Captured in Cape Horn, Chile by graduate student Steven Kenworthy,
"My Peace, Your Quiet", named Honorable Mention in the Places category of the 2017 International Photography Exhibition
NEWSLETTER: January 22, 2018
Crisis in Honduras Panel & Teach-In
Friday, January 26
255 Hagerty Hall
2:30 - 4:00 PM
The Center for Latin American Studies is hosting a panel discussion on the current democratic crisis in Honduras. Dr. Katherine Borland, Dr. Kendra McSweeney, and Dr. Rachel Bowen will address the causes and possible consequences of the disputed November 26 presidential election. We encourage you to attend and share your thoughts and questions on a conflict that poses relevant questions about the power of democracy for the region.
Lecture by Joan Flores, PhD Candidate
Wednesday, January 24
168 Dulles Hall
3:45-5:15 PM
The History Department is pleased to announce a lecture by PhD Candidate Joan Flores, a candidate for the Latin American - U.S. Migration History position.
Abstract: During the Panama Canal construction decade (1904-1914), around 150,000 British West Indian migrants supplied the bulk of the labor on and off the Canal as part of the segregated "silver" workforce. This talk juxtaposes two seemingly disparate legal conflicts of the era regarding West Indian intimacy-the first, a major controversy that implicated the entire upper echelons of the Canal administration in the distribution of "vice," and the second, a local case from a Panamanian municipality regarding two West Indian women defending their honor. Using these two examples, I show how West Indian women actively materialized their own definitions and practices of morality, labor, and community. I argue that, despite the overwhelming historiographical attention to male workers in this context, these migrant women gained certain forms of powerful autonomy that shaped both the imperial administration of the Canal and the socio-political landscape of Panama.
Volunteer for Taste of OSU 2018
The Office of International Affairs is seeking volunteers for Taste of OSU 2018 on Friday, February 16, from 5 - 8:30 p.m. in the Ohio Union.
The event will feature more than 40 student organizations as they present international food, cultural exhibits and performances. Volunteers are needed for tasks including check-in, distributing programs and clean up assistance. The deadline to register is January 24.
Additionally, volunteers are needed for event photography. Students interested in photographing the event can apply online.
Global Health Initiative: Service Trip to Guatemala
The Global Health Initiative at OSU is a student group dedicated to increasing awareness and providing educational opportunities related to global health issues to help our members find their passion within the vast field of public health. The organization is looking for students who are interested in participating in their international service trip to Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala City, and Huehuetenango.
Save the Date: Dept. of History Job Talks for position focusing on Modern Migration History with emphasis on US-Mexico Migration
The department of History will be hosting three candidates this January for the job opening in Modern Migration History with emphasis on US-Mexico migration and secondary specialization in Latina/o Studies preferred.
Formal announcements of job talks will be publicized as they become available, but please add these dates and times to your calendar if you are interested in attending:
- Wed., Jan. 24th, 3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. in Dulles 168: Joan Flores-Villalobos, NYU
- Wed., Jan. 31st, 3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. in Dulles 168: Aileen Teague, Vanderbilt
University of New Mexico Latin American and Iberian Instiutte: Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar travel award
The University of New Mexico Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) and the University Libraries are pleased to invite applications for the Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar travel award. The deadline for applications is
Friday, March 31, 2017 at 5:00 pm (MT).
2018 CLASP Teaching Award for Junior Faculty
Nominations will be accepted through Friday, February 9th, 2018.
Lecture by Dr. Eduardo Mendieta
Date: Friday, February 2, 2018
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Place: 010 Page Hall
Abstract: In this talk,
Dr. Eduardo Mendieta, faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at Penn State University, will
discuss why we need to think of philosophy as a temporalizing / detemporalizing-spatializing / de-spacializing device; what Dr. Mendieta calls a chronotopological dispositif. He will present arguments for why before we begin the practice of decolonizing philosophy, we need to think of philosophy as a site of colonization, the moraine of a sedimented history of colonial practices and imaginaries. This calls for new ways of doing both the history of philosophy and expanding the repertoire of what are considered 'philosophical questions.' Mendieta will take a step back and offer two genealogies of philosophy that illustrate the contaminated origins of philosophy, and will discuss briefly what he would take to be the praxis of decolonial thinking and philosophizing from a Latinx perspective.
Sponsors: Organization of Hispanic and Latino Faculty and Staff, Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, Geography, Political Science, Comparative Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Applications open until February 1 |
The Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for its Academic Year 2018-2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Competitions.The deadline for application submission is
Thursday, February 1, 2018, 4:30 pm EST. For more information on the fellowship and application, please visit:
https://clas.osu.edu/FLAScompetition .
Call for Papers: Diálogo Journal |
A special issue of
álogo, a journal published by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University, is calling for papers. The theme is "Keepers of Minerals, Forests, and Waters: Cinema, Literature, and Art against Extractivism in Latin America," and will bring together articles, interviews, poems, stories, and comics which dialogue with the work of visual artists, writers, and indigenous movements concerned with extractivism in their ancestral land.
Diálogo invites everyone interested in contributing to this issue to send their articles of research and essays (6-9000 words), reflection notes (3500 words), interviews (3000 words), and book and film reviews (1200 words). Unpublished pieces of creative writing by indigenous writers (maximum of 6 poems, 10 pages of fiction, or testimony) in Spanish, English or native languages (with translation into English or Spanish) are also welcome. Please follow the submission guidelines at: https://las.depaul.edu/centers-and-institutes/center-for-latino-research/publications/Pages/Submission- Guidelines.aspx
Call for Papers: Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences
The 8th Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences (
CLACSO) will take place in Buenos Aires, November 19-23, 2018. CLACSO is the first international forum on critical thinking and will offer over 500 accommodation and travel grants for participants. Abstracts may be submitted in any of 36 thematic areas in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.
General registration closes
April 12th, 2018 and selections for individual, group, or institutional lectures at the open panel discussion will be released beginning
June 12, 2018.
Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Research Grants
The Office of International Affairs is seeking applications for its Academic Enrichment Research Grants, which supports activities with lasting impact across the globe. The grant competition is open to
graduate and
undergraduates whose applications focus on research projects that address global issues, connect discipline-specific research to programs in diverse cultural settings, explores the languages, cultures, arts, social sciences and area studies and/or promotes active collaborations with institutional partners.
Deadline to apply is February 9. Contact:
Puente Cultural
Service and Teaching Abroad Grant Opportunity
This year-long commitment involves volunteering at Fundación El Arenal, an alternative education center for children and adolescents of Cuenca, and teaching English at CEDEI, a popular language school in Cuenca, Ecuador.
The "Puente Cultural" Grant has two primary objectives:
- to facilitate a cross cultural experience for OSU undergraduates (or recently graduated students) with high Spanish proficiency who demonstrates financial need.
- to support El Arenal Foundation and its programs for children of working families.
Interested students should complete the Google Form Application by January 31, 2018 for program to begin June, 2018.
Mershon Center Scholarships and Research Grants
Each year, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies holds a competition for Ohio State faculty and students to apply for research grants and scholarship funds. The deadline for all applications is 5 p.m. on
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Applications for
Faculty Research and Seed Grants
Graduate Student Research Grants
must be for projects related to the study of national security in a global context.
In recent years the center has funded several dozen faculty and graduate student research projects with grants for travel, seminars, conferences, interviews, experiments, surveys, library costs, and more.
Apply for the Transatlantic Educators Dialogue Program
The University of Illinois is hosting a FREE ONLINE Transatlantic Educators Dialogue (TED) program beginning February 11th and ending May 6th. This is a 12-week program with 90 minute online sessions.
The European Union Center at U of I
is recruiting teachers in the US and the EU to come together once a week (Sundays 5:00-6:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time) in online sessions to explore a variety of educational topics as they relate to issues of identity and difference. Participants will meet simultaneously online using the Blackboard Collaborate application; in addition, prior to each session, participants are expected access an online course website to read materials and post responses related to the week's topic.
The deadline for applications is January 26, 2018. You can register
Lecture by Alexandra Lucas Coelho
Date: Friday, February 9, 2018
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Hagerty Hall 255
Join the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center for Latin American Studies for a lecture from the Portuguese writer, Alexandra Lucas Coelho. Her newest book, Deus Dara, studies the colonial history between Portugal and Brazil. Copies of the novel will be available for signing at the lecture. Ms. Coelho will address topics such as:
- The resistance to this debate in Portugal in 2017
- The novel as a transgender text: structure, language and resources
- The novel as a terreiro (the grounds of the Afro-Brazilian religions where ancestors, spirits and divinities are embodied)
Volunteer with Global Scholars on Global Issues
The Columbus Council on World Affairs is seeking volunteers to speak with their Global Scholars on Global Issues at Franklin University throughout February. Dates are indicated on the online survey.
Volunteers are needed from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm on their chosen dates and should indicate their availability on the
As a Global Issues volunteer speaker, you will speak to students on a global topic/global issue that you are passionate about/experienced with, your organization, and the important work that you or others do around the global issue.
Throughout your presentation you would cover some or all of the following questions:
- Provide background, origins, and context for the global issue, i.e. why is it considered a global issue?
- Outline all parties involved and invested in your global issue
- Identify varied perspectives and proposed solutions for the global issue
- Describe the goals of your organization
- What type of work do you do specifically?
- What challenges does your organization face?
- How does your global issue affect the local community?
- How can students get involved? Take action? Make an impact?