Thursday, May 7--Sunday, May 10th
We're all keeping our distance, yet KVMR is Closer Than You Think.
The Skinny: KVMR's May drive is usually our biggest fundraiser of the year, bringing in over $70,000 in 9 days. Right now, KVMR is estimating COVID-19 related revenue losses at about $200K . The estimate comes from lost event-related earnings & business support. Without the May drive, our ability to provide service during good times and bad becomes even more dicey. “How do you have a membership drive with no volunteers,” you ask? We're about to find out. We must persevere because we rely on the money it brings in. And now for some good news: A generous member gave a $10,000 pre-drive dollar-for-dollar match to incentivize our springtime donors. We hope that’s you. When you give between now and the beginning of the drive, Thursday May 7th, your dollars are matched, up to $10,000. We understand very well how COVID-19 is impacting some folks’ financial situation- if you’re struggling right now, KVMR wants to you to take care of you first. But if you can afford to, we ask you to DONATE NOW . If you've already given during COVID-19, thank you so much. Your gracious support is dearly appreciated.
The Plan : KVMR’s all-new, super-weird volunteerless Closer Than You Think drive begins Thursday, May 7 th, then four fun-filled days of KVMR staff engineering new music put together by broadcasters, answering phones, and pretending to be 180 people! We hope you’ll call and tell us how we’re doing. We’re squeezing in some live remotes : Tune into Jerianne Van Dijk & Todd Wahoske from Todd’s Porch for the Friday Morning Show , Eric Rice and Larry Hillberg will be broadcasting Backroads and County Line Bluegrass from the New Transmitter atop Banner Mountain on Saturday, 7AM – 1PM. Then, Kim Rogers & Felton Pruitt host Good Stuff from Felton’s Backyard . We’ve reduced the drive to 4 days, and lowered our goal to $50,000. With your help, we can start the drive start the drive nearly halfway there. All you have to do is turn on the radio and we're right here for you.
Wednesday Morning's Lisa Lillie makes radio at her home desk
Crooked Highway's Gary Wells gets help from his furry friend
Right now we are caring for each other, county wide, statewide, nationwide, worldwide by staying home and not spreading a deadly disease to our most vulnerable citizens. Even in our solitude, KVMR continues to keep our community together with news and music. Check out some cute pics of sequestered broadcasters making radio at home, and find more on facebook & Instagram . Thank you for figuring this out together, KVMR family!
Andy Dooley-Miller goes in the closet with his love for radio
Miss Jiff & audio engineer Chris Borges make a new show for May 7th! Special Guests Leah Shenandoah, Shonnie Bear, Bear Fox, Dan Nanamkin, and Landa Lakes (aka Miko Thomas!)
NEW SWAG! KVMR Bandana! Illustrated by Jerianne Van Dijk
It's a scarf, it's a mask, it's a towel, take it camping, hang it on your wall, tie it around your neck, tie it around your dog's neck! This 21st-century fashion accessory can only be yours by making a donation of $60 or more to KVMR [specify color in comments].
Kurt Vonnegut explains the SHAPE OF STORIES, or "Cinderella Gets Pantyhose"

Know your history! Rochester University's FREE CLASS on the Rolling Stones

John Giorno's Dial-a-Poem, since 1968. CALL (641) 793-8122. Yes, on the phone...

If you like SLAM POETRY you like rap

Kanye West's art-school portfolio on ANTIQUES ROADSHOW

COVID-19 takes New York's ROCK HEROES

Remember PIZZAGATE ? This guy does

Officially obsessed with EMBROIDERMATION

Take a tropical 2-minute VACATION

Julia Boorinakis-Harper interviews KIMBERLEY REW

Ultimate ambient-- 10 hours of a GLACIER MELTING

What RESTAURANTS are open in GV/NC for takeout?

KVMR deejay MERI ST MARY & Camen Hodges made a short film formatted for your iphone 9 DOORS

Regional orchestra Sierra Winds plays SHENANDOAH together on Zoom

FRIDA KAHLO 's photo album

KVMR's Marc Cuniberti has a MONEY WEBSITE

Something's happening HERE , what it is... is Spotify globally amalgamating genres we've never heard of
Creating FRESH MEAT Q&A: Broadcasters make shows from home
... Steve Baker's article on the whole conundrum...

Mon 5/4: Pet Sounds Mark Leviton 2-4PM, Monday Music Magazine Prickly Pear 4-6PM
Tues 5/5: Tues Music Magazine Johnny Gallagher 4-6PM, The Other Side Mikail Graham 8-10PM, Trance-It Lounge Bill Emerson 10PM-12AM
Weds 5/6: Music Grotto Andy Dooley-Miller 2-4PM, Weds Music Mag Connie Coale 4-6PM
It's been a full-time job not going totally nuts when there's nowhere to go, nothing to do, and little oversight. I'm coming from a place of optimism that some folks have been practicing things besides screaming into a pillow and staying up 'til 4AM when I say: Weirdest COVID-19 hobby wins a prize? Have you braided your beard into a bowl? Knitted a pantsuit out of aluminum cans? Dug a 10 ft hole in the backyard? Perhaps made a contraption you believe makes you invisible? SHOW US!

Prize (TBD) goes to most fully realized project. Submit photo/video & title of your "COVID-19 Hobby" to by May 14th. Winner announced on-air May 15th.
See you on the radio, KVMR family!