ALD was founded in 1958 when Kwame Nkrumah convened the First Conference of Independent States held in Accra, Ghana and attended by eight independent African states. The 15th of April was declared "Africa Freedom Day," to mark each year the onward progress of the liberation movement, and to symbolize the determination of the people of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation.

Between 1958 and 1963 the nation/class struggle intensified in Africa and the world. Seventeen countries in Africa won their independence and 1960 was proclaimed the Year of Africa. Further advances were made with the defeat of U.S. imperialism in Asia and the Caribbean. Imperialism responded to this tide of victories by assassinating revolutionary leaders and sending U.S. troops to Viet Nam. On the 25th of May 1963, thirty-one African Heads of state convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity (OAU). They renamed African Freedom Day "African Liberation Day" and changed its date to May 25th.

Join our upcoming "VIRTUAL STUDY GROUP" of brief films, readings and discussions by emailing your name and contact information to !
 Alternative News Sources
Its important that we as working and historical oppressed sectors of society all gather information and news from a wide array of non-traditional / non-corporate owned media.

We must think with an independent and critical mind, shifting through all of it and drawing our own independent conclusions.

Please check out these 12 sources by clickin on the titles:
  1. Black Agenda Report
  2. Black Workers for Justice
  3. The Real News
  4. Democracy Now
  5. Portside
  6. Common Dreams
  7. Africa
  8. Brazil
  9. Venezuela
  10. Russia
  11. Cuba
  12. China
Why Should I
Take The CENSUS?
  • Funding for our children's schools
  • Funding for nutrition programs
  • Funding for housing assistance
  • Funding for medical assistance

3 Ways You Can Take The Census:
  1. Type in your user ID code from your invitation you received in the mail and answer the questions
  2. Call (844) 330-2020 and take over the telephone
  3. Visit one of the following pop up locations and take the census in person
The "Trumpdemic" Produces The White Privilege to Terrorize
By John Pavlovitz
May 1, 2020
As a white man watching the Michigan protests of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home orders, all I could think was:
Black people don't get to do this.
Muslims don't get to do this.
Latinos don't get to do this.
People who don't look like this don't get to do this.
They don't get to swarm American capitol buildings in tactical gear with high-powered weapons, screaming in close proximity to police officers.
They don't get to dress up like Call of Duty cosplayers and attempt to physically intimidate politicians into bending to their wills.
They don't get to get to stop traffic in city streets decked out like they work at the Death Star and brazenly wield semi-automatic rifles.
They don't get to terrorize decent people and walk away.
Only white people get to do this.
This violence is a singular privilege afforded to caucasian men in America.
People of color aren't afforded this luxury.
They can't even get close to such ugliness.
Heck, they barely get to breathe.
No, they're shot as 12-year olds walking through the park with toy guns.
They're choked out selling cigarettes on street corners.
They're assassinated while unarmed in their cars during routine traffic stops.
They're gunned down in their homes by uninvited police officers.
They're driven into the pavement by overzealous security guards.
They're demonized as mothers declaring that their murdered children's lives mattered.
They're publicly vilified by white presidents for silently kneeling on NFL sidelines.
Black people don't get to to wear menacing masks or flash handguns on courthouse steps or accost strangers looking like dollar store stormtroopers, in an attempt to frighten people.

Please stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue practicing social distancing, handwashing frequently, wearing a mask, and staying home.
SWA Worker's Toolkit: Your Rights and the Covid19 Crisis
The Raleigh Workers Assembly prepared a COVID19 resource list.
Click  here  to view the list or go to .
A Prayer for Trump
Comedienne Rita Brent
Mama Africa featuring Andrew Tosh | Song Around The World | Playing For Change
Congo to the Mississippi | Playing For Change | Song Around The World feat. Grandpa Elliott