Well Summer is in Full Swing! And NAWIC Chapter #122 as well.

Maggie Monzingo provided us with education on Fall Prevention equipment as well as information on “The Tool Ladies” and their business history here in Tucson. Precision Tool can be seen at many of our community construction and safety events. We were Honored to have her as our July Speaker.

Our Annual Shirley Dail Bowling tournament is Almost a Sell-Out. As I am writing we have only 1 lane left open. I’m pretty sure it will be filled by the time you get to read this. This year is our Sweet 16 event. And it promises to be AWESOME. Even if you are not signed up, feel free to come on by and cheer on your friends, Saturday August 10th 1:00-3:00. We will have some Fabulous Raffle Prizes this year. Can’t wait to see Everybody there!

Then on August 14th we will have Randi Dorman talking to our group about her experience as a woman in the construction industry. Her husband is an architect and she is in the design/real estate realm. I’m excited to hear her perspective. After Randi’s presentation, I have a little something special planned for the group. Be sure to be present! You will not want to miss this. 😊😊

Enjoy the rest of you summer! Those of you will little ones, the start of school is getting close. Which means it’s a good time for a reminder