Hope your 2020 is off to a rocking start and your resolutions are still intact.

2020 is getting off to a super start for NAWIC #122!
We had a spectacular January meeting. Ashleigh Potuznik from NCCER and Joshua Umar from Build Your Future Arizona gave us a fabulous presentation with tons of information on building our construction force. We were even blessed with an appearance by Tim Bee from ABA at our meeting. Thanks to Joshua speaking Tim didn’t have to be the only male in attendance.

We here at NAWIC are looking at an exciting 1st quarter to 2020. We have the executive Breakfast scheduled in February with Danny How of Pima County One Stop as the speaker. Bring your executives or coworkers and share NAWIC with your colleagues.

Then March begins WIC Week and the Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build.
Check all the upcoming events right here in our Newsletter or on the website. Looking forward to another great year for NAWIC.

Honored to be your president,
Sandy Lipe