May Newsletter
Covenant Lutheran Church
May 6, 2020
Tributes to the Mom in your life!
This week’s check-in video will feature your contributions that are
offered in honor of, in memory of, or to salute those who are (or were)
MOM in your life. We need images or other reminders that are
meaningful to you. Share your love for these special folks in a video
collage that will also post to our Facebook context where the weekly kit
Message from Pastor Ele

Hello Neighbors!

The first MESA Food Pantry opening for May is next Tuesday, the 12th. Needs are expanding, and our congregation loves to help. The safety-first pick-up drive is a way to bridge the gap between your desire to support the food pantry, and your contribution to provide for the needs in our community. If you missed the first opportunity for a doorstep pickup, don’t worry. The next round of pickups will be here before you know it. Just let us know your plans, and we will write you into the schedule.

In case you hadn’t seen it, here is the most recent decision on returning to gathered worship: As restrictions are being lifted in phases, we are monitoring news sources to assess when it is safe for an in-person gathering for Covenant. Based on the criteria given (Texas DSHS), decisions to gather depend on the makeup of each congregation's population, especially as it relates to vulnerable participants. Until that milestone is cleared, we will continue social distancing and safe practices to reduce the potential for infection and community spread. Among the general unknowns is “Who is a carrier?” Wisdom errs on the side of caution. Caring for our neighbor in this instance means allowing room for the number of reported cases to begin to drop before we unwittingly become part of a viral effect.

These excerpts from Richard Rohr’s devotional this week were especially meaningful to me. When following the way of the Christ was introduced into the first century CE, it was unsettling. It was so different it created polar opposite responses from people. Yet its whole intent was healing, grace, love—concepts we take for granted with the distance of two millennia between its first spread. 
Digital Worship Kits
Be watching your emails for your Digital Worship Kit for this Sunday. You can use this kit to worship on your own schedule. There are links to the sermon, music and more. We will continue to send these until we are able to meet again face to face! Stay well!
Door to Door Donations for MESA Outreach
To help support MESA Outreach, we will be a holding a door-to-door canned food drive on May 9! In order to maintain social distancing, cans will be collected by Julie Bohland in two ways:

OPTION ONE: Cans can be left outside your door to be collected on Saturday, May 9, sometime after 8:00 am.
OPTION TWO: This will be similar to contact-less food delivery but in reverse. When Julie gets to your home, she will knock, stand back 6 feet, and pick the donations up after you've closed the door.

Every can counts! Even if it is just one or two, it will help those who are in need.

Contact Julie Bohland by TODAY, May 7 if you are interested in donating. Please include your address in your email. Thank you all for your willingness to help those in need! We hope everyone is staying safe.

To put a "face" on the great need for food in our community , there have been HUGE lines at the Berry Center where people are picking up food being distributed by Cy-Hope and the Houston Food Bank. One of our members, John Frey-Lloyd, has a friend in dire need - she is caring for her granddaughter and they have no food or even formula for the baby. John is helping her with what he can, and I have sent information about Cypress Assistance Ministries and MESA Outreach Food Pantry. This is just ONE of MANY people who are struggling right now.
Masks Still Needed!
People are needed more than ever to help make fabric face masks for hospital workers, first responders and others in need! If you are already helping, would like to help or would be able to donate fabric or elastic to be used to make the masks, please contact Marian Shelton or Sue Tabbert .
Thank You for your Offerings!
We want to express our gratitude to all those who are remembering to send their offerings, either by mail to Covenant's PO Box (PO Box 840485, Houston, TX 77284) or by electronic means. Your gifts are helping us through this pandemic until we can meet again!
  PO Box 840485
Houston TX 77284
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Fifth Sunday of Easter

Watch for an email with a Digital Worship Kit to participate in worship at your convenience!
Children, Youth & Family Ministries
Christian Education
All classes canceled until further notice.
Graduate Recognition!
Given the strange situation we are in, it looks like we won't be able to do our graduate recognition the same way we have in the past. However, we would LOVE to acknowledge our high school and college graduates in our e-news and Digital Worship Kit. Please send your graduate's information (school graduating from, future plans, etc.) and a PHOTO of your graduate to Sue Tabbert so we can share the celebration with the congregation and include the graduates in our prayers.
Other Events & Activities
Bible Studies Update
There will be no Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study or Men's Sunday Night Bible Study until further notice.
General & Community News
Covenant Lay Pastoral Ministry Team
If you have a pastoral care concern this week, please contact Janet Broddle . For emergency pastoral concerns, contact Pastor Ele at 281-698-0681.
Covenant Leadership during Redevelopment
2020 Executive Committee
Ele Clay - Redevelopment Pastor
Blanca Tovar - Treasurer