What’s Happening at
St. John’s Episcopal Church
11201 Parkfield Drive, Austin, Texas
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
From Our Interim Rector
Cinco de Mayo
May 5, 2020
Typically, Cinco de Mayo or May 5th, would be a great excuse for celebrating and having a party!
This is “an event” that is given much more attention in the United States (especially at Mexican food restaurants) than it is in Mexico. This date commemorates May 5, 1862 when a small Mexican force took a victory over a much larger French force. The Battle of Puebla was under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza. No, there will not be so many cheers tonight … what a bummer, and today is Taco Tuesday!
I have a better memory for Cinco de Mayo. That was the day my husband was confirmed into the Episcopal Church. No, it wasn’t Taco Tuesday; but it felt like Saintly Sunday finally confirming this Baptist! Our Diocesan Bishop was visiting, and the service was being held on an outdoor patio at the Marriott Hotel in Cancun. The mighty little church has met at the hotel, weekly, for 25 years! A different room or location every week!
That reminded me of St. John’s and all our churches these days. We don’t really know from week to week where we will be – but the important thing is, we will “be”. We will be “Church”. For the church, I dare remind all, is about the people! Without the people, churches are empty buildings. We will return to St. John’s on Parkfield; we just don’t have a date yet. And, that is fine. We will return when we are supposed to return. In the meanwhile, keep each other in your prayers; and more importantly, pray for those whom you have never met and need a hug tonight!
The Bishop is Coming!
It is not too early to mark your calendar for our first visit from The Right Reverend Kathryn M. Ryan, the new(ish) Bishop Suffragan for the Western Region of the Diocese of Texas.
Bishop Ryan will be at St. John's for baptism and confirmation / reception / reaffirmation on
Sunday, August 30
. We will have two services: 10:45 a.m. (English) and 1:00 p.m. (Spanish). We anticipate having our usual celebration after each service in order to introduce Bishop Ryan to our best-in-the-diocese pot luck luncheon. More details will follow as our plans are finalized so stay tuned!
Giving at St. John's
People have asked how to continue their giving
as the
ministry of the Church continues.
There are several ways you can continue to give:
Mail your check to the Church: St. John's Episcopal Church,
P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493
Go to your bank's website and set up direct payment - the bank will send a check directly to St. John's using this address:
St. John's Episcopal Church, P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493
Use this button to go directly to our online giving site:
Sunday Services at St. John's
We are finding different ways to worship.
All Sunday services are being live streamed from our Chapel:
10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer in English
12:00 noon Morning Prayer in Spanish
You can participate in our live stream videos by clicking this button to go to the St. John's Facebook page:
This will take you to the "videos" tab on the left side of the Facebook page. When the red box like the one below appears next to "videos", click on it.
If this doesn't take you to the live video, try using the "refresh" button at the top of your screen.
The live stream for each service will be available approximately 5 minutes before the start of the service.
Recorded video from all services will be posted on YouTube later in the day. Links to the YouTube videos will be posted on Facebook and on our website
Missing your Book of Common Prayer?
All Daily Office services are in the Book of Common Prayer.
Here is a link to the Lectionary Page website which will give you the readings for each Sunday:
Lectionary Page
You can find the Daily Office Lectionary in the Prayer Book on page 934 (or eCP if you have that app).
Caring for Each Other
If you, or someone you know, need prayer or would like to be contacted by the church, please contact the Reverend Ann McLemore at 769-257-2377 or RevAnn@austinstjohns.org to add names to the Prayer List.
Need Help?
Please, if you find that you need help financially, with food, spiritually, emotionally, do not hesitate to call Deacon Victoria (512-297-5953) or Rev. Ann (769-257-2377).
We are a church family; when a family member needs assistance we want to try and help that member.
ZOOM Etiquette
Thanks to everyone who has stretched your techie skills and participated in Zoom meetings the past few weeks. We hope even more of you will join us as we continue our online offerings.
As it looks like we will be continuing Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future, we would like give some guidelines which will enhance the experience for everyone:
a. Try to join the meeting on time so the flow of the presentation will not be interrupted.
b. Keep yourself muted - it is amazing how distracting even little noises can be! Of course, you will need to unmute yourself in order to speak.
c. Raise your hand - either on camera so the host can see you, or use the "raise hand" feature. (Click on the participant tab on the bottom of your screen, place your cursor over your name, and find the "raise hand" button.) Remember to lower your hand and mute yourself after making your comments to the group.
d. The meeting facilitator will work with your host (presenter) in order to ensure that the meeting stays on track and that everyone has an opportunity to speak. Your designated Zoom meeting facilitators are Rev. Ann, Deacon Victoria, Bill Cox, John Williams, and Fay Jones.
Lectionary Based Bible Study
Continuing on Wednesday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m., we will look forward to worship by focusing on the lectionary readings for the following Sunday.
The readings for Sunday, May 10, are Acts 7:55-60; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16.
Each week, the lectionary page link for the specific week is posted on the web site with links via Facebook, for both English and Spanish lectionaries. These are posted under the “Resources for Online Worship” (English) or “Recursos para el culto en línea” (Spanish) header on the web site homepage.
For example: This week’s specific links are:
Use this button to join the Zoom meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Or join the meeting by phone. Dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter the following information when prompted.
Meeting ID: 894 3189 9670
Password: 240806
The Genealogy of Jesus
On Thursday, May 7, at 10:00 a.m., we will begin a four week series on women in the Bible who are in Jesus' genealogy. These include Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba, Ruth, and Mary Theotokos. These promise to be informative and interesting presentations, so please join us.
Use this button to join the Zoom meeting
via computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Or join the meeting by phone. Dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter the following information when prompted.
Meeting ID: 832 8906 4385
Password: 760997
Travis County Assistance Programs
Numerous financial assistance programs are available in the Austin area. Low income families as well as struggling households can get everything from rent to mortgage help to free food, medical or dental care, money for security deposits, and free debt reduction assistance. Find how churches as well as charities in Travis County (and even the government) can help struggling households, whether they are senior citizens, immigrants, Spanish speakers, or the disabled.
Food Banks in the Austin Area
Get information on Austin and Travis County food banks and pantries. The food banks and pantries in the Austin area have various criteria that need to be met in order to receive food, however very few people are turned away from help. Even if a pantry does not have resources available, the staff will try to offer referrals or other solutions. Each center will operate under different conditions and the food banks, pantries, and churches are located throughout Travis County. You may need to call to make an appointment for some centers, and others operate under limited hours.
Farmshare's New Home Delivery Program
1. Wednesday Deliveries: Serving North/Central/East Austin
Order form closes at 9pm on Sunday for Wednesday delivery.
2. Friday Deliveries: Serving South Austin and Del Valle
Order form closes at 9pm on Tuesday for Friday delivery.
Please check both order forms to find the delivery day that serves your zip code. Order forms are updated every Friday. We accept cash, credit, debit, SNAP, and Double Up Food Bucks as payment. Payment is processed in person upon delivery.
If you do not see your zip code, you may select on-farm pickup for either of our regular delivery days. Just fill out the order form for the day you'd like to come pick up your order.
Please visit Farmshare Austin's website to access order forms for the following week's delivery:
HEB Grocery Delivery for Seniors
Limited to 25 items; same day delivery; $10 tip added to bill
Call the Support line (833-397-0080) 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Sign in and be counted!
Click the button below for more information.
Only Rev. Ann
and essential support staff
will be in the Chapel for the streaming of services as w
e continue to follow the direction of government officials and the guidance of our Bishop.
All meetings and activities at St. John's are temporarily suspended.
Ministry continues. All St. John's meetings will be held virtually (via Zoom).
We will post a notification here, on Facebook, and on our website when this restriction has been lifted.
Virtual Sunday Services
10:00 am in English (Facebook)
en español (Facebook)
For more information about events at St. John’s,