Tribal Transportation News
September 20, 2021
Upcoming Events
In recognition of October being National Pedestrian Safety Month, Cross Timbers Consulting is hosting a walking challenge! Walking is good for our physical, mental, spiritual, and social health. Our goal is to be healthier and happier as we go through our professional and personal lives. As transportation professionals, we recognize the importance of safety in a shared transportation network.

Cross Timbers wants to recognize pedestrian safety by challenging our friends and colleagues to walk 21 miles during the month of October. We hope that you will join us in this challenge! There will be prizes for those who participate and those that complete the challenge in addition to special prizes for the top walkers!
National Child Passenger Safety Week

The Tribal Injury Resource Prevention Center (NIRPC) is celebrating 2021 National Child Passenger Safety Week (September 19-25) by honoring our Tribal Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs)! Each day of the week we will highlight a TIPRC region (Pacific, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Alaskan) to showcase the work that they are doing in the field and in Indian Country. So be sure to check out the TIPRC’s social media for the shout outs! 
Save the Date
Tribal Transportation Training
This training is being hosted by
the Citizen Potawatomi Nation
and sponsored by
Cross Timbers Consulting, Premier Steel, and the FHWA.
Tribal Land Staff National Conference
Join us for the 11th Tribal Land Staff National Conference to be held April 5-7, 2022 at the Mystic Lake Center, located in the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community near Minneapolis. Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend, sponsor or exhibit at this important national event.
Funding Opportunities
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

FTA announcedNotice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $25 million through the American Rescue Plan to help public transportation agencies return service from COVID-19 suspensions in ways that can best serve their communities.

Under FTA's Route Planning Restoration Program, funding can be used for transit route restoration planning that is designed to examine ridership following the COVID-19 pandemic, reduce travel times and make adjustments to increase the quality or frequency of transit service for low-income riders and those in disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities who may need increased service to get to jobs, shopping and health care.

Projects will be selected, in part, on their ability to increase racial equity and advance environmental justice, in support of the President’s Executive Order on "Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government." The projects will also be examined for their impact on the climate, as referenced in the President’s Executive Order on "Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad." Transit agencies will be given additional consideration for projects that clearly reassess and plan for service that connects those in underserved communities, while helping cut down on car and other trips that increase emissions, particularly in those communities, which are often the most impacted by airborne pollution.

Eligible recipients include any urbanized area formula grant (Section 5307) recipient that has reduced transit service on or after January 20, 2020, due to COVID-19. The maximum award amount for any prospective applicant may be up to $1 million and a local match is not required.
Projects will be evaluated by criteria outlined in the NOFO. Apply by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on November 15, 2021.

FTA will host a webinar to provide information about the FY21 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Additional Assistance funding. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2021, at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

Join FTA program staff to learn more about the funding opportunity, eligibility, evaluation criteria and the submission process. No registration is needed for the webinar.

The NOFO announced the availability of $2.2 billion in discretionary funding for transit systems that need additional assistance to cover operating expenses related to maintaining day-to-day operations, cleaning and sanitization combating the spread of pathogens on transit systems and maintaining critical staffing levels.

FTA is committed to providing equal access to this session for all participants. If you need alternative formats, options, or services, please email

Apply Now for a $1500 Grant

It's that time of year! Our annual Community Change Grants are now open for applications. This beloved program aims to provide support to our growing network of advocates, grassroots organizers, organizations, and agencies using innovative, engaging, and inclusive programs and projects to create tangible change at the community level.
We are looking to fund projects that:
·    Increase physical activity and active transportation in a specific community
·    Work to cross engage people and organizations newer to the efforts of
walking and moving and walkability
·    Demonstrate a culture of antiracism and inclusive health and design
·    Support and cultivate connected, active and deeply engaged communities
Thanks to our Active People, Healthy Nation Partners for funding these catalytic projects. And this year, General Motors is funding ten additional $1,500 Community Change Grant projects in designated towns and cities with GM facilities!
Project Highlight
Walking Trail
The project for the Citizen Potawatomi Nation included the design and environmental assessment for a 0.6-mile walking trail located near their tribal complex. The walking trail was designed around an existing geothermal pond.
We would love to highlight one of your projects! Just contact us for more information about doing that.

Training Opportunities

2021 EDC Virtual Safety Summit Series
Sharing Success and Expanding Implementation to Save Lives

Safety innovations have been a cornerstone of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program since 2011, resulting in their rapid deployment and institutionalization, and the upcoming EDC Safety Summit Series will build on that momentum.
Featured EDC Initiatives

The summit series, scheduled for each Wednesday during September, will highlight seven safety initiatives, and share how they can save lives. The series will benefit those who are just beginning to implement these innovations, those who are further along and could gain from peer-to-peer engagement, and those with deployment stories to share. It will include opportunities to discuss hot topics with peers and establish relationships that can boost success now and in the future.

Each day of the series will kick off with FHWA leadership perspectives with opportunities for questions and answers, followed by interactive State and local presentations and a topic-based breakout session, as well as a local innovation safety showcase. There will also be engagement opportunities with other participants and peer-to-peer networking.

The summit will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET each day and is open to all State, local, and tribal stakeholders. Participants can join for one or all five Wednesdays.
ODOT Every Day Counts Webinar

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Center for Acceleration Innovation (CAI) has established an innovation network throughout each state in the country by uniting leaders and professionals, public and private, collectively known as State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC). STICs are led by the FHWA and State Department of Transportation. The STIC evaluates, decides, and implements transportation innovations for the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. The EDC program was established in 2011 that identifies and deploys transportation innovations that will enhance roadway conditions, improve efficiency, and increase safety. The EDC innovations are selected every 2 years, and we are currently on round EDC-6 (2021-2022). 
You can read more about EDC here:

"I’ve been attending the Oklahoma STIC meetings since 2011. These meetings bring transportation professionals from across the state to engage in information and idea exchanges. To stay connected and current with transportation developments in our state, I felt it was important to attend STIC meetings. A few years ago, I volunteered to join the sub-committee for special innovations (SCSI). The purpose of this sub-committee is to explore and promote special innovations that have been and are currently taking place in Oklahoma.

A few months ago, Teresa Stephens of ODOT took over the helm of the Oklahoma STIC SCSI. Under her direction, the STIC SCSI is proud to announce a webinar series featuring EDC innovations at work in Oklahoma. The first webinar will be held September 30th. Registration is free. You can sign up below."

Article written by Pamela Jurney of CTC
FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation Webinar 

Update on USDOT's Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program

October 20, 2021
2:00-3:00 Eastern Time

The next FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation webinar will be in a Q&A format to provide a more Tribally-driven discussion. We are asking that you submit questions by October 8, 2021 using this link, or email

The Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program (TTSGP) provides federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations with greater control, flexibility, and decision-making authority over federal funds used to carry out tribal transportation programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSAs) in tribal communities. The TTSGP also affords Tribes and Tribal organizations with specific rights and federal resources to implement and support their Self-Governance programs. 

Milo Booth, Director of Tribal Affairs, Office of the Secretary - Governmental Affairs, Department of Transportation
Note: The webinar platform link and other audio options will be provided well in advance of the event.

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Happening Soon
Click on the event name below for a link to more details

October 18-21 Oklahoma State Driving Championships & Conference
October 18-21 OTA Fall Conference and Roadeo in Durant, OK
October 25-28 TTPCC Meeting (tentative)

November 2 OTTC Meeting

Check out the full Calendar of Events on our website!

PO Box 567
Guthrie, OK 73044
