September 2020
Farmer's Market starting June 6th
Located in the Downtown Plaza every Saturday beginning June 6th thru end of September from 7-11 am

1st Responders Appreciation Lunch:
Friday, September 11th

Don't forget about our First Responders Appreciation Lunch, coming up!
We appreciate the support of our sponsors and look forward to a wonderful lunch in Strand Park to honor all local First Responders.
Bingo Under The Stars: September 24th
Come join us under the stars for a fun night of Bingo! Tables will be limited due to social distancing and only 6 people per table allowed.
Alex City Nutrition is coming to Downtown AC
Here is your FAST FOOD for HEALTHY PEOPLE! Healthy meal replacement shakes and loaded energy teas are headed to Downtown Alex City and we couldn't be more excited to welcome this new business! Follow their Facebook page for upcoming information and opening day.
"A Little Love" was a huge success!
We all needed "A Little Love" and that's exactly what Downtown AC received on this special night! A huge thanks to everyone that came out to support our community concert and also to the Wilson Brothers Band, Jason Tapley, Tre Cinco, Charlie Argo Music, ATK and Bo Jones for making this incredible night happen! We had such a blast and hope to do it again next year!
September Business Spotlight: Carib Kitchen
Owners Reyard and Dianne Khan are celebrating Carib Kitchen's 1-year anniversary last this month. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, the couple moved to the United States more than 20 years. For several years, they thought about opening a restaurant before finding the perfect location in downtown Alexander City on Broad Street.

The menu is a blend of Caribbean food and varies from day to day. They have great ratings on Facebook and, most importantly, are always giving back to the community in times of need.

Visit Carib Kitchen from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays
Meet David Boothe, Main Street Treasurer
Main Street couldn't operate without its board members and we want to introduce our Treasurer David Boothe.
Born and raised in Alexander City, Boothe is the owner of Dadix Inc., a computer and network services company. He has been involved with Main Street for about five years and think it's a great organization to highlight downtown, which he calls the face of Alex City.

We appreciate David's service on our executive board!
Main Street board meetings are on the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 pm located at the Main Street office for anyone who would like to attend!
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Other News on Main:
  • Check out our Facebook page to stay up-to-date on downtown businesses reopening, safe social distancing practices, and hours of operation