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Issue 139 - Jubilee  - June 2016

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   As a local columnist points out, we can't even agree on what to call the massacre in Orlando: Terrorism? Hate crime? Before the bodies had been identified, pundits and politicians began blaming each other (gun control! immigration restrictions!).
   In the midst of all the noise, Russell More wisely, and charitably, asks, " Can We Still Weep Together?" challenging the dehumanizing cynicism that would celebrate - or take advantage of - the deaths of 50 human beings.

Our thanks to all who have recently contributed to help cover the costs of producing and sending Soul Windows - Reflection. Since the last issue, we have received contributions from:
  • Louise Peters
  • Sr. Antoinette Van Galen, OSB
May God bless you richly for your generous support!
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Past Issues


2-Creating Sacred Space

3-Leaving Footprints


5-Ordered Life

76-Vanier Visit

87-Wondrous Fear, Holy Awe

91-Crater Lake


101-On Reflections 

102-Morning Moments

108-NBA Championship

110-On Freedom 

112 Robin Williams 


116-Kentucky Epiphany 

119-Christmas Mystery  


121-Radical Amazement 

122-St.John's Bible 

124-Botanical Garden 

126-Call of the King 

127-Living Our Stories 

128-Pope Francis 

129-Saint Francis 


131-The Way of Peace  

132-Danube Reflections  

133-Want Happiness? 

134-Our Uncertain Certainties 

135-Corita Kent 



138-Daniel Berrigan    

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Sincerely,  Bill Howden & Jan Davis
Soul Windows Ministries 
Season of Jubilees
Whom do you celebrate? For us, the last couple of weeks have been the Season of Jubilees. (For non-Catholics: A jubilee is the term for the celebration of a major anniversary of a priest's ordination, or of a monk's or nun's entering their religious order).
We traveled to New Orleans over Memorial Day weekend to celebrate the 50th Jubilee of Fr. Louis Arceneaux. The next weekend we joined the Benedictine Sisters of Boerne, Texas, as they celebrated the 50th Jubilees of Sr. Bernadine Reyes, and Sr. Michael Brandt, along with the 70th Jubilee of Sr. Antoinette van Galen.
Whom do you celebrate? Fr. Louie's homily at the Jubilee mass was very moving. Preaching on "The Body of Christ" (1 Cor 11), he gave thanks to all those members of the body of Christ who touched and shaped his life: his parents, other priests, important teachers and friends. He asked forgiveness for offenses he may have given, and for whenever he fell short of his calling. He then invited us to the table where, by God's grace, we receive the gifts of God for the people of God, and are renewed in our calling to be members of Christ's body - members of one another, and for one another.
Whom do you celebrate? I celebrate the gift that Fr. Louie has been to me. A long-time friend of Jan's, he became my friend, too, after we married.  Louie's faithful work with Pax Christi and other peace organizations is a blessed challenge to our sad, violent status quo. I celebrate Sr. Bernadine's faithful leadership as Prioress of the Benedictine community where we are Oblates, and Sr. Antoinette's friendship and prayers, along with her infectious joy.
I also celebrate Bob Hewitt, a rough, boisterous logger in Oregon, now long dead, who loved Christ's church and loved the children and youth whom he taught (I was one of them). I celebrate professors such as Fred Norris, Roy Lawson, and Kathy Sakenfeld. I celebrate congregations that have welcomed me and shaped me, from Redmond, Oregon, to Salzwedel, Germany.
Whom do you celebrate? Who has inspired you, challenged you, guided you, comforted you?
Give thanks!

Q: What's the difference between a priest's Jubilee on New Orleans and a nun's Jubilee in South Texas?
A: Jazz vs. Mariachis
          Both recent events - anniversaries known as "Jubilees" - celebrate years of committed vows, much like wedding anniversaries: for Fr. Louie Arceneaux, CM, in New Orleans, a Mass followed by Cajun food and Jazz band - for Sr. Antoinette Van Galen, OSB, Sr. Bernardine Reyes, OSB, and Sr. Michael Brandt, OSB, in Boerne, Vespers followed by Texas grill and Mariachi music.
          Both events celebrated 50 and 70 years of faithful commitment to vows of religious life not unlike wedding vows. The receptions reflected fidelity to their ministries. In New Orleans, Fr. Louie's reception was held in the Rebuild Center where his community ministers to the homeless, offering daily personal care (shaving basins, showers, laundry; phone booths; and access to attorneys for legal services ). In Boerne, the Sisters' reception was held in the monastery complex where their community, with Oblates and guests, come to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and minister according to the Rule of Benedict.
          My cousin Bill worked for the same corporation all his life, from hiring till retiring. He got the gold watch. This fidelity is rare, as we note from the "provisional culture" in which we live. Consider these Jubilarians who celebrated fidelity to their call in life, fidelity to the religious community, and fidelity to the ideals of the founder of their religious congregations: Vincent de Paul (d. 1660 France) who worked for the poor, and Benedict of Nursia (d. 547 Italy) who developed a monastic rule of life. These Jubilarians also celebrated fidelity to the mission field for which they were called. Outreach to homeless and preservation of the monastic rule reflect their response to "Bloom where you are planted." Congratulations Fr. Louie, Sr. Antoinette, St. Bernadine, and Sr. Michael - and all unnamed Jubilarians in faithful service.
                                                                  - Jan
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