery Hour talk radio show as our guest!
We strive to bring the recovery community resources, highlight community partnerships and spread messages of hope!
If you would like to connect with us, click the button to express your interest.

This podcast is hosted by the world renowned recovery warrior, Bill Carruthers and his co-host Tanisha Character, both as persons in long term recovery. On this podcast we strive to bring you and your love ones recovery resources and messages of hope that will in turn lead to revelations! Keep coming back!

If you would like to submit a question or suggest a topic to be addressed on Grit & Grace - The Recovery Hour talk radio show, please click the button to email us.

One of our goals in the recovery community is to make sure that you are

Click resource images for more information
Berlinda Jackson has been selected as the Champion of Recovery for the month of July because of service to the recovery community as a whole. Berlinda works for the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse as a Recovery Warmline Coach as well as an active participant of the Rockdale County Recovery Community.

We are grateful to have people in recovery that are using their passion to support and empower not only others in recovery but the community as a whole!

Click on the video to hear Berlinda's story
The Rockdale County Stepping Up Initiative acknowledges that it takes a community and we are truly grateful for the the continued support of the following partnerships:

Rockdale County Board of Commissioners
Rockdale State Court
Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office
City of Conyers Police Department 
Piedmont Rockdale Hospital
Rockdale County Accountability Courts
Grit & Grace: A Rockdale Recovery Organization, Inc.
Viewpoint Health
Restoration Storehouse
District Attorney’s Office
Rockdale County Public Defender’s Office
Rockdale County Probate Judge
Rockdale County Magistrate Judge
2800 SW HWY 138
Conyers, GA 30094