art adventures
may 2020 | volume 1, issue 3
Celebrating Mother's Day!
Pictured above is my Mom. Here's wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Mother's Day.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Celebrating Mother’s Day with my Mom is always a special time. I enjoy walks with her and looking at the early blooming flowers and perennials. She was an avid gardener. We spent many years digging in the garden together, transplanting flowers, and figuring out what plants thrive where. She also taught me that the ”art of pruning,” is more than meets the eye!

Maybe it’s nostalgia or the times — I’ve reread old letters and postcards, especially those written by my mother. She has a stellar sense of humor and is known for her wonderful letter writing. Like me, she loves art books and collects catalogues from past art exhibits. Must be where I got that from.
Follow me on Instagram @marnerizika or view my work at
A Story about Caring
Here’s a book I recently came across that you might like. It’s from Nicole Rim , a local Massachusetts artist. King Covid is written for kids, but adults are enjoying it too. Both poignant and touching, it’s a story about the Coronavirus and how to protect each other and heal the world. She’s gifting it to us as a free download; you can get your copy  here .

Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your book and beautiful illustration. You are an inspiration!
Gardens so Serene and Peaceful
Before the lockdown, I went to visit Selby Gardens , and the recent exhibit Salvador Dali: Gardens of the Mind . I was cheered by his rarely seen botanical drawings which were unusually delicate and whimsical. The landscape, artwork, and water plantings were surreal and lush. I’ve captured just a few images here of this serene and peaceful environment, which was an amazing experience, too. If you’re looking for a little serenity amidst this stressful time, you might like the video I took (see link below right). I found the visual mesmerizing and hope you find peace too.
Bird songs on this video were recorded one morning outside my hotel window in Paris. Enjoy this ink.
Soup Canvas is an Inspiration
Above: Monoprint from my Vegetable/Wetlands Series titled Salad Nicoise . Dimensions: 6' w x 8' h
Sharon Kendrick, a friend and one of my favorite artists, and her writing partner, Nityasya Belapurkar, created  Soup Canvas , a non-profit that supports New York City school cafeterias. Their mission is to feed children and parents who are in need. During the school year, over 30.3 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches at their public schools, according to the Urban School Food Allian ce. To help out, I donated a monoprint from my  Vegetable/Wetland Series (see caption above) . Check out  to see the wonderful work they are doing, and if you’re inspired, donate here . With every donation, you receive access to artwork of your choice to print — or use as a digital wallpaper for your computer or other digital device!
Check out my Instagram for other art adventures and virtual happenings!
Some of us have had moments when we just wanted to reach out to a friend. If you’d like to say hello, even though you're miles away, hit reply and I’ll answer.

Stay safe and healthy,


PS: Check out Yaneer Bar-Yam's website endcoronavirus.or g for regular updates . I find it useful!
MORE adventures coming in June!
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