URGENT News Update: March 12, 2020
Dearest FVAMC Community – Asalamu Alaikum,
As you know, FVAMC is always concerned about the health and safety of our community. That concern is only heightened by all the news surrounding the Coronavirus and so this is to inform you that we are CLOSING FVAMC as of today until further notice.

 As you know and have heard by now, the governor has declared a state of emergency, is prohibiting large gatherings and promoting social distancing to help contain Covid-19 as 10-20% of CT citizens could contract the virus. As Muslims and responsible human beings, it is our duty to help protect communities from any harm. We have no cases in our center or in the town of Avon, but wanted to take a precautionary measure. 
Just wanted to review what we’re doing, and what you can do, to help keep us all healthy.
  • We are temporarily closing our center until further notice. (We will remove the door key code and lock with a key, we will also put up a sign on the door)
  • We are cancelling Jummah (Friday) prayers - we are also looking into live-streaming so that we can all be connected virtually (more to come on this)
  • We are cancelling Ijaza
  • We are cancelling Sunday school
  • We are conducting a deep cleaning of the entire facility and shampooing the rugs in the musalah
  • We will continue to monitor the situation and keep our community informed.
First and foremost, we encourage anyone that may have potentially been exposed to the Coronavirus, either directly or through a member of their household, to contact their primary care physician or hospital. As an individual, you can help everyone by taking the basic precautions that the CDC recommends, a few of which are highlighted below:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneezes with a tissue and properly dispose of the tissue
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
  • Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds
May Allah protect us all.