October 2019
Completing the Healthy Start screening form is valuable for all mothers regardless of age, race or economic status. 

Prenatal Screening Rates* (July 2019 - September 2019)
Coalition Prenatal Screening Rate Goal: 70%  
Citrus County
217/269 = 81%
Hernando County
282/416 = 68% 
Lake County
566/952 = 59% 
Sumter County
80/123 = 65% 
Coalition Total
1,145/1,760 = 65%
State Total
32,752/57,985 = 57%
* Prenatal Screening Rate = Total Consenting to Screen / Estimated Number of Pregnant Women

Infant Screening Rates** (July 2018 - September 2019)
Coalition Infant Screening Rate Goal: 85%
Citrus Memorial Health System
115/115 = 100%
Bayfront Health Seven Rivers 64/64 = 100%
Bayfront Health Spring Hill 100/100 = 100%
Oak Hill Hospital 275/275 = 100%
Advent Health 159/159 = 100%
Leesburg Regional Medical Center 247/247 = 100%
South Lake Hospital (Clermont) 181/191 = 95%
Coalition Total 1,712/1,760 = 97%
State Total
55,605/57,985 = 96%
** Infant Screening Rate = Total Screened/Total Infants
October is SIDS Awareness Month

There has been great improvement made in reducing sleep-related infant deaths since the 1990s, when recommendations for placing baby on their back for sleep was introduced but since the late 1990s, declines have slowed.

Every year, there are thousands of sleep-related deaths among babies. Safe sleep practices can help lower the risk of sleep-related infant deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation, and deaths from unknown causes.  Not all caregivers follow the safe sleep recommendations so it's important for us to counsel them on safe sleep practices during and after pregnancy when we are meeting with them.

A great way to help educate our Healthy Start participants on safe sleep practices is to become a Safe Sleep Ambassador yourself.  We have been working hard here at the Coalition office to have all staff trained and certified as Safe Sleep Ambassadors.  Will you and your staff join us?  To complete the training, please visit https://www.cribsforkids.org/safe-sleep-ambassador/.

Source:  www.cdc.gov
November is Prematurity Awareness Month

A developing baby goes through important growth throughout pregnancy - including the final months and weeks. Premature birth is when a baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy has been completed. The earlier the baby is born, the higher the risk of death or serious disability. In 2016, preterm birth and low birth weight accounted for about 17% of infant deaths. Babies who survive can have breathing issues, intestinal problems, and bleeding in their brains. Long-term problems may include developmental delay and lower performance in school.

Reducing preterm birth is a national public health priority. Preterm birth rates decreased from 2007 to 2014, and CDC research shows the decline in preterm births is partly due to fewer teens and young women giving birth. Despite this success, the preterm birth rate rose for the third year in a row in 2017, and ab out 1 in 10 babies (10) were born too early in the United States.

Florida's preterm birth rate had been decreasing from 11.2 in 2008 to 9.9 in 2014 but in 2015 the rate started to increase.  In 2017, Florida's preterm birth rate was 10.2 and unfortunately it has remained the same in 2018 (graph below).

For us to have a positive impact on our preterm birth rates, we must look at what contributes to preterm birth and of those what are modifiable.   Below is a diagram of the contributing factors of preterm birth developed by the March of Dimes.

There was great discussion among work group B at our annual meeting in June regarding these contributing factors and what could be done.  One area of focus was birth spacing.  In working with our March of Dimes community team for the North Central Coalition, we've realized many are unaware  that women should wait at least 18 months in between pregnancies before trying to conceive again.  

So, how can we educate our community on this topic?  How are we educating our participants on birth spacing?  Are they receptive to our message?  A great idea we will be implementing is to provide training on birth spacing to our Healthy Start service providers so they feel confident in their approach of the topic of birth spacing with their participants.  

We were recently able to use grant money from the March of Dimes to develop birth spacing rack cards to distribute to our participants, community partners, businesses, organizations, agencies, etc.  Our hope is that more women will understand the importance of waiting at least 18 months before a subsequent pregnancy and the impact waiting can have for them and their next baby.

Board Membership
Please contact Heather Hollingsworth if you have someone interested in becoming a Board Director.  We are currently looking for representation from the Community Organization, Advocacy and Consumer categories.

CHS is on AmazonSmile
Did you know that you can donate to Central Healthy Start just by shopping on Amazon?  Want to know how?  Just use the following link and continue to shop as you normally would.  For every purchase made using this link, Amazon will donate a percentage to the Coalition at no additional cost to you.  How cool is that?   https://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-3119439
Thank you Morningstar Storage
On behalf of the Central Healthy Start Coalition, I'd like to sincerely thank Morningstar Storage for their very generous in-kind donation of our 10 X 20 climate controlled storage unit for Healthy Start.  This is saving the Coalition $3,168.  Thank you for supporting non-profit organizations like Healthy Start in our community!

Meeting with First Lady Casey DeSantis
On Monday, October 21st, Faye Johnson, FAHSC Board President, and Cathy Timuta, FAHSC Executive Director, met with First Lady Casey DeSantis at the  Capitol to brief her on the important work of our Healthy Start leaders and community partners.

Pictured above: (left) Faye Johnson, FAHSC Board President and (right) Cathy Timuta, FAHSC Executive Director
The Healthy Start Team

Lesha Buchbinder
Early Learning Coalition of Lake County
Past President
Joelle Aboytes
Department of Children and Families - Circuit 5
Vice President
Dana Selfridge
Healthy Families Pasco-Hernando
Jaclyn Citarella
Mid Florida Community Services

Esmeralda Batiz
Community Health Centers

Dee Dixon
Healthy Families Citrus County

Maria Granado Lake County Community Health Worker Program

Porcha Green
Healthy Families Lake, Sumter & Marion

Kristen Hopper LifeStream Behavioral Center

Coalition Screening Rates  
SIDS Awareness
Prematurity Awareness
Coalition Updates
The Healthy Start Team
From the Director

Did you know November is prematurity awareness month?

In this edition of our e-newsletter, you will find  information on contributing factors of preterm birth and which of those are modifiable (created by the March of Dimes).  

An area we've focused on with our March of Dimes Community team in the North Central Coalition is the interpregnancy intervals less than 18 months.  How do we educate the diverse populations in our area about waiting AT LEAST 18 months in between pregnancies?  The interpregnancy interval is the spacing between a live birth and the beginning of a following pregnancy.  Many don't understand the risks associated with short birth spacing intervals as well as the risk factors associated with preterm birth.

November is a great month to educate about proper birth spacing.  Healthy Start has a great birth spacing rack card available for distribution so please let us know if you'd like some.

Happy Fall!
Julie Moderie, MPH
Program Director
Care Coordinator Meeting
Thurs., Oct. 3rd, 2019
@ 9:00 AM at Kids Central, Inc.

CI&R Home Advisory Committee Meeting
Thurs, Oct. 3rd, 2019
@ 11:00 AM at Kids Central, Inc.

Service Provider Advisory Council Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 7th, 2019
@ 10:00 AM at Langley Health Services

Executive Committee Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 7th, 2019
@ 1:00 PM at Langley Health Services

Board of Directors Meeting
Thurs., Dec. 5th, 2019
@ 1:00 PM Kids Central, Inc.

Kid's Central, Inc. is located at 901 Industrial Drive, Suite 200 in Wildwood, Florida

Langley Health Services is located at South US  301 in Sumterville, Florida



Central Healthy Start
1785 NW 80th Blvd., Gainesville, FL 32606
P: 352-313-6500 | F: 352-313-6515 | www.CentralHealthyStart.org