Skip Finkbohner, President
May 2020
Volume XLIV, Issue 5

In This Issue...
Ann's Article...........................Page 2
Coffee with the Courts...........Page 3
Upcoming CLEs.....................Page 4
Law Day.................................Page 5
VZC Bar.................................Page 6
Young Lawyers......................Page 6
Women Lawyers....................Page 6
SAVLP....................................Page 7
In the News...........................Page 8
Announcements....................Page 9
Mobile Bar Foundation..........Page 10
Birthdays...............................Page 12
    2020 OFFICERS
President Elect - CHARLES J. (CHARLIE) POTTS
Vice President - D. BRIAN MURPHY
Executive Director - ANN F. SIRMON

By Charles J. Potts
About seven weeks ago, in response to alarming projections regarding COVID-19 illness and death, Presiding Judge Michael Youngpeter signed a Standing Order (dated March 12, 2020) canceling jury trials. Two days later, the Order was revised to cancel most hearings at the Mobile County Courthouse for the months of March and April. The Orders were aggressive, decisive, and, as it turns out, prescient, based upon subsequent action by other courts and by entities both public and private. Predictably, the daily ebb and flow of the courthouse ceased, and courtrooms fell silent, virtually overnight. 
The impact of the new coronavirus, and the virtual lock-down of the courthouse, burdens Judge Youngpeter as the ongoing, sweeping effect of the Revised Order is felt by our citizens and our legal community. It was a tough decision but, in the end, necessary and correct. There may be more such decisions to come as our judiciary continues to weigh how best to proceed, always with a thumb on the scale labeled “health.” It certainly has been a baptism of fire for Judge Youngpeter who has had to grapple with these issues now for six weeks: he was only voted in as Presiding Judge by the circuit judges at the end of February, just as the COVID-19 pandemic began to affect normalcy.
Now, a month into the “lock-down,” we thought that it would be a good time to check in with Judge Youngpeter and see just how Mobile County courts are faring, what new systems have been implemented to deal with the social interaction restrictions that have been implemented even as court operations continue, and how our court staff are doing. Judge Youngpeter graciously made time for a telephonic interview with us on Thursday, April 9. Here’s what he had to say:    
Mobile Bar Bulletin (“MBB”): Has the Court been able to use technology to try and continue operations and how has that worked? What do lawyers need to know?
Judge Michael Youngpeter: The State purchased full Zoom licenses for all the judges statewide to facilitate videoconferencing. With the courts having the capability to videoconference hearings, the attorneys need to get up to speed on teleconferencing, particularly Zoom teleconferencing. One of the problems we have in Mobile is that only about half the judges down here have state computers which are outfitted with cameras and microphones to allow videoconferencing. I don’t have a camera or microphone on my laptop. Upgraded computers are back ordered, but for now I am using my own iPad to participate in videoconferencing. Also, the State has imbedded the Zoom technology in AlaCourt. So, when I access a file on AlaCourt, I can simply click a tab to schedule a video conference with the attorneys who are associated with that file.
MBB : I didn’t know you could do that.
Judge : Well, we’ve just gotten it up Monday [April 6]. At some point, it may make sense for lawyers to get full licenses [as opposed to the 40 free minutes offered by Zoom] but I’m not suggesting you need to do that yet. I think you can participate in a Zoom hearing for as long as it lasts, but you cannot “host” a hearing for longer than 40 minutes unless you have a full license.

In mid-March, the circuit and district court judges began conducting video conference hearings with inmates at the jail, with a focus on releasing (or removing barriers to release) non-violent inmates from the Metro jail. As you know, the COVID virus is over there and the potential for the virus to spread throughout the jail and ultimately into our community is significant. A large outbreak in the jail would have dire consequences for our entire community. So, each of the judges has a hearing one day a week for people who are in jail and are likely to get out. Through those hearings, we have managed to reduce the jail population by one-third in about a month. 
MBB: Has there been any thought that after we get beyond the coronavirus crisis that we may stick with some of this technology going forward?
Judge:  Certainly. Mobile County just gave us about $40,000 to purchase more equipment for a particular videoconferencing technology which has been in use at the jail for more than a year– not Zoom, but this other equipment is very effective and it will allow us to conduct – even after this over – a lot more video conferencing with jail inmates. It is cost-effective and much safer because the Sheriff’s office does not have to transport inmates over to the courthouse. Can we do that in every criminal case? No. But we can do it in numerous cases, particularly those in which inmates are getting released. Now, civil? We are just getting that going. I have a video conference hearing set at 9:00 o’clock in the morning on a case. I just received a webcam today that I am going to try to hook up to my computer and see if it actually works. 
It seems likely there will an increase in use of technology in all areas of law as a result of this horrible pandemic. Personally, until now, I have not conducted videoconference proceedings during my time on the bench. The lawyers probably have been doing that a little more, but not the judges. Ultimately, the increased use of technology in litigation practice is likely to be a good thing in the sense that as the attorneys and judges use it more, it should create efficiencies in the court system.
MBB: How has the court staffing been through all of this? Have people been working at home? 
Judge: Very quickly we greatly reduced our staffing at the courthouse. We had the IT folks set it up so that staff could take their computers home and perform their work through a VPN – a virtual private network. Right now, JoJo Schwarzauer has basically one clerk per floor. Everybody else is working from home. Court administration is down to one person a day. I didn’t order the judges or their staff to stay home, but most are working from home several days during the week. My staff works from home all but one day of the week, the day we have scheduled video conference hearings with jail inmates. We have a duty judge, but the duty judge does not have to be at the courthouse every moment of the day.  We work it out so that any time-sensitive matters are properly handled.  We are trying to keep people at home to comply with government guidelines for social distancing while at the same time keep the court functioning as best we can.   
MBB: And has that effort affected adversely the court’s ability to do its job? 
Judge:  No. I mean, we are open for business. We have the ability to work from home and people have phones, people have computers. We are able to hook up to our network and get the work done at home. To my knowledge, motions are not sitting unattended in the judges’ motion queues. I work my motion queue at home. I probably come into the office a little more because of my presiding judge responsibilities. But we’re getting it done. Now, some of it is just continuing things, but we’re eventually going to get to everything that has been filed with the court. I’m a little bit pessimistic about how long this is going to last; I think it is going to be longer than people think. It is likely to be quite a while before we get back to business as usual. 

MBB : What is one of your biggest concerns?
Judge : Jury trials. May jury trials are already out. And we only have two jury weeks in June -- which have not officially been cancelled -- but there’s no way in the world we are going forward with jury trials in the first two weeks of June. I think everybody knows that. We had a judges meeting - I said if anybody wants a continuance of a June jury trial setting, they get it. Grant them. 
Jury trials are the heart and soul of our judicial system, and we must figure out a way to safely handle those types of proceedings in Mobile County. We are not going to be able to gather 300+ people in the jury assembly room any time soon. If you have ever been up there called to serve on jury duty or been in that assembly room...
MBB:  Oh, I have!
Judge: It’s full, it’s packed. There is no way we are going to be able to do that. We cannot safely socially distance in that setting. So, my biggest concern moving forward is how we are going to start back jury trials in the Fall if there is not either a vaccine or some sort of treatment for this coronavirus.
Also, I suspect it will be more difficult to summon jurors. Folks who work are likely to still be feeling the economic impact of the pandemic. Potential jurors who are older and retired are the most susceptible to severe consequences from contracting the virus. Prior to this pandemic, we would get about a 2 to 1 response to juror summons. So, if we summoned 600 people, 300 would show up in court. What’s the ratio going to be now? 4 to 1? 10 to 1?
MBB: Well, one last question. I don’t want to get you in trouble with anybody, but is there anybody there at the courthouse amongst the staff, the clerk’s office, who really has stepped up and answered the call of duty in such of way that it makes them an exemplar for everybody else? 
Judge:  You know I probably would get in trouble in if I singled somebody out. So, I’m not. I would just make the statement that everybody stepped up at the courthouse. The clerk’s office, court administration, the judges and their staff are taking care of business while mostly staying at home. So, everybody has stepped up to the plate and done a darn good job of taking care of business, keeping the courts open, while still observing the fact that we’re in a pandemic. 
I would just encourage everyone to obey the stay at home orders and to practice social distancing because to sooner we stop the virus from spreading, the sooner we will get back to where we all want to be.

Thank you to Judge Youngpeter for taking the time to speak with us and for all of his work on behalf of the citizens of Mobile County, together with all of our court judges, our court clerks and staff. They have done remarkable work for us all in the most difficult, and stressful, of circumstances. 
Friday, May 8, 2020

Join us via Facebook LIVE | 10:00 AM

More details to follow soon!
Ann's Article
In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity. - Sun Tzu
During this pandemic, we have all been facing unchartered waters. By the time you read this article, Governor Ivey has relaxed the Stay-at-Home Order and reopened certain businesses that were previously closed. Also, the Alabama Supreme Court has issued an order extending orders and deadlines concerning the suspension of in-person proceedings through May 15, 2020. I’m sure it is on all our minds… What will our courts and practicing law look like moving forward? What will Mobile Bar events look like for the remainder of the year?
Today is Law Day. The purpose of Law Day is to reflect on the role of law in the foundation of the country and to recognize its importance in our society. We had planned several activities and events to celebrate Law Day and now – like everyone else – we have had to cancel everything. My job is to bring people together, not be worried about social distancing. Over the last several weeks, I have joined multiple Zoom meetings with bar associations across the United States, as well as with the Birmingham Bar and Huntsville Bar. We are all struggling with the same questions of what do we do now and how can we engage our members?
During every call, I think… we must think outside the box and look for the opportunity. What can we do? What is innovative to bring our members together? With that in mind, we have developed a variety of ways to connect with YOU during the month of May.
May 6, 13, and 20 – We will once again partner with ASB Solo and Small Firm Section to provide three 2-hour Zoom meetings on district court practice. To attend, the cost is $10. The net proceeds will be donated to Feeding the Gulf Coast to assist with the current health and economic crisis. For information and to register, please click here .
May 8 Law Day Virtual Forum – 10:00 a.m. We will be joined by local judges and MBA leaders to discuss the current status of our courts and the importance of law during the COVID-19 pandemic. The forum will be broadcast live via the MBA Facebook page. More information to follow in the coming days. 
May 21 Coffee with the Court - held via Zoom – 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Our guest Judges will discuss My top 5 Practice Pointers for Newer Lawyers in my Courtroom . Our judges participating are: Mobile County Circuit Court Judge Jill Phillips and Mobile County District Court Judge Spiro Cheriogotis. The Moderator is Winston Grow of Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner, Dumas & O’Neal, LLP. For additional information and to register, please click here .

Our Committee and Section Chairs should be reaching out to you in the near future for potential Zoom meetings where we can catch up and discuss updates.
Lastly, during the month of May, we will be sending you a survey to get a pulse of what your needs are during this challenging time. How can we assist you? Check your email in the coming weeks. We want to hear from you.
Thank you for being a member of the Mobile Bar Association! Even though it has been a challenging time for all of us, we will get through this together and stronger than ever before.

The Mentoring Committee will once again offer its Coffee with the Courts programming.  The concept is to provide a forum for our members to get to know our local judges over a cup of coffee.  At each session, two to three judges will present on the topic: My Top 5 Practice Pointers for Newer Lawyers in my Courtroom . All participants receive one hour of CLE credit. Our first event will be held via Zoom and open to all Mobile Bar members and non-members for free. Space is limited to 100 participants. You must register in advance.

Coffee with the Courts Guest Judges: Mobile County Circuit Court Judge Jill Phillips and Mobile County District Court Judge Spiro Cheriogotis.

Moderated by: Winston Grow of Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner, Dumas & O’Neal, LLP
The MBA Mentoring Committee CLEs are sponsored by:
Sponsored by:
The ASB Solo & Small Firm Section | The Alabama District Judges Association | The Mobile Bar Association
Date | Time | Cost
Wednesday, May 6
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Wednesday, May 13
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Wednesday, May 20
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Judgements, Garnishments & Attachments

Landlord Tenant Law and Procedure

Misdemeanors and Traffic Offenses

Ethics and Courtroom Decorum: What Judges Wish You Knew

Guardians Ad Litem

Specialty Courts and Rules Juvenile Procedure
Josh Friedman, Barry Friedman & Associates

Taft Hughes, Lee & Hughes, LLC

Karlos Finley, K. Fitzgerald Finley P.C.

Mobile County District Court Judge George Zoghby

Brenda Hetrick (solo) & Kent Baxley (solo)

Referee Linda Jensen, Strickland Youth Center
The charge is $10 per registrant for each two-hour CLE session. If a person takes all three sessions, they will get  six  CLE hours for $30. Note that the second session includes one  ethics hour. The net proceeds will be donated by the Solo & Small Firm Section and the Mobile Bar to Feeding the Gulf Coast whose mission is connected to the current health and economic crisis.
Registration and payment in advance are required. If you have questions, contact the  ASB Solo and Small Firm Section  or the  Mobile County Bar Association  (click on either one).
The set of handouts and instructions on downloading the free Zoom software will be sent to registrants prior to each CLE session.
2020 LAW DAY
By Weathers Bolt, Law Day Committee Chair
Law Day, held annually in May, is a national time set aside to celebrate the rule of law. It provides an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process protect our liberty, strive to achieve justice, and contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share.
As you will see below, most of our normal Law Day activities are being rescheduled or cancelled. In recognition of this important day, however, we are hosting a  Law Day Virtual Forum . We will be joined by local judges and leaders of the bar to discuss the current status of our courts and the importance of law during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current plan is to broadcast live on the Mobile Bar Association’s Facebook page on  Friday, May 8, 2020 . More details will be sent in a separate e-mail.

The following is an update on the previously planned Law Day activities:
  • Accepting Nominations for the Liberty Bell Award - CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
  • Middle School Essay Contest - CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
  • Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Welcome Reception for the Alabama Supreme Court - MOVED TO THE FALL
  • Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - Alabama Supreme Court Oral Arguments - MOVED TO THE FALL
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2020 – Law Day Helpline - 6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Local 15 TV. – CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE 

Stay tuned for future announcements on these events.
For many years the Mobile Bar Association has proudly sponsored free coffee and condiments for Mobile County residents called to serve as jurors in the 13th Judicial Circuit Court. Although it may seem a small gesture, if something as seemingly insignificant as a fresh cup of coffee can make the jury process more enjoyable, we believe it is a benefit to the system as a whole.

The Mobile Bar Association is currently asking MBA Members to consider donating either $50.00 or $100.00 to help us continue this tradition. If you are interested in donating to the Juror Coffee Fund, please click here . Thanks in advance for your consideration and contribution. 
By Suntrease Williams-Maynard, President
In light of our continued social distancing, Vernon Z. Crawford Bay Area Bar Association did not have an April meeting. However, a webinar was made available to all members regarding aspects of the CARES Act that are beneficial to small businesses. During this time, we will continue to provide other ways to provide value to our membership until we can meet again. If there are any announcements or virtual trainings that you would like to share, please email President Suntrease Williams-Maynard at . Wishing everyone continued good health and safety!
By Catherine Spann, President
This wasn’t how we thought this year was going to go. When we prepared for the year, the Young Lawyers Executive Committee was extremely excited about the activities to come, including a revitalized golf tournament at The Grand Hotel, a barrister’s ball, a pithy t-shirt to raise money for St. Mary’s Home Funfest, meetings centered around mentorship, Trivia Event 2.0, and countless other ideas. While the events planned for the Spring and Summer have been put on hold, we remain committed to giving back to the community and hope to provide some updates soon.  
The world is grappling with enormous issues. Many of us are struggling with isolation and loneliness, as lawyers are generally a social bunch, so I urge each of you to reach out to one another and to be kind. Once the quarantine is lifted, will people want to meet in a public place to imbibe and laugh together, celebrating the end of a hard workweek? Well, I hope so. Wash your hands first, but we plan on getting this show back on the road as soon as we safely can.
But know this, MBA Young Lawyers is not just for schmoozing; it is an organization committed to providing resources to young lawyers in the area. In the wake of this pandemic, we are focusing on the health and safety of our members. If you need support in this tumultuous time, we would like to help. Please reach out. I have no idea the battle you’re facing or your anxieties, but I send you love and support, and may we all look to the good times ahead. 
By Tiffany Smith, President
The MBA Women Lawyers are proud to announce the 2020 Trailblazer Award Winner is Justice Sarah Hicks Stewart ! As a lawyer, Justice Stewart was the first female president of the Mobile Young Lawyers and served on many local and state bar committees. Justice Stewart was appointed a circuit judge in the 13th Judicial Circuit by Governor Riley in 2006 and ran for the position three times unopposed. During her thirteen years as a circuit judge, Justice Stewart served as the co-chair on Professionalism in the Bench and Bar, on the Supreme Court’s standing committee on the Alabama Rules of Evidence, and on many other Alabama State Bar and judicial committees. Justice Stewart was active in the leadership of the Circuit Judges Association, serving as Education Chair for eight years and was elected by her fellow judges in July 2018 as the first female president of the Circuit Judges Association. In November 2018, Justice Stewart was elected to serve as an Associate Justice on the Alabama Supreme Court.
Given the current events, we are going to have to postpone this year’s Trailblazer celebration. We are looking forward to setting a new date to honor this worthy recipient!
This is a strange time for all of us. As of mid-April, the SAVLP staff has adjusted to remote work and taking shifts at the office. We’ve been able to reopen our intake lines on a limited basis and we continue to serve our existing clients. Thanks to some of our amazing volunteers we also created a blog providing legal information on relevant topics during this crisis. Henry Brewster , Luke Coley , Farah Majid (Legal Services Alabama), and Jack O’Dowd have contributed posts addressing unemployment claims, custody and visitation matters, garnishment of stimulus checks, and end of life documents. Scott Hetrick hosted a Q&A session for area non-profit partners on Covid-19 related employment issues. Check out our website ( and our Facebook page to see what we have added. If you are interested in writing a post for SAVLP, please contact Ariana Moore at
SAVLP staff also knows that our community will need us (and you) more than ever when Mobile County reopens for business. Before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 18 million families in the U.S. spent half or more of their income on housing. (Habitat for Humanity) Missed paychecks and strained household finances mean that many Mobile County residents have been unable to pay their rent or mortgage. We anticipate a spike in requests for help with housing cases (evictions, foreclosures and ejectment action) when the courts reopen. In order to assist these clients in the coming months, SAVLP will offer targeted trainings on issues like evictions and ejectments. We also will offer additional support for attorneys who volunteer to help with these cases. We would love for you to get involved in this project. Look for training dates via e-mail. To be added to the list, contact me at
As you may know, we canceled the March 15th Alabama Bankruptcy Assistance Project (ABAP) CLE due to social distancing concerns. The South Alabama VLP, the Montgomery County VLP, the Madison County VLP and the Alabama State Bar VLP developed ABAP in 2019 to provide bankruptcy assistance services in Chapter 7 bankruptcies to low-income Alabamians, with the goal of removing barriers to employment and housing. For many clients with overwhelming medical and other debts, bankruptcy maybe there only option for a fresh start. Phase One of the project is a comprehensive bankruptcy training for volunteers. The long term goal is to streamline the bankruptcy process so that attorneys unfamiliar with Chapter 7 filings will be capable of assisting low income clients with pro bono filings. We will reschedule the training as soon as we are able and hope that you join Hilaire Armstrong, the ABAP Coordinator, at the event. We believe this project will be even important to our community as we move into the next phase of this crisis. 
Thanks again for all that you do for your community.
Please find below a link to a webpage that list products and services offered by companies for free to support the work of legal professionals during the coronavirus crisis.
DIED:  On April 5, 2020 long-time MBA Member Mayer “Mike” Perloff passed away. A native New Orleanian, Mike began practicing law in Mobile in 1956 and served in the Alabama State Senate. He enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 17, parachuted into France as part of the D-Day invasion force, and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He was awarded a purple heart with an oak leaf cluster. He was a member of Congregation Ahavas Chesed. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lottie Jordan Perloff, and is survived by his wife, Olivia Dell Perloff. He is also survived by his three sons, including lawyers Sam and Jeff Perloff , and four grandchildren.
BORN: Sam Gaillard Ladd, III, was born to MBA Member Sam Gaillard Ladd, Jr . and his wife Blair on February 21, 2020. Gaillard III is the grandson of MBA Member James “Jimmy” Eugene Hasser, Jr . Big sisters Peggy and Flora are excited to welcome their baby brother.
DIED: MBA Member Ralph Peyton Loveless, Jr. died on March 26, 2020. Ralph was born and raised in Birmingham. He earned his undergraduate (1957) and law (1959) degrees from the University of Alabama. Ralph loved the University of Alabama and was active in the leadership of the National Alumni Association for over 20 years. Ralph practiced in Mobile for many years, primarily privately, but also serving as an assistant district attorney and judge before retiring in 2001 and moving to Perdido Key. He and his wife of 61 years were active members of Dauphin Way United Methodist Church and then Perdido Bay United Methodist Church. Ralph is survived by his two daughters and four grandchildren.
BORN: On March 6, 2020 MBA Member Bradley Ezell and his wife welcomed Elizabeth Anne Ezell. Elizabeth Anne is the niece of MBA Member Tom Walsh .
DIED: On April 3, 2020, mother of MBA member Andy Citrin and Baldwin County lawyer Elizabeth Citrin , Georgia Lee Souther Citrin passed away just two months following the death of her husband of 70 years. Although born in Tampa, Florida, Georgia considered Pascagoula, Mississippi her childhood home. After graduation from Pascagoula High School, she moved to New Orleans to pursue a degree in nursing and met and married her husband. Georgia and her husband raised their family and built their lives for over 50 years in Hollywood, Florida. Georgia loved being outdoors, especially snorkeling on the shallow reefs of the Florida Keys and Bahamas and walking the woods in the mountains of north Georgia. While in her sixties, she made her lifelong dream a reality by constructing and operating a bed and breakfast, the Souther Country Inn, which overlooked the scenic Appalachian range in her father’s hometown of Blairsville, Georgia. Georgia is survived by her six children, fifteen grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.
DIED: On March 31, 2020, Donald T. Graham, father of MBA Member Duane Graham, passed away in Montrose. Donald was a native Mobilian who earned his engineering degree at Auburn University in 1957. He worked as a civil engineer with the Corps of Engineers for many years. Donald served in the Marine Corps and was a veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, three children, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
Adams and Reese is pleased to announce Suntrease Williams-Maynard has joined the firm’s Mobile office as Special Counsel. Williams-Maynard joins the firm’s Government Investigations and White Collar Defense Practice.
Lawyer position:    Howard & Festa LLP has a position in Mobile, Alabama office for lawyer with 0-2 years of experience. Must be licensed in Alabama. Forward all contact information to .
DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE:  Beautiful, spacious office in an historic home in the beautiful DeTonti Square neighborhood. Plentiful onsite parking, including an EV Charging space, available conference room, waiting area, and kitchenette. Receptionist onsite. Internet provided. A block from the Federal and Bankruptcy Courthouses. Perfect for a Solo, or out of town firm desiring Mobile presence. 205 N. Conception St.  Contact HENRY BREWSTER at 251-338-0630 or .

In Memory of
By: Alex Lankford, IV
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Mobile Bar Foundation:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________
YES, I want to make a donation to the Mobile Bar Foundation -
In honor/memory of: ______________________________________________________________________
Acknowledgement sent to:

Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
YES, I want to become a member of the Mobile Bar Foundation -

__ Life member ($5000, can be paid in up to 5 annual installments
__ Sustaining Member ($100 or more annually)
__ Regular Member ($50 - $99 annually)
__ Member of MBA practicing 5 years or less ($25 - $99)
__ I would like more information on including the Foundation in my estate planning

I donate my gift of: $__________

Check: __________ (Please make checks payable to the Mobile Bar Foundation)
*Credit Card: Visa/Mastercard# ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________ Exp: ___________________________

Mail to: Mobile Bar Foundation, P.O. Drawer 2005, Mobile, AL 36652

* All credit card transactions will incur a $2.00 processing fee.
Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Honorable P. Bradley Murray, presiding

USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park
Mobile, Alabama
Wednesday, May 6
District Court CLE | via ZOOM

Thursday, May 7
Executive Committee Meeting | via ZOOM

Friday, May 8
Law Day Virtual Forum | Facebook LIVE

Wednesday, May 13
District Court CLE | via ZOOM

Friday, May 15
June Bulletin Deadline
Wednesday, May 20
District Court CLE | via ZOOM

Thursday, May 21
Coffee with the Courts | via ZOOM

Thursday, May 21
Grievance Committee Meeting | via ZOOM

Monday, May 25
Mobile Bar Headquarters
CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day
Listed below are members that are celebrating birthdays in May:
David McCormack Allen
Megan Kay Allgood
Blakely Weston Barnes
Ginger Davis Bedsole
Lisa Marsh Box
J. David Brady, Jr.
Samuel Joshua Briskman
Donald M. Briskman
Barbara A. Brown
Mechelle Buksar-Musgrove
Frederick Tristan Bussey
Rodney Reed Cate
Brenda C. Cochran, CP
Laura Strachan Coker
Terri C. Cordova
Eric Bice Cromwell, II
Patricia Ann Davis
Lisa Bumpers Deen
Wilbur Pemble DeLashmet
Mawiyah N. Duckworth
Christopher H Ezell
Andrew Brent Freeman
Jeffry N. Gale
Thomas Jason Hadley
Susan Zundel Ham
Jeffery J. Hartley
Katie Hammett Hassell
Brandi Nicole Hattenstein
Donna E. Henderson
William Christian Hines, III
Ralph G. Holberg, III
Richard Hamner Holston
Victor T. Hudson, II
William David Jester
Richard Brantley Johnson
Abbey Lee Johnston
Christopher Kern
Vincent F. Kilborn, III
William F. Kline
Henry James Koch
John N. Leach
James Edward Loris, Jr.
Robert E. Lusk
Richard Edward Mather
Caroline G. Mathews
Blair Graffeo Mattei
Gregory B. McAtee
Charles L. (Chuck) Miller, Jr.
Frederick James Moore, III
Stephen C. Moore
Coy Christopher Morgan
T. Julian Motes
Edmond George Naman
Michel Nicrosi
Peggy Ray Nikolakis
Thomas P. Oldweiler
Evan Nicholas Parrott
Philip H. Partridge
E. B. Peebles, III
Jill Parrish Phillips
Arthur T. Powell, III
David Tyler Pritchett
Abby Morrow Richardson
John Burruss Riis
Beth McFadden Rouse
Sarah Elise Rutledge
Sarah Cross Ryan
Jason Matthew Shelby
Colin Derrick Sherman
Irving Silver
Penny Slawkowski
John Ronald Spencer
Daniel Trice Stabler
Elizabeth Stepan
Eucellis Ziness Sullivan
Gregory Edward Vaughan
Christopher Blake Vrieze
Jennifer Lynn Wright
Alex W. Zoghby
Jeral Hamilton Jordan
Mobile Bar Association | 251-433-9790 |